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Everything posted by Pretty_Handsome

  1. Ophelia likes Guys and Boy Love stuff, she gets to romance guys. Lazward flirts with girls all the time, he gets to romance girls. While Soleil.... Well. Soleil likes Girls and Girl Love stuff as well as flirting with them all the time yet she cannot romance girls. Not to mention that Soleil is hesitant at even the thought of being tied to a guy while she's constantly trying to romance girls and get them to notice her. Something isn't adding up here and what's worse is those that defend this while they don't question the other characters with a very similar type of behavior and actions. Did they hire a freelancer for Soleil's supports? Out sourced?
  2. I agree, I'm still angry about it that I may just get only Birthright only. What's more scumbaggery is hiding Gale Force behind DLC in a game where they're focusing ever more on multiplayer. P2W.
  3. It's cowardly to run and avoid responsibility as well as a stain against one's honor.
  4. Not really, as it's merely 1 choice out of 3 others.
  5. Ophelia likes Guys and Boy Love stuff, she gets to romance guys. Lazward flirts with girls all the time, he gets to romance girls. While Soleil.... Well. Soleil likes Girls and Girl Love stuff as well as flirting with them all the time yet she cannot romance girls. Not to mention that Soleil is hesitant at even the thought of being tied to a guy while she's constantly trying to romance girls and get them to notice her. Something isn't adding up here and what's worse is those that defend this while they don't question the other characters with a very similar type of behavior and actions. Did they hire a freelancer for Soleil's supports? Out sourced?
  6. I'm gonna fill out the Support Log but my main save most likely will wed Crimson for Hoshido that way I get all kids.
  7. Well, his/her true origins may be enough... But we're missing Suzaku and Kallen!
  8. I wonder how that would work... I mean, the real big bad wou l d expect Kamui to slaughter both sides nit let them gather up or unite.
  9. Third route is mostly sunshine and rainbows so thus would be cool in my opinion. Though I wonder what one's roster would look like as most characters wouldn't side with evil and they wouldn't make too many new characters for a dlc route.
  10. Where you slaughter both sides and the such for your..... Spoilers! Would be interesting if it was a true hard mode with limited characters (As you are evil), crazy maps and the such.
  11. Third Route too! Though shame we still lose characters on the third route...
  12. Well, you can't blame him with all things considered and besides he changes his mind later.
  13. He should also clarify that he wasn't involved with making the only bi characters sadist or blocking Soleil from S Ranking even FemKamui.
  14. Read her Grey supports. Ugh. She outright tells Grey that she's interested in women over men yet they still get an S Rank yet no female S Ranks. Disgusting. She doesn't emulate her father, she literally loves women over men, her supports clarify that many times. She even has issue with Grey being a man because she wants women.You also miss the point entirely. Inigo flirts hard with women, no interest in men. He gets to S Rank women. Soleil flirts hard with women, no interest in men. She cannot S Rank women. That's the issue. If Soleil is straight despite they than Inigo should be Gay.
  15. So, than is Inigo gay than and his flirting with women nonsensical? Clearly he must be into guys despite lusting after only women just like Soleil!
  16. Zero is still a sadist and some of his supports are... Odd. Indeed and that's the issue. Certain users trying to justify this abomination of writing. I can't believe any of Soleil's supports were approved.
  17. Hmm... I wonder what would be the best class combo for each Route.
  18. That is just an excuse not to have her as a Bi Option. Same could be said for all the other S Ranks the player doesn't choose. To me this is very wrong as Soleil is established very firmly as into being into women and FeKamui has the option to be Bi.. But only with a Tharja Clone. There's no reason why they had to stop with 1 male and 1 female bi option only when the cast is that large. That and you must go third path to even have both option on the same path. Worse yet is how the Bi characters are portrayed as unhinged and "crazy" while Soleil, who embraces loving women, is stuck with "Cure the gay away".
  19. Leo/Leon x Hinoka is pretty good as well. Course Leo/Leon in general seems to have great Supports.
  20. I don't see how that's possible as she can be S Ranked in Hoshido and be a Mother.
  21. Only she isn't based off her supports. All of her supports. It's extremely homophobic of them to have the only Bi Options being crazy heads and the person who ACTUALLY likes women and pursues them cannot S Rank any because she doesn't fit as "Crazy" and because they already have 1 Bi Options per gender thus they hit their "quota".
  22. I see, with restrictions against Second Gen too like Awakening?
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