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Posts posted by BurningCandy

  1. How would a Knight/General Subaki fare? Bolded skills are skills which I know can go on Subaki.


    Married: F-Kamui (secondary picked as Knight, +Str -Res)

    Buddied: Asama? Maybe?

    - Lancefaire (dmg bonus when using lances)

    - Swallow Strike (helps low Speed)

    - Vantage (?) or maybe Sol?

    - Renewal (?)

    - Not sure what to put here. I'm still a noob. Astra?

  2. I think the main problem is that they put fanservice where it's not needed.

    For example, DLC Witch, and the Dark Mage line, and even Maid don't try to pretend they AREN'T fanservice. They clearly are fanservice, clearly are meant to be 'sexy'. Their *whole* design is 'sexy.'

    But Wyvern Rider, Falcoknight, and lots of other classes have random fanservice all over them. Like Camilla's boob strap and panty hole in a design that didn't need it, or Charlotte's weird perpetual upskirt thing when she would have been fine wearing a normal skirt or shorts or whatever.

  3. I still haven't gotten over it, it's just mind-boggling how they allegedly spent so much time on the story and THIS is what they came up with. Wasn't there anyone responsible for the story over there to check the overall quality?

    I'm sorry, I know this isn't very constructive or anything but...I'm still absolutely baffled.

    After the writer (Kibayashi? I forgot) wrote the game's script, it's likely it was changed a bit to 'fit the game' or whatever. Almost all stories for types of media which aren't novels are meddled with to 'make it more appealing' or whatever. IMO they just made this game's story terrible.

    Apparently Kibayashi wrote 500 pages for each route, and I'd really like to see his original idea.

  4. Does anyone have translations of the Hero Song cards? I'd like to see what the poems actually say. Especially Eirika's, Nowi's, Adult Tiki's poems.

    Edit: Me and my friend translated Nowi's and Tiki's.


    Crush them flat with dragon's breath!*

    Nowi's strong and prepared!

    Come on, let's go!



    Tell me where we will meet in the distant night sky, Onii-chan.**

    **Approximate translation.

    Does anyone have a translation of Eirika's card?

  5. Hi. Even thought I don't have the game, I was thinking of my Avatar's stats and wanted to see how good/bad she would be...


    1st Class: White Blood

    2nd Class: Dragon Rider (Should I take Peg Warrior instead? Or something else?)

    +Luck, -Res (Is lucky, thickheaded)


    Personal Skill (Charm... Charisma.... something like that.)

    Cut Through (if Dragon Rider gets it)

    Deadly Breath (if Dragon Rider promotes to Revenant Knight)

    I also was thinking about Tsubaki...

    Since his Skill and Defense have 50 and 45 respectively, as their growths, a class that takes advantage of those would be good. Skill means good crit/hit chances and Defense means tankiness.

    Obviously he will have to rely mainly on his Str, since his Magic isn't that great.

    Since I'm likely to only get Hoshido, maybe marrying Oboro would be good for him.

    This passes on Lancer, which can promote to Holy Lancer.

    The other option for him is Setsuna, which would give Bowman/Holy Bowman to him. I personally think he would make a good archer, with his Skill/Def growths.

    Does the F!Avatar pass on her secondary class?

  6. There's always the demonisation of hated characters, but what annoys me is either a character being sucked from "the real world" or a handful of original characters in a canon universe who manage to outshine everyone else.

    I tend to really enjoy bad fanfiction though, so I actually kinda welcome a lot of these horrors.

    I once saw an interesting fic where yes, a chara was sucked from the real world, but they kept messing up the games "script" and they kept dropping hints that she wasnt belonging there.

    Like, she couldn't fight in a battle, battles were literally the gameplay, and Chrom said "We'll know when to go once we get a... Signal", referencing tapping the icons on the map, and when she asked, he denied it entirely, pretending that Gameverse was real.

    And then it was disconyinued :T

    edit: Sorry for necroposting.

  7. Ok, thank you.

    All the areas around my house are slopes, lol XD

    So I have been down a slope.

    Or mangle your face really badly because you don't know how to stop yet.

    Skating is like riding a bike: if you learn how to balance and stop, it should come to you more easily. Balancing is the hard part, but once you figure out how to do it (everyone's different, so I can't exactly tell you how to find it since it's a center of gravity thing), everything else comes naturally. Bending your knees into a squat generally helps with things since your core will be more stable..

    Ok, so I'll work on my balance. It's already improved quite a bit since I've started XD

  8. I'm not sure if this is necroposting.

    I'll try to explain

    A language is made of many sounds (phonemes, or samples) that are strung together to make words.

    A collection of these sounds ready for synthesis is a voicebank.

    Each voicebank is made of those sounds. For example, a japanese voice one would have all the sounds in the japanese language. So 'ka' sound, 'ba' sound etc is all in there.

    These sounds are recorded and placed in a folder.

    When I say 'record a sample' I am asking you to record a sound from a language and upload it to the folder.

    In the original post of the Vocaloid Otaku thread, I gave you a list of sounds in each language that I need.

    It's in the 'reclist' or recording list for short.

    'six seconds' - When you record your sample you hold it for 6 seconds.

    Pitch - The note pitch, so like a note? The musical notes are C, D, E F G A B C.

    If I say C3 then I mean C in the third octave. You would record your sound sample at one of the pitches I gave you back at the original thread.

    Eclipse- Well, a young boy's voice is usually quite high pitched, so perhaps upload it to the male voice but in a higher octave? Does that make sense?

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