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Everything posted by Psych

  1. How exactly have I not been making sense? And anyway, through the last few pages, you seem to have cleared up in my eyes, since Elieson is getting a lot weirder. It wasn't really a case for Elieson versus me, it's more of Elieson is looking weird or something I don't really remember where I was going with this but it had a really great reason and it was like not him specifically but something like that like people in general wow i am rambling As a matter of fact, I don't really care about the other people on the wagon, but ##Unvote, Vote Elieson, because something is just not right here. First he doesn't want us to reveal reads, then someone (I think it was him too) doesn't want us to reveal town reads, and then he wants us to scum hunt more and all of this is basically Elieson is massive scum or recently suffered a concussion. Snike is giving me a vibe. I can't really pick out one post in particular or anything but he seems to be helping and not doing something like Elieson is and just trying to save his own hide. Admittedly this wouldn't apply a few hours ago, but Cam has been posting a bit more since then. Aere is changing my mind, but it was probably these posts here. also please look below on my opinion on town reads you are bad and you should feel bad Why do I have to follow the same play style every game? I believe Prims and Eclipse have both brought this up in past games multiple times, but just because I don't feel like doing something one day doesn't suddenly mean I'm scum. If I want to call everyone out on their idiotic bullshit then I'm going to call them out on their idiotic bullshit. also i am not even joking go look at me in menly men i was awful Prims probably isn't being amazing because he's a passive role? Or because not everyone has to be amazing all the time? Now, if he wanted to claim doc instead of PGO then hey, that's a pretty damn nice plan I would probably try and have it fail horribly though. Also, I like how you say some of your claims here are on meta, then go and berate Aere here for using Meta as his claim. You aren't helping yourself with me. I don't think my vocabulary has any correlation to my alliance, and just for the record, siding against you =/= not contributing. Something about this last part seems off to me but I can't put my finger on it. (This is part to prove Elieson's ISO thing wrong, buttttt....) this is dumb and you should feel dumb sharing reads of any kind is always a good thing. It can't hurt to share how you are feeling and help get things out in the open. It's not like the mafia is suddenly going to bandwagon or something on that person or whatever. also this too i like this
  2. blame from who? also if you aren't confirmed or seeming particularly town, you're scummy by default. sorry, but that's how it works. right now I'd say eclipse and prims are leaning town for me, and maybe cam and snike. Kay is either trying too hard scum or ineffectual town. everyone else is varying degrees with Aere and BBM and Elieson and you leading the pack also these are bad reasons because wow I'm playing better than you rein. what exactly am I not doing? and second, there's much mmore of a reason to vote for Elieson than there is for me.
  3. can someone explain the psych case, because I'm not seeing it?
  4. Since when was my role from SFMM2?
  5. You know for sure that when I yell at you for being an idiot, you're being really fucking stupid.
  6. Pretty sure picking a role won't give you a posting restriction. I just wanted to yell at you guys for being idiots.
  7. also ha do you know how shit my scum play is
  8. scummy: everyone as no one else has claimed or been confirmed as town also the way I see it is we have the following options Lynch Prims: See what Prims role actually is Lynch Someone else: See what their role is and have a claim from Prims if you notice, one gives us more information while keeping the other part of the information alive also in regards to scummy people, I'm currently leaning Kay, Aere, and Elieson, and then BBM is like a tier below that also I feel weird towards eclipse right now, but I'm not sure if it's good or bad
  9. Dracos started being from Pegasi and with lances, not to mention GBA and SNES games where they used lances, but then 9 and 10 and now 13 have suddenly shoved them into Axes.
  10. I bring this up because I just thought of it now since I just hit Morty in HeartGold, but Venonat can do pretty damn good in the gym, since of Confusion. The other psychics at this point will be taking super effective damage from Nightshade and Lick and things, but Venonat still has a psychic move that hits everyone for super effective damage while not taking any itself.
  11. Stupid because Oh Hey Prims Claimed PGO OBVIOUSLY SCUM I don't want to insult Prims here, but I don't think he'd come up with that as a fake. One, he might get tripped up later with restrictions and stuff and it's hard to keep everything seeming straight. Two, if he wanted to avoid being investigated, he could just claim miller or something like that. I just see it as a big hassle and kind of stupid for people to assume he's faking. or with people assuming Prims' role will just let him coast to the end. second of all, why does prims have to be today's target or something like that? there are plenty of other scummy looking people at the moment and I just think it's better to get information from lynching someone and leaving prims alive to see what could happen with his role I also doubt Shinori's error was a scumslip, because we have so many more hiddens that are third party or something like that than mafia. We do have a few town hiddens, but that's still not nearly as prevalent. I'm just saying it seems stupid to think that was a slip because it's actually probably more likely or something or whatever. Also Rein, you should have totally picked Pokemon Hydra
  12. If they put them in a game where they don't have split promotions and go back to just normal tiers, I could see them as having swords and tomes, and removing Dark Pegasi. It would make them a nice counterpart to Mage Knights or something.
  13. You seemed the most pushy to me in regards to the Prims scandal, and whatnot. I said RVS because I am not sure whether we are dealing with them or with Shinori's situation/Rein so I don't know.
  14. Psych

    Elibean Nights

    I think a better creative liberty is to make all the snow into a desert and make us trudge through the sand shouting Arch's name the whole way.
  15. 1. Rein is stupid cause he voted for me, but he always votes for me because he's stupid. 2. I'm reading about Prims' PGO claim and oh my god everyone here is an idiot. The first the a PGO should do is claim. (Also to call the role granny, but) I currently think Prims is town. 3. Rein is extra stupid for picking a hidden role and then being revealed. 4. Now we argue about hidden roles and Shinori seems both dumb and scummy here. I get that we're out of RVS and all, but I'm going to throw out a vote on ##Vote Aere, because he stood out to me the most regarding Prims' claim and because I just didn't like that whole mess. Honestly, currently this game is just making me stressed from how stupid everyone is being right now.
  16. 13 also did it, and 4 did it because otherwise they couldn't use the Arena at all ever. If you want to increase the usefulness of dancers/bards, and I'm not saying they aren't useful here, you could increase their movement to like 6 or something. That helps them keep up and move around more rather than just having to wait for boots or something. also it gives 8 move once you get them so please and thankyou
  17. Eventually, they might. Like in 15 or 16 or something. I think if Pegasi use Lances and Dracos use Axes, then the logical move is for Griffons to start with swords.
  18. I've beaten it with just Sothe, Micaiah, Laura, and Meg. Though...it was on easy and both had been pretty inflated with Paragon and BEXP.
  19. I've used Meg, Ilyana, and Laura in PT 1, and got them all to Tier 3 off of Ludvek. I usually use them all though, but only get like 1 to Tier 3 through paragon abuse.
  20. my hair is like generuc emo long hair so i really should look into getting something new
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