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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    dont post here

    Itemafia So basically if you have a game with items in it you should never make a post game for it. I'm also surprised how like almost every game has No Items in the rules, and yet we've had almost no games with items in them.
  2. Psych

    dont post here

    ^ you also usually require one bread per phase once famine sets in
  3. Psych

    dont post here

    remember that cara game i hosted where baker was a fake claim
  4. Psych

    dont post here

    10x Bakers 3x Yakuza Game starts with hunger, bread giving prolongs you to live a phase and a half, everyone starts with 1 bread.
  5. Psych

    dont post here

    as opposed to the Yazuka
  6. You only get a -1 point if you include a French word or something in your posts a lot, so it's not a huge deal.
  7. I am also looking into some people on another forum too so yeah.
  8. I'm in French 4 next semester. also guys you should talk in vietnamese because that's totally a colony right
  9. Done what twice? Host? I do believe I have done that. I also believe the players had fun.
  10. (Quick, no one bring up asexuality or aromantic or homoromantic or biromantic or heteroromantic or whatever else there is.)
  11. It's also nice to know that everyone who isn't hetero or homo is just showing off hipster behavior.
  12. There's a thing called the Kinsey scale which says that you can lean one way or another towards males or females and still be bisexual. So saying someone is just faking a title can be kind of offensive.
  13. Bisexual refers to people who are only attracted to two genders, regardless of whether or not they fit in the binary system. Pansexual refers to people who are attracted to more than two genders and do not see gender as an issue. It's like being Heterosexual, but not wanting to date a transwoman because they haven't had the full surgery yet and are still biologically male even though they identify as female.
  14. guys come on we need people to join
  15. I don't remember that well, but I think she was in Illia because she had been captured by one guy and he wanted her magic to stop Roy's army, but she ended up using it to make a path Roy could travel and get to the castle quicker. I think in Sacae she was a member of the Resistance and was working with Dayan.
  16. That and you'd have to deal with where to put Niime.
  17. Speaking of routes and things you'll never do, it'd be really interesting to see a Hector Route style thing following Lilina, like on her way back to Ostia and captured and all sorts of things like that.
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