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Everything posted by KingCorrin

  1. Chapter 1: "The House" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His hand became a powerful source of light. He then listened to his family's and friends' voice for one last time. He pointed his hand to Grima. "As long as my bonds with my beloved ones are strong, you will never corrupt me… Checkmate!". A white beam, coming from his hand, hit Grima. The light was so strong that no one could see what was happening. David closed his eyes. When he opened them he couldn't see anything but darkness. "Where am I ?", he thought. "Is this death ?". Then a voice was heard: "The bonds with your friends proved strong young soldier". He was scared. What was that voice? How did it know him ? A good thing though was that he wasn't any more stressed if he was alive or not. He was there for a reason. "What do you want for me ? Why ME ?", he asked nervously, afraid of what the voice might tell him ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What? Why would you do such thing?" Cordelia asked. She was sure upset for what he said and nervous to find out what happened to him. "I… I don't know… When Grima was defeated, I awoke in a dark place. Something happened to me there. Afterwards, the only thing I remember was Morgan waking me up. I was holding this in my hands". He showed them a silver pendant. It was shining beautifully with the sun's rays. It had circular shape with a blue gem in the middle that could remind someone a calm sea. "She told me that a year had passed and I have no clue what I did in that year. I am sorry everyone, I just can't remember anything more", his face darkened. "Hey Dave! Its alright, everything is fine now. I must admit though you … you tend to have a lot of memory loses…". Chrom's comment made everyone laugh. "Haha. Well its not the greatest thing to happen to someone… This time though, I feel my memories are more important. "Gaaahhh. Why can't I remember …", he shaked his head furiously. "Wow dad, chill", Severa said. "Don't push yourself too hard. We are happy you are here and that is fine with us. If this pendant has some importance we will learn in time. Having you here is the only thing that matters". She gave him another hug. It was time for Morgan to speak. "Father. You only know what happened in that year. I believe that that the answers lie in this pendant. Mind if I take a look ?", she asked. "Of course keep it if you like", he told her and gave her the silver jewel. "Who's hungry ?" Cordelia asked. She felt that their conversation was getting awkward. Well, everyone was eager to find out about the pendant, but she only wanted her husband back. No more war, no more Risen, no more pendants, no more trouble. "You've got a lot to hear honey". they walked in to the house. This place… it brought him back a lot of memories, but he only chose one to remember. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So it is getting dark. Frederick! Tell everyone that we will stay here this night. Prepare the tents !" Chrom ordered. It was a rough day for the Shepherds. They had just ended the Mad King's reign of injustice and insanity. They saved the people of Ylisse, Plegia, Ferox from a bloody war. And so they had taken the long route back to Ylisstol. Rest was the only thing they wanted, so camping in this green valley definitely came in handy. David was indeed exhausted. His chances with Cordelia were increased by the fact he had the last word on the army's positions in battle. He was the tactician after all and of course he took advantage of this and always paired-up with her when in battle. As a result, they forged a great friendship. The bad thing was that each time he thought he could finally be with her, she always spoke about Chrom and he was convinced that he was trapped in friend zone. David had just set up his tent when Vaike got in. "Hey Dave! Mind if I come in?" He asked. "Sure! Why not?" David replied. Vaike smiled. "Dave you know I know why you seem troubled this days. I believe the rest of the Shepherds know as well …" David's eyes were opened wide. He froze. His skin got pale. "Wha- … what do you mean ?" He couldn't allow himself to be discussed at this rate among his friends. It was embarrassing. If Cordelia knew, if she knew… "Don't you look at me like that! You like Cordelia don't you?" Busted. His face got as red as... cherries... "O-… Of course not !" He shouted. "How would you ever believe that? I am a tactician and I don't have time for stupid romances. Get the *ell out of here" "Haha. Let the "Teacher" finish. Of course a great warrior like me is a great friend as well …" "What do you mean ?" "I got info. Juicy kind of info" "What info could you possibly have that I don't ?" "Hahaha … so you do care. Anyway there is a rumour about her. That she likes someone from here and that someone might not be Chrom" David heart was pumping intensively. "Maybe … why not", he thought … "How do you know Vaike?". "We're friends remember? Well the minute we saw you too talking we were sure something was going on and so I put Gaius … you know… to gather some info. You don't have to thank me by the way" So far so good he thought. But Vaike was Vaike. He never did anything without a small reward. "And how much is that info going to cost me?" "Let's say… With some info of yours…". Wow! That's something new he thought. "You are not the only… That has his heart bleeding for someone else…" "Oh man…" He thought again. Was he the Vaike he knew? Either way, he was expressing his most inner feelings to him and David felt proud. He thought that he had some real friends. "Who is it Vaike… Sully ?" "Oh gods no. Why would I want someone to yell at me all the time?… It is definitely Tharja". WOW. Vaike not only told him that Cordelia might hold some feelings for him, but also that he could solve the "Tharja problem". Tharja was always stalking him. She was stalking him so much that he asked help from Chrom. He ordered her to stop. With no luck of course. "I know she obsession about you, but can you do something so she could forget you?". "And by forgetting me you mean falling in someone else's arms? Honestly know why Tharja Vaike?" Vaike blushed. "Ergh… consider it personal taste. You never choose who you fall in love with. Besides, when we're at the battlefield, I feel so special around her. She knows so much about magic and has saved my life a couple of times. All these made me to think that after the war it would b better for me to return to my home, at my village, but not alone and live a happy life. Facing death every day was not what I had thought it was" "You're right. I wish the best to you man and I'll see what I can do", David said. "Yes! I knew I could count on you! You are a great friend David" "We-" was interrupted by someone. Oh yes… He definitely smelled cherries. There was only one person who had that scent. "Hi Cordelia! How can I help?" His face lit up. "Care for a walk?" "Sure, lets go", and so they left his tent. Vaike winked at him in a way that he was like telling him "Good luck bro". They were walking under the night sky. "What is it Cordelia?" "David there is something I need to tell you". "Yes! That's it", he thought. "Frederick told me that with Emmeryn's death, Chrom will be the new exalt and that the new exalt is searching for a queen…" That moment. That moment was when he felt that he was stroked by Thoron. He was breathing slowly. His heart was broken. He had done anything and she still cared for a man she hadn't even had a proper conversation with. It was devastating. Then, he saw someone around 50 meters away coming at them. It was a Risen. Sniper. In a blink of an eye, it took an arrow and aimed at them. "Cordelia watc-… Gaaaaah…" The pain was real. He didn't even finish his words. The arrow passed through his chest. He was bleeding badly. "Co… I…" He closed his eyes. The last thing he saw was her carmine red hair and her beautiful eyes... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "DAD! What are you doing? Won't you sit down with us?" A loud voice interrupted his thoughts. "I am sorry… I was lost in thought. So, what has mum cooked?" He asked. "Your favourite. Bear meat" My oh my, talk about great food. "David!" Chrom interrupted. "We don't find our best tactician very often. You know the citizen of Ylisse venerate you as a hero. That means we must hold a ceremony for your return!" "Chrom I don't thi-". "Nonsense! The king has spoken! We will begin tomorrow!". "If you insist…" "But Chrom… What about Cynthia…?" Severa asked. "Oh! It totally slipped my mind. Well I haven't told her anything yet, so It doesn't matter, we'll go together", Chrom said. "Great! Dad, Chrom invited me to join the Shepherds. Would you allow me to?", she asked politely. But she got no answer. "David! Are you alright honey?" Cordelia asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "David! David Are you alright ? Talk to me, damn it!" "Easy! Cordelia he needs rest. Let Lissa do her job. You don't get hit by an arrow very often", Chrom tried to make her smile. She had got through a lot. "He's opening his eyes!" Lissa said with relief. "Dave! Dave… Can you hear me pal?" Chrom asked. "Aargh… my chest. What happened?" he awoke, at last. "You got hit by an arrow you fool! That's what happened. Why would you do something this careless?" Cordelia was clearly mad at him. "Well… excuse me for saving you life miss, it won't happen again", he still remember what Cordelia told him last night about Chrom. He maybe was fine with her choice, but his heart was definitely not. A good reason for a small argument. "You… Jerk", she shouted at him and left. Chrom frowned. "David! She saved your life. When she brought you here you were bleeding badly, if she wasn't there you… What the heck man! Is that a way of saying thank you?" Chrom was certainly frustrated. "Finished!" Lissa told with relief. "Phew… I don't want to imagine a life without our staffs… Be careful David. There won't be someone to watch your back all the time". Lissa, who was certainly exhausted from healing David, left in order to rest. With the staff's magic any wound could be healed. Any pain could go away, but only physical. David's broken heart couldn't be cured by them. David got out of the bed. "Chrom… I am sorry..." "Hey no need to apologise. I will always understand. Now, tell her you're sorry!" He winked at him (as well). "I will, thanks" He felt strange. Like he was powerful. Undeniably, his friends gave him this strength and he couldn't be more grateful. And so he ran to find Cordelia. It wasn't an easy job as it was proved. She wasn't in her tent and no one had seen her, but he could guess where she was. She was sitting right where she was before the attack of the Risen sniper. He listened to her crying. He approached her gently. "Cherry? Are you fine?" He asked. She immediately whipped her tears and replied. "No…" "Cherry, I am sorry … I shouldn't have shouted at you. I saved you, you saved me I think we are already even", she smiled. "Cordelia", he continued, "I would do anything to see everyday this beautiful smile of yours. You know what? I just can't take it anymore, I almost died without telling you that I… I was, I mean... I am in love with you. Ever since I saw you, ever since I smelled this "cherry" scent of yours, ever since I thought that our characters match. I could never forgive myself, if I lost you. I would get hit by a million arrows, in order for you to be safe. But there is Chrom. My best friend. Maan, I'm so jealous of him. He has the most beautiful and the smartest girl falling for him. That's why lost my temper. I … I-" she put her lips on his, they kissed. Finally his dream came true. He wanted it to last forever. "I know" she said. "But you were wrong, I don't love Chrom. I love you. I wanted to tell you that he chose Sumia and that she asked me to be her best woman" "Hmmm", he thought, while holding her tight in his arms. "I overreacted again… phew…" That's all he needed to hear. Those beautiful words "I love you". He finally wasn't alone in this world. Of course he had his friends, but having someone that you know will forever be there for you, have a "soulmate", is priceless. Love is undeniably one of life's greatest miracles. "In love one plus one makes one" He stood up. "I promise to make you the happiest woman on earth. One day I'll buy this land, this magical land and we'll stay here together in our house". She put her hands behind his neck. "Hmmm I already am the happiest. But it would be indeed nice to live here…", she kissed him again. He was living his dream. Finally, not alone, that's for sure, but with the only person he ever wanted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "David! Are you alright honey?" Cordelia asked. "I am fine Cherry. How couldn't I be ? I have all you here by my side. Am I dreaming or what?" She smiled at him beautifully and gave him a quick kiss. "Let's have lunch then" "Oh and Severa… Of course dear! Why wouldn't I let you? But please be nice with the others, okay?" "Dad… you know I am not the immature girl I was when you first met me" "I know honey" David's family and Chrom had a wonderful lunch together. They talked, they laughed, they enjoyed life. And when the night came they went to sleep. Well apart from our lovebirds, of course, they had a lot to discuss. And when the day light came, everyone had big smile on their face. They took breakfast, packed their things and were ready to go to Ylisstol for the huge ceremony that awaited them. "Lets get going everyone! Chrom said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you want for me? Why ME?", he asked nervously, afraid of what the voice might tell him. "We want you to sacrifice yourself once more, in order for the world to be safe at last". "You can't be asking me such thing. Why? No… I did everything already" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hey guys I am back. This chapter took me a while to finish it, sorry about that. This practically means that the "bad guy" will be 99% "mentioned" in the next Chapter. SO in this chapter I wanted to briefly describe David's confession to Cordelia. How I imagined it… I know the flashbacks produce small gaps in the story, or make it a bit boring, but I felt it didn't matter this time. It was a story that I felt I had to tell. Again, I want to thank everyone for their support so far. I can surely promise that the story will only get better from here. You can always pm me for ideas that could improve the story or review so I can become better and more mature as a writer. Please don't mind if there are grammatical errors…No copyright intended. Until next time Cya ;) J. D. King
  2. Thank you for your greeting and your invitation! I would definitely consider it! (-I believe I won't forget to read the rules and all!-) :D Thanks! Well my legs were in a bit of pain, but I'm feeling better now (*cough *cough cold-pun reply) ^.^ Thanks! Haha! My profile pic is just a meme that made me laugh for a while. Robin(MU-Avatar) can marry almost every female character in the game and thus he is the shipping lord. I just used this as my profile pic so any fire emblem awakening fan who would see it laugh too :P Well as far as my work is concerned (which in fact is available to read in the writer section here) has some interesting and unpredictable shippings which I hope you like (if you are interested in reading it of course :P). :) Thanks Ephraim! I believe it will be great and productive! :D (lol your reply reminded me of "Man of Steel" movie. When Lois tells Clark "Welcome to the Planet!" referring to "Daily Planet" the newspaper) Thanks! I'm glad you liked my goal :) I hope you enjoy my work (if of course are interested in reading it xD ) Haha! Thanks! Well not flashy ^.^ just honest :)
  3. Quick Summary: This story is set after the events of Fire Emblem : Awakening. The male Avatar/David faces a new threat far greater than he or anyone could ever imagine. Will he be consumed by the upcoming darkness or will the light inside him prevail? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Many historians, poets, and bards did their best to recount David's deed's, though everyone agreed though in one thing . . . ____________________________________________________________________________________ Prologue: "The End's Beginning" ____________________________________________________________________________________ He was silent. In front of him he saw himself, lying powerless on the beast's body. "David", corrupted by Grima, the fell dragon. Then instantly he listened to Naga's voice once again … "If Chrom takes the final blow, Grima will be put in another 1000 years slumber. But in order for Grima to vanish permanently, you David must deliver the final hit." … "That's how I died in the future. My conscious was taken over by him. My emotions weren't strong enough to resist the dark inside me" he thought. "David don't do it! You can't" Chrom shouted, in a desperate try not to lose his best friend. David, Ylisse' s Tactician, remained silent. He looked around him. Then, he was staring at a particular person. ____________________________________________________________________________________ "Your highness, my prince! I am afraid I must deliver bad news! " the messenger said. He looked terrified. "What is it, hierarch? You look shocked." Chrom replied. "Ylisstol my prince, it … it has fallen sir. " "It can't be… David! We must think of a new plan now!" the prince ordered. "No way…" David shed a tear. "Its … my fault, Chrom, Emmeryn … I am sorry … How many were lost ?" The tactician was shocked by the news. Who wouldn't? Houses were torn apart and others were burned, only to become nothing more but ashes. "More than a thousand sir, I am afraid. Including some of our finest pegasus knights". David couldn't forgive himself. This marked his first failure as a tactician. He wasn't thinking straight and of course he blamed himself for this. The rest Shepherds lowered their heads. "My lady… I… I am-" He barely could speak. When Chrom had found him unconscious in the valley, he saw David's potential as a tactician. It was David's duty to protect him, but he failed today and miserably. "There is no need to apologise David, everything will go fine. I must go back to Ylisstol. I must help my people. Chrom you should take care of the Fire Emblem. Huh?" Suddenly, they saw a white pegasus flying above them. The rider gently hit the pegasus with their boot, as an order for the mythical creature to land. The rider rushed at the exalt. "My lady I will deliver bad ne-" the rider tried to speak, but Emmeryn told her to stop. "I already know. The hierarch told us." Emmeryn replied. "But how my lady ? I was the only survivor of the pegasus knights… I was the only one to flee." They seemed confused. A wave of wyvern riders appeared in the horizon. They knew Emmeryn was there and had the Fire Emblem with her. "Oh no …." Emmeryn's eyes revealed her fear. "I am sorry my exalt. They told me that they would kill me." The hierarch said. "That's how you knew the news before me!" The rider said. In a blink of an eye, the hierarch started running away and escaped. "Hey! How would you betray us? Come back here, coward!" Chrom shouted out of anger. "David, Shepherds, everyone we must stand by for battle!" The battle was indeed rough, but quick. Vasto the Plegian's wyvern rider forces commander was exceptionally skilled and had a well trained army. In the end though, the Shepherds won thanks to David's great tactics, Chrom's battle instinct and the pegasus knight's skill. Some of them were injured, but Lissa' s and Maribelle' s staff took care of them. David then went to thank the pegasus rider. "My I couldn't be more thankful for your help …" David tried to learn the knight's name. "Oh, Cordelia! My name is Cordelia". She pulled her helmet off her head. David was astonished by her beauty. Cordelia had long straight red hair, white as snow skin and beautiful red eyes. "There is no need to thank me. Your tactics brought us the victory". David could barely speak. "Is everything okay ?" She asked. David blushed. "Yeah sorry I just remembered I need to talk to Chrom". A quick excuse for him to leave and stop embarrassing himself. He wasn't very good with women. He was always anxious around them. He thought they found him boring. Alongside his memories, the feeling of love was forgotten as well. A feeling that he remembered today. ____________________________________________________________________________________ "David! There must be another way! I won't lose my best friend! I beg you... Please!" Chrom was desperately trying to convince David not to kill Grima. David remained silent. His other self was unconscious, lying on the floor. He was still unsure what to do. Then, he listened a familiar voice. "David ! When you proposed me, you made me the happiest woman on earth. I want to keep you close to me for the rest of our days. David I love you! I need you! Don't you turn your back at me!" "Cherry this for your own good." He liked to call her "Cherry" as her signature red hair reminded him cherries as well as her scent. The scent of his woman was, for him, priceless. "For the good of our children." he continued. "I … I don't want be responsible for the death of more people, even if they die 1000 years from now. I can destroy him once and for all. You, Severa, Morgan can finally have a good life, you can shape a world that I will have ensured that is safe. I don't want you to live in fear anymore. I don't want any other future Severa or Morgan to lose their parents, or their beloved ones. He started crying. "I … I love you too much… Sorry, but I hope one day you will understand." "Nooo! What are you doing! You fool. Stop!" Severa shouted. "Dad … I know I wasn't the most loveable daughter … I only want us to be a family once and for all. Please … you promised me that you'll stay with me!" She stayed close to her mother. Her legs were shaking, she couldn't bare the stress of losing her father once again. "I'm sorry if I hurt you with my manners, I'll change!" She shouted out of desperation. "Father! No… You mean everything to me… Don't do it. Chrom Hurry!" Morgan shouted. Chrom, though, stood still, listening to them. His family was crying. They begged him to stay. He broke his silence once again, with tears running down his cheeks : " I am sorry everyone. Don't worry, I will always be close to you. You see … we are all connected with the bonds we forged together! I will forever be close to you as long as I live in your heart. This is the most mystical and powerful spell of all, love. I hope I will return. Cordelia, my children, Chrom… Everyone… It was an honour to meet you, thank you for everything, I just hope you understand. Farewell…" His hand became a powerful source of light. He then listened to his family's and friends' voice for one last time. He pointed his hand to Grima. "As long as my bonds with my beloved ones are strong, you will never corrupt me… This is a checkmate Grima!". A white beam, coming from his hand, hit Grima. The light was so strong that no one could see what was happening. When they could finally see, they stood in the ground, David, though, was nowhere to be found. What remained was the dragon's bones. Everyone mourned David's apparent death. Chrom, when he stopped, was the first to speak. "Don't cry everyone! David was right! He is and will always be in our hearts! And… And…" he became excited at this point. 'As Naga said, David might be somewhere out there. Our bonds must be strong enough to keep him alive. I will find him, even if it takes the rest of my life, I will find you David! Do you hear me? I will create a better world. A world which you gave us." He wasn't afraid for his friend's luck anymore. He was sure that David was alive and he was determined to find him. It was Cordelia's turn to speak. "Chrom is right! We will find you David. I will find you my love." Cordelia's and Chrom's words brought hope into each of the Shepherds' heart. Everyone was sure that David was lying somewhere, hoping to be found. "David! Do you hear me! You better stay alive! " Sully said. Each part of the team swore to find David. Everyone had hope except Severa. She was shocked, again. Something changed inside her that night. She decided that she should change and become a better person. A person that her father would want her to be. Her heart seemed that would never be cured from this incident. Inside her she was feeling the pain. The pain that she felt when her parents died in the first time. This time it was different, though. She didn't blame herself, she didn't want to blame anyone. She wanted to abandon her old self. She didn't want any more pain and that meant to change. Morgan, on the other hand, never stopped believing that her father survived. It was Chrom's words that gave her strength and hope. Was her bonds with her father strong enough? She was sure that this was the case. ____________________________________________________________________________________ One year later... ____________________________________________________________________________________ Chrom approached a wonderful house, built alongside nature. It had a large beautiful garden filled with trees, bushes and flowers. It was certain that someone had devoted themselves to it. Chrom stopped walking and remained still. He took a deep breath. "Aaah… There is nothing better than life at nature. The fresh air is all I need," he thought. Living in a castle was surely a rough thing for Chrom, as he rarely went out. He had become really responsible and worked hard. He was Ylisse's Halidom exalt after all and he had done a great job restoring peace and uniting all the kingdoms. Finally, he knocked the door. "Good morning Crodelia!" he said. "How are you? Morgan is coming as well in a few minutes. May I come in?" he continued. "Of course my lo- ehm, Of course Chrom! Its been a while since you've visited me. Has Morgan been any helpful?" She asked. "Haha. Well its always a pleasure to visit the leader of our Pegasus Knights Squadron. Indeed, Morgan has proved to be quite the tactician. With her help, we've finally brought peace to our country. She helped with the "Treaty of Ylisstol" and with her genuis thinking we have eliminated at least 90% of the bandits that once burned villages and destroyed the homes of thousands, including the infamous "Twins". He talked with passion for Cordelia's daughter. "She is undeniably David's kid". Cordelia shed a tear. "He would have been proud," she said. "Get inside! Severa has already come and waited for you. She had something to ask you," she said. Chrom definitely felt guilty at this point. He had tried finding David with no luck. He was convinced that he was gone. He had to stop searching though, as it had been an expensive task (buying equipment, feeding the paladin's horses, etc.), but he always missed his old friend. He got into the house. Cordelia had done a great work with the place. Everything was in order. The chairs, the paintings, the vases, everything. She was a perfectionist after all. Chrom took a seat. "Food will be ready in any minute". Cordelia said. "How's Sumia and the kids?" "They are quite fine thank you! Lucina is getting better at her sword technique and I believe she is ready to become the head general of our army. Cynthia… Well… Cynthia is as always cheerful, clumsy, but exceptional with a lance. She had a great teacher after all…" Cordelia smiled. She heard footsteps. It was Severa. "Hey … Chrom". She was speaking with an aggressive tone. "Why? You had vowed to find him. Don't you remember that?" "Of course and I remember. Severa I had to. You were right, our bonds weren't as strong as I thought. But he will alw-" "Nonsense! I was wrong. I want to be wrong. You were his friend. Find him! I can't take it anymore, Chrom. Life's became a pain." She was crying. Her tears broke Chrom's heart. "Honey! Its alright…" Cordelia gave her a hug. Severa put her head on Cordelias shoulder. She was unable to control her emotions. "Don't worry. I haven't lost my faith." She said. "We haven't searched Valm yet. Sorry Chrom. She hasn't got over it yet. Honey, sit down. You know it's unfair talking to Chrom like this. He is our king and our friend. You know he tried his best". Severa nodded her head. "I am sorry Chrom. It's just hard for me… Its like the old days." "Hey! It is hard for everyone. I live everyday with the burden that I could have saved him. I know. But you know as well how much your exceptional sword skills are needed by the Shepherds," he said. He tried changing subject, because he always felt uncomfortable talking about David. His order, to stop searching for him was hard for everyone. "But I thought the war was over," she seemed confused. "Yes it is. But we must always be prepared for anything that might occur. Should I send Cynthia to come and pick you tomorrow for training?" He needed Severa's talent. She could easily beat anyone, but Chrom or Lucina with her sword. She always believed that falchion was the reason of their win. The Shepherds hadn't change. They only became more experienced and famous across the land, as they were the king's best crew. A crew that slew the fell dragon. A crew that united Ylisse. Severa had always being rejecting his proposal, because she spent most of her time searching the lands for her father. This time though she felt that it was time to reunite with her friends and fight, if needed, alongside them. "Thanks Chrom. I believe its time for me to say yes. With one condition, though. Promise me that you will continue searching. Promise me!" "Okay. I will. So I'll tell Cynthia to come here at the dawn. Thank you Severa. Your sister needed you. As a matter of fact, where is Mo-" he stopped talking as he heard a loud sound. "Craaaack!" Something definitely broke. They went to see what happened. They got out of the house, only to find Morgan laying down next to the broken, of course, white fence. Immediately, they helped her get up. "Damn it Morgan!" Severa shouted. "It took me a while to make that fence. Now I got to-" Morgan interrupted her. "Mum, Chrom, Sister! He's back!" She was ecstatic. Her face was shining brightly. It was the happiest day of her life. Anyone could tell. And she had quite a smile. The red haired tactician continued. "I've found him Mum! After a year of searching. Dad is alive!". Everyone was shocked by the news. "Could it be?" Cordelia asked. Severa, on the other, started again crying, not from sadness but from joy, this time. An emotion she had long to feel. Chrom was chuffed to bits as well. "Where is he?" he asked nervously. "Ta - da !" Morgan said cheerfully. A man approached them. He had brown hair, seemed muscular and (of course) wore a black and golden robe. He was speechless. He finally saw his family again. Cordelia rushed at him. "Dave… I thought I wouldn't see you again. I never ever lost hope for you. My love". She put her lips on his. She kissed him with passion. He missed her kiss and her scent. "Cherries". When she stopped Severa came close. "You …" She slapped him in the face and hugged him. "How could you do this to me. Do you know how much I cried. Dad, why did you break your promise? You promised to be with me! Never do this again!". He kissed her at her cheek. Chrom told him: "David. Its so good to see you back! But, I must tell you that I did it! I finally made your dream true! Peace has been restored once and for all! Man how much I missed you". Chrom gave him a hug as well. "We have a lot more to tell." he said. It was David's turn to speak. "I… I… am sorry everyone. You have been through a lot because of me. But I had to. I had to. Forgive me". "Consider it done!" Cordelia said. "Come we have a lot to discuss about". "Cherry, everyone, there is something more… Please forgive me once more, because after what happened, I was away this whole year on purpose." He lowered his head. He stopped smiling. "What?" Everyone said at the same time. "Why would you do such thing?" Cordelia asked with surprise. ____________________________________________________________________________________ A/N: Hello everyone! I am J.D. King a huge fan of Fire Emblem : Awakening (or FE:A). I have read a lot of great stories from other authors and I believe its time for me to tell my own story about Chrom, Avatar and the rest. Keep in mind that this is the first time I am doing such thing (I am a bit inexperienced) and I might not update constantly (busy life). In this small pilot chapter I wanted to relate how Avatar/David met and fell in love with Cordelia and start my story smoothly with their reunion. I aim to become a better author. An author that will provide you with quality stories. Someone who will one day create an "Epos" and through it people can smile and be excited or inspired. So what you thought about the "Prologue"? That's what reviews are for. I accept both bad and good. Please refer if you are reviewing a specific chapter or the story as a whole. I use them to see what you like and don't, so I can improve myself. Next chapter will be uploaded fast. No copyright intended. Please don't mind any grammatical errors. Until next time, Cya! ;) J.D. King
  4. Hello everyone! My name is J.D. King and I am a huge fire emblem fan since awakening. I've also played sacred stones (I was in the nintendo ambassador program :P). Also, I am a writer of fanfics with my most recent (and first) work to be a sequel to fire emblem awakening, called "Fire Emblem: Beyond Awakening"(I write in "fanfiction"). I joined this forum because I heard that it is consisted of people that share the same passion for the game as me. :) It's nice to know you are not the only one (:/) and I would definitely like to meet new people. I have a dream both as a person and as a writer. As a person I am studying so I can pass my exams, but in my free time I want to write quality chapters for my Fire emblem fanfic. As a writer I don't want to write only, but I want to inspire with my work and through it I can make people happy. That's my dream, to spread some smiles in the world with my work, write an "Epos". Regards, J.D. King :D
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