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Posts posted by GoldsbroTSG

  1. Miria nodded to Syndra's request, "I'll be careful. Promise."

    The incoming attacks had been punishing, but if it meant that the Tigers could push up their attack, it had been worth it. She felt another rejuvenating wave as she had been healed once more. She gave a small salute over to Krystal. She'd keep the pressure on.

    Miria to 18,11, Wind Sword Mage 1

  2. "Alright, I'll keep it up then." Markus gave a small thumbs up, as they prepared for the game to start up again. "We'll see that ending, without a doubt." He prepared his guntroller, and got into a battle-ready stance. He was in full serious mode now, he was gonna make sure he and Miz both got to the end of the game. He swiped a bit of hair from his face, and the stage started.

    Almost immediately Markus showed his ability with a gun. Enemies felled left and right. He tried to not hog everything, but Markus seemed nearly unstoppable when zoned in. More silly, yet creepy monsters and goofy voice acting later, and they were atop a skyscraper. It was the final boss; the Emperor. "Alright," He rolled his shoulders. Once the 'Hold Your Fire' message left, the blonde was back on his firing streak.

    Really, the fight to Markus was put under an surprising amount pressure. It's attacks needed to be blocked if they were to get hits in. Even then, the chance to hit back were few and far between. But eventually, the monster was taken down. The final cutscene started, and Markus let out an exasperated sigh.

    "Hell yeah, I don't think I've game'd that hard before." He finally turned back to Miz, with a small nudge. "Good job. That was fun."

  3. "Roxi!" Miria hurried along next to her sheep friend. She took a quick gander around, "You don't want to overextend. We can't help you if you keep blitzing ahead of everyone." The cub gave her a couple of soft pats.

    "I'm gonna give you a small push okay? They need your help down where those wyverns are." Miria smiled. "I'll catch up."

    Miria to 13,11, shove Roxanne

  4. "Huh? Oh." Markus gave a small laugh, scratching his head. "I mean, I guess you needed help, and you wanted to win, so I... kicked it into gear, I guess. I like to... well, not necessarily hold back, but like, when playing a game, I think having fun is the most important. Sometimes, something is a little..." He pondered a moment to muster a thought about it. "...too easy, I suppose? So I kinda, tone down the skill a bit. It makes for a more fun experience, for me at least. There's a Zelda game, old one, that's super easy to break, and make really easy, but I'd rather play a way that's more fun for me?" The blond gave another nervous laugh.

    "I can keep playing like I just did if you want. I just don't want you to think I'm carrying you through the whole campaign." He smiled with a playful bump to the shoulder.

  5. The blue hue wore off from Miria's armor. It seemed the ice turned off. Miria gave a couple pats to her chest, and red emanated from her. She had to keep going forward. "We've got this, we've got this."

    Miria moves to 12,8, activates Afterburner and equips the Wind Sword.

  6. "I'd believe it, I scare pretty easily." He commented with a small laugh. "But I like to be scared by games and stuff, it's all in good fun."

    As they played, he actually maintained a level of coolness to his gameplay, trying to remain calm, as rail shooters like this could easily become like a bullet hell with too much to fire at. Even as the game progressed, and enemies became harder to both hit and kill, he tried his best to remain almost unphased. It was when Miz suddenly panicked, that he shot into action. "H-Huh?! Okay, hold on." Markus almost shifted tunes, going from how he was normally playing to almost inhuman speeds. He had to get them out of this predicament of enemies swarming before they game over'd.

    "Not on my watch!" His shots rang so fast the screen was barely visible with all the gun flashes. There was some temporary respite when he'd shoot off screen to reload, but soon he'd be back to it. Within a few minutes of his cleaning up, they got to a level clear screen. As the duo got their chance to breathe, Markus forgot he hadn't been. He gave a big sigh, and some heavy breaths, with a bit of sweat.

    "Haha... Sorry, I got a little carried away."

  7. Miria held her arm. The wind edge was rough but she was able to stay on her feet. The second hit was what started to get to her. She held firm, but with the horsemen properly attracted, it meant the rest of their group could finish them off.

    "Gotta... keep moving." She punched at her chest, and pressed onward.

    Miria to 10,6

  8. Markus was elbowed by the woman as she explained things pretty accurately to him. He was absolutely deathly nervous. But she did her best to reassure him it was just a normal date, and she was happy, and then said a different name. "Samantha?" It must've been her r-- not Miz name. He smiled, "Okay, Sammie." He said, giving her a small elbow back. If she was gonna call him Marky Mark, he'd give her a cute little name too. It was an easy way for him to try and relax around her. It was still nerve-tingling because she was a beautiful idol, but she did her best to help him calm down some.

    As they got closer to the machine, Miz gave a pose. Markus laughed and picked up his own gun pretty simply. "Like right out of a magazine. Or one of those things you see in the movies, where guys will paint girls on their planes?" He looked down and took a moment examining his gun. It was a toy gun for the game, but it was like instinct for him. Taking out his card, he scanned the terminal to start the game. "I can put money on us trying. I bet I'd get scared first, though." He snorted.

    As the music started and the game spurred to life, "Well," He got into position to start. "You ready?"

  9. The fist from that brawler almost felt like nothing at all. Miria, barely phased, watched as her opponent was blown away by Koba who came to assist her.

    "Thank you Koba, I appreciate the help." She nodded with a smile, clear in her voice that despite the fight only barely starting, she felt winded. Despite that, she pushed forward. As she advanced, she took position over a knight Syndra easily felled, putting herself in between Seila and the oncoming forces. "I've got you, Seila." She nodded, and fiercely braced herself to hold the line. The blue glow of her armor's trimming and her eyes shined bright. Despite everything, she would remain a force to be reckoned with.

    Miria to 8,7

  10. Taka had been out already, scouting the town. She had to ensure their group could safely leave for their next destination. She was eating at a diner down the street from the inn, now that she had tried the food from the inn, she had to see what it was like having food from somewhere else. She thought, this would be a good way for her learning to live. Some eggs, bacon and a type of cinnamon toast cooked in egg. It was good! She didn't have much thoughts aside from that, but had she not been in her cloak, her tail swaying would've made her thoughts clear. 

    Her ear twitched, and her attention went to outside, seeing a cloaked individual, and a close observation revealed a scarred hand, and a letter. From what she could see, they were on their way to the inn. She left some money on the table she was at, enough for the food and some extra for her server, giving a random staff and thanking motion, before quickly making her way out the diner.

    Observing her surroundings, she made her way up the diner wall, and hopped along the buildings keeping her eye on this person. If they were heading for the inn, they were a suspicious individual. And that was what it had seemed. When the man approached the entrance to the inn, she hopped along the windows until she is able to safely land in front of the indivdual, putting herself between them and the inn.

    She peered into the individual's yellow eyes as she stood. Taka's were her normal eyes, she wasn’t ready to strike just yet. She tilted her head, just barely revealing her mouth, 

    "What brings you here?" She asked, only giving a simple question first.

  11. Markus turned and took the elbow with a light laugh. "It was fun, yeah." He smiled. "I mean of course, I invited you after all I should show you something I like, after all." He gave a light punch, as he started his way back into the game room. "And yeah, I'd be a little scared if you were a newtype. I don't need you seeing how nervous I am." As if it wasn't definitely plastered all over his face. He looked out to the many games, trying to find something for them the try. "Oh hey," He took her down to what looked like a carriage-like casing.

    House of the Dead 2

    "It's like an old horror team shooter. How about it? Shoot up some zombies, get a little spooked?"

  12. As they made their way into the stronghold, Miria held off transforming again. She ate something as fast as she could to get as much energy back, but it wasn't gonna be that easy. The cub marched in to fight with slacking steps, but she couldn't slack off during such an important fight. The tigers made their way into position, and she armored up, and braced herself as best she can.

    "It's okay, Miria... just gotta keep going. Push out a few more minutes." She took a deep breath, and channeled her magic. Blue. "Okay. Let's do this!"

    Miria activates Ice Cage, moves to 6,10 and engages Brawler 2 with the Steel Sword!

  13. Markus watched as Miz took her turn on the machine. Her score wasn't half bad. Now for Markus...

    I talked a big game, but... The last time he played one of these was with his sister when he was still in his teens. He took a deep breath and just thought to himself, Nah, we can't talk like that. She talked herself up and you gotta play like you mean business. He assessed the lane and each point hole with laser focus, and took a shot. A clean hit in the forty point hole. Then he made his second shot. Oops. Over assessed. it bounced off the fifty and went rolling into the ten. He gave a nervous laugh.

    Then the third shot only made it into twenty. He waved his hand a bit like he was trying to wear off a sore, trying to play it cool. "Just gotta wear some rust off, I guess, haha..." He kept his confident smile and took another ball. Aside from one dud it was consistent forties for most of his next shots. On his last ball he needed to make forty to tie, or fifty or hundred to win. She got a hundred, I can do that. He carefully analyzed once again. Before his shot, he finally took off his glasses, and hung them off the front of his shirt. He blinked a few times just to get accustomed to a surprisingly brighter game room. 

    He made a careful toss, it was almost like a pro had been doing it by the way he rolled that ball. It made its way down the lane, launching up and landing perfectly into the one-hundred point hole, giving Markus a three-fifty point score. He gave a sigh, and turned to Miz with a smile.

    "So... would you believe me if I said I didn't think that last shot was gonna make it?" He gave a small chuckle, "Good game?"

  14. Markus held his hands up after her response, "No prob, no prob. Just thought I'd ask." As he lowered them, seeing Miz's confidence, it gave him a mildly mischievous idea. He maintained a mildly nervous, but proud demeanor. He slid his card on the machine and got his balls ready. Turning to Miz,

    "Sure, you can go first. I gotta see how good you are." He pulled a ball from the machine and eyed both his and her machine's holes. "Subject matter expert in her element." He was good, but he was gonna play around a bit, and see if either, he's gonna impress the hell out of her, or make her lose her marbles laughing. He looked at the ball as if studying it, and then studying the lane, as if figuring out how to toss the ball into the right goal.

  15. Talulah removed herself as she was healed and her hair went from white to black. Was it black when I saw her first? Her fight-or-flight clicked in before she even had a chance to think on it. Not that is mattered now. She thanked Miria and the person who healed her as well. "Well, I'm sure we'll have pl-plenty of time," She gave a big stretch, "after we finish kicking in Kazran's teeth. I guess uh, it's a pleasure to meet you Talulah. My name's Miria." Despite circumstances, Miria decided to just bury her annoyance. If they were fighting together, it was better that she did. She was exhausted anyway. She turned to the woman who came to heal them.

    "Oh! You were who helped me earlier during the fight? Thank you, I'm so sorry. I was... caught up in everything. I really appreciate your help." Miria pressed her hands together and gave a light bow. "I hope I can make it up to you." Despite her exhaustion, she kept her pep as much as she could. There was still more fighting to be had. "Oh, and uh," she stood back up, "It's, magic armor. I need to turn it off or I use up too much energy and wipe out." She laughed nervously.

  16. Miria couldn't hold it anymore, and her armor dissipated. This had been a tough one. She hadn't scrapped like that, and it was clear in her body. Even with the vulnerary, she could still feel that hit in her shoulder, and despite the pain from the whole dealing with Talulah, she had to keep herself up. They hadn't even gotten to Kazran, and Miria felt at her limit. I shouldn't be! I should be stronger! Right...? 

    Miria exercised the thought of her strength. She should've been able to fight off Talulah at this fight, at least, that's what she believed. This shouldn't be the limit of what she's capable. If only I just knew more! Ahhhh! She did her best to maintain her composure physically, but all she was doing was rolling in mental circles of frustration. But...

    I have to keep going. She got herself and Talulah in her arms around the corner, and it looked as if, the fighting at least for now, had come to a stop. "H-Hey! Can we get a... a staff or two, please?" She called out as soon as the Tigers were in her sights. This is going to be so stupid to explain. If only this weirdo didn't pass out on me... She sighed, but she still pushed on to meet the rest of the group.

  17. "Separate cards, that works." He followed after her, "Though, I'm pretty confident too, I don't intend on losing all day." The blonde replied with a smirk. After she obtained her card, he got his own, and he started looking around at the various games. There was so little time, but so much to play. He did notice Miz looking at a game earlier. When she brought up her muscles, that led him to retort.

    "Then let's put that to the test, huh? You were looking at skee-ball earlier?" He took off his glasses, the dim lights of the arcade were making it difficult to see. "Let's put on a gun show." He nudged her as he started walking over to the machine. Markus gave the machine he stopped at a few knocks, and thought on it before,

    "So, genuine question. You ever actually play skee-ball? It'd be fucked up if I walked in and you didn't know how it worked."

  18. Finally, their back was clear. With that, the Tigers continued their push north. But, whatever was itching at Miria only... continued. And it felt like it was getting worse.

    "I... M-Miss Tasha, I gotta move back I-- I think something's coming." Why am I reacting like this? Is it the Shroud? Miria bared her wind sword. It was her trusty weapon. If anything was gonna get her out of a pinch, it was that blade. She started her way towards the entrance.

    Miria to 15,17, equips Wind Edge

    When Miria turned the corner, she noticed two people. One, she immediately realized where the feeling was coming from. A chill went down her spine, some sweat building in her face. She held a readied stance.

  19. A light had surrounded Miria, and she felt almost back to full strength. "Hahh... better." She switched blades, and maintained her defense. Of course, the group of enemies pressed their attack but she was ready this time, with Tasha backing her. "Got it. We're gonna make this push so we can be on our way."

    Something suddenly started tingling in Miria. It felt like... something from her armor. She didn't like that, but she couldn't focus on it. The wyvern's approached again, with Miria dodging a lance and swinging back, then being hit by the second. She could take it, and she swung back at that wyvern as well. When the pirates went for their round two, she was much more prepared, dodging two axe throws with finesse.

    Despite her wound, she readied her stance, with Cass falling in to engage one of the wyverns, and paving the way for Miria to attack. "Alright, now it's payback time!" And she ran in for the strike!

    Miria to 17,20! Engages Pirate 3 with the Iron Sword!

  20. Miria knew the lance would hit her, and took it as best she could. She struggled with those all too much. She struck back and the wyvern rider who attacked, but then pirates came and followed on the attack. She got her foot caught on the ground, at least she tried to reason, and she blocked the first axe with her arm. It hurt but, she could survive. She channeled with all her determination, and blew away the pirate with a flaming tornado. She was much better suited for the fire side of her armor's weird power.

    There wasn't enough time to think on it, when another pirate chucked an axe back at her. The corridor was too tight, so she huddled to a wall to move, only to be grazed across the face by the blade of the axe. The pain was immeasurable, but she had to persevere, not just for the Tigers, but for herself too. She struck back, and when a third took his fallen comrade's spot, in came a third axe. Miria did the only thing she could think of to keep it from hitting her in that tight spot. The cub swung her blade, and with almost precision timing, reflected the axe, and then following with another magic swipe from the wind sword. This was almost like her third element. She'd had laughed if not for the warm, painful feeling on her face.

    The girl wiped some of the blood from her face. Despite her body in pain and feeling the fatigue settle in, Miria stood her ground, ready to continue holding until a callout from Nyx to withdraw.

    "...G-Got it! Go-gotta pull back..." Miria held herself up, her flames still burning. Even in her condition, she wasn't going to just let people have a win over her. She'd fight for it. As she made her cautious, but quick retreat, she pulled out her vulnerary, dumping some of it over her head. There wasn't time for her to properly apply. She let out a light sigh from the relief.

    Miria moves to 16, 22, equips the Iron Sword and applies the ol' faithful (vulnerary)!

  21. The blue aura wore off from Miria's armor. She stopped feeling so cold. She was back to just her normal gold look. "Huh." She gave a metaphorical shrug about it, before making her way to her next target. One of the newer people who seemed to join the fight was fighting off some pirate. She focused, "Okay, uhh, do the blue stuff again!" When she attempted to activate the ice power again, suddenly she was back to glowing red, and her sword was on fire.

    "Huh? Well, okay. We'll deal with it later." Miria moved to cut off the rest of the pirates from making their advance.

    Miria to 16,17 and activates Afterburner! Wind Swords Pirate 4!

  22. "Alright, let's do it." Markus smiled and led the way for the two of them. It was weird being back in a mall again. He was basically locked to a base exchange for the start of his career, and it was more of a Walmart with a food court than a mall. There was a hobby shop, and some clothing stores, something that looked like one of those old tv product stores. He gave a soft chuckle thinking about the things Leili would grab for them. After a bit, they reached the the arcade, and he could already see the dim lights and strobe lights inside.

    "Mario? Well, yeah, Mario's like, super big, and easy to get into." He answered, "They may have like, the arcade kart game, but I don't know if they do arcade stuff too much anymore. For me though, hmm..." Markus did give it some thought, "I dabble a bit in things, but my favorites are probably adventure games. Zelda's a huge one for me. And in general like, games where I just run around and look for stuff. Though, an arcade won't exactly have something like that, either, haha." He scratched his head, then taking her by the hand and leading her into the arcade.

    As they walked in, it was clear from the outside, but once inside, the music was booming, it wasn't horribly busy, but there were plenty of people inside enjoying themselves. All sorts of games from fighters, to sports, to puzzles. "They have people in who get these little cards, and they hold all your tokens and tickets on it. If we play games that get tickets, they have a bunch of prizes you can get. Do you wanna share a card, or do you wanna get separate ones?"

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