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Posts posted by Geriba

  1. General comments about my team: thankfully, because I've got Marcus and Hector at my disposal, I'll be able to survive the earlygame while Rebecca and Wil are struggling to catch up offensively. Canas is a mixed blessing: he'll cost me two turns more to recruit, but he's also the only staff user at my disposal. I'll be promoting him ASAP and staff-spamming until he hits B.

    Chapter 11: Typical 7-turn count. Watching your video, General, you know that you can easily acquire both the lock pick and the red gem, right? Your strategy was correct up until turn 3, at which point you should've placed Matthew on the pillar on the bottom-right corner. Next turn, go the adjacent pillar, and then steal the thief's lock pick; he'll be unable to open the door while stealing his pick back, so you'll only get hit from one archer at most (although the real hit is 85%, so survival wouldn't be a realistic outcome). In the meantime, steal the gem and pick back, and finish off Wire before the other enemies have a chance to strike again. Those pillar attacks, however, need to be avoided for this to work, and they've got a ~55%RH. Easier just after LHM, but still doable on a fresh run. Hopefully that's a nice tip for future runs!

    Chapter 12: 5/12. Marcus got a lucky 50% double on Zagan to shave off a turn.

    Chapter 13: 6/18. Took the river path, rescued Marcus with Hector to get him to that part of the map quicker. During the assault on the castle, Oswin and Rebecca fended off some enemies. Each gained a level; one was +1HP, the other +1Luck. :angry:

    Chapter 14: 8/26. This one was a challenge for me, and it took a good while to come up with a competent strategy. Marcus charging the middle with 1-2 range weapons was obvious; what to do with Beccy, Oswin, and Hector was not. Ultimately, I had Rebecca go after the northern soldier and then assist Erk with the lone brigand, while Oswin took care of the eastern soldier brigade and a few of the PKs. Hector's role was to take care of the south-eastern pirates. This was perhaps the most frustrating, as his low accuracy (even with the secret book) meant that he needed to land a number of key hits. A few tries later, however, the strategy was pulled off with a fairly low turn count (though I might have been able to get rid of a couple of turns had those damn cavaliers with swords not been such a frustration). Some great level-ups here too: Beccy gained strength and speed, and Marcus got a whopping six-stat boost.

  2. Frankly, I don't see how everyone here isn't saying Athos. He's literally one of the eight legendary warriors, playable. S-Ranked in everything magic, has incredible base stats (seriously, he Luna abuses like no one's business with that 30 mag), can one-shot the Fire Dragon, and is able to solo the entire last map- even on HHM- if he's so inclined. His only downsides are low speed and HP.

  3. Already happened; there's a group of neutral Dragon Riders in FE5, Chapter 14 that will attack both the player and enemy.

    FE5 really did have the best maps overall. Unique, but without being boring.

    Agreed, but Fire Emblem 7 HHM is a close second. Brimming with uniqueness and challenge, just like Thracia's map design. Living Legend, for example, is a FoW desert map; if that wasn't enough, you'll have to ferry thieves around the archer-laden desert to collect valuable items. It's also the only chapter I know of where you literally protect the enemies from an NPC. Crazed Beast is a three-pronged attack, which I guess you could argue FE4 did first, but it's different with ginormous maps. Pirate Ship is probably the best at-sea level in the series, forcing the player to choose between a conservative, survivalist approach and a rush to the boss to steal his item. Battle before Dawn is an insane physic-spamming, paladin-rushing, Ursula-surviving rescue mission, complete with FoW and thieves trying to steal your shit. And I don't need to go into detail about how epic HHM Cog of Destiny is, do I?

  4. Actually, RNG is a much better (and fairer) idea. I hope everyone trusts me to do it, since I've got a calculator with an RN generator handy...

    Xander -> Jaffar's Team

    Jaffar -> Soul's Team

    General -> Xander's Team

    eclipse -> Horace's Team

    Soul -> eclipse's Team (aka the best team, you lucky bastard).

    Let the games begin! Try to post regular updates, but no need to clog things with too much detail.

    Don't I technically get Ninian since him and Ninian count as one?

    Nope, they're separate characters for this run-through (that way we've got an even 8 apiece).

  5. So basically I am pretty much the best ever.

    33 38 15 1 IIRC

    I was an INTJ last time. Pretty sure anyway.

    I've since re-evaluated a lot of things

    Also isn't there like 6.6 billion people now?

    Edit: INTJ is known as "the Scientist". I actually am a scientist and value thought over emotion easily.

    Something's wrong here~

    I can take a guess. None of your four traits are particularly defined (the highest is 38, which is pretty moderate), so it's likely that your results would fluctuate from test to test. To give you a comparison, most of my letters are in the high-80s and 90s (so really extraverted, really iNtuitive, etc.). All that tells you is that you're pretty much an INFJ (or maybe INTJ), but you'd need to take a for-pay professional test to know for sure. Though I wouldn't do that unless you're super interested.

  6. INTJ.

    moderately expressed introvert (44)

    moderately expressed intuitive personality (50)

    distinctively expressed thinking personality (75)

    slightly expressed judging personality (1)


    This is another case of an "X" coming into play, as your fourth quality is smack-dab between P and J. For now, you're an INTX; you should google and research each result and see which fits better, as that's the only way to know for sure.

  7. I compiled the ratings for each character thus far, and it's interesting to compare dondon's take to the official Efficiency List topic:

    Marcus (10)

    Ninils (9.5)

    Florina (9)

    Priscilla (9)

    Kent (8.5)

    Sain (8.5)

    Lowen (8.5)

    Serra (8)

    Fiora (8)

    Heath (8)

    Raven (7.5)

    Pent (7.5)

    Matthew (7.5)

    Hector (7)

    Oswin (7)

    Isadora (7)

    Lucius (6.5)

    Erk (6.5)

    Guy (6)

    Farina (6)

    Hawkeye (5.5)

    Legault (5.5)

    Dorcas (5)

    Geitz (5)

    Harken (5)

    Lyn (4.5)

    Eliwood (4.5)

    Vaida (4)

    Canas (4)

    Bartre (4)

    Dart (3.5)

    Rath (3.5)

    Louise (3)

    Athos (2.5)

    Renault (2)

    Jaffar (1.5)

    Karel (1.5)

    Rebecca (1)

    Nino (.5)

    Wil (.5)

    Wallace (0)

    Karla (0)

    By the way, did you account for stolen items in the Matthew analysis?

  8. Combat-wise, they're actually pretty mediocre. Good enough to destroy like, monks, but not anything else.

    Sure, they're great mage killers, but I was referring more to their ferrying capabilities. Since we seem to be going in the direction that "killing things" isn't as useful as "letting the monsters Marcus/Sain/Kent/Raven kill most things while using utility units to their fullest," that only seems right. Heath, however, is pretty great offensively; his real weaknesses are low resistance and late recruitment, and the former can be easily fixed with barrier/pure water.

  9. Hmm, why the hell not?


    Is it just me, or do a lot of these questions seem redundant?

    INTJ Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

    Very Expressed Introverted

    Moderately Expressed Intuition

    Slightly Expressed Thinking

    Slightly Expressed Judging

    Yeah, sounds about right.

    Nice catch. Redundancy is sprinkled throughout the quiz to test for accuracy and consistency. Inconsistent answers are given less weight than consistent ones in formulating your type. Pretty neat stuff!

    EDIT: And for those who are wondering what to do with your cryptic four-letter result, Personality Page gives great descriptions for each of the types, both the good and bad components. Here's mine (and you can just switch out the letters for your own):


  10. First, let me be totally clear that just because I disagree with your views doesn't mean I don't really enjoy this discussion. It's tough to express subtlety over the internet, especially when it comes to politics; know that I'm trying my best to separate my political views from my social views!

    I honestly do not know (and do not care to find out) what kind of intelligence it would take to make a homemade bomb, as I have better things to do with my time than that. However, failure in school should not be taken as an indicator that someone is "not intelligent". Otherwise, I would be classified as "high school dropout", not someone who faceplanted at graduation.

    The TANK-DOZER is one example of how a vehicle can be used to cause destruction. Again, I have no interest in plowing a car/truck/Humvee through a crowded venue, so I am not sure how far one can go before the vehicle gives out/someone stops you.

    Forgive me for my foolish notion that people can create something deadly using legal things. I will admit that I am wrong, and will trouble you no more.

    Comparing banning guns to stealing is. . .horribly wrong. You stated that you are a psychology major. Didn't your classes tell you anything about how wonderful the American mental health system is?

    Failure in school is absolutely an indicator of "not intelligent." There are exceptions- you claim to be one, and I'm definitely one (I completely sucked up high school)- but in general, poor performance corresponds to low intelligence. As for your link, it proves my point: this is highly technical chemistry, and although it's possible to create a makeshift bomb or deadly explosive with household objects, it requires a rare degree of technical skill and chemical understanding to pull off effectively. In other words, anyone can make a bomb; but making a good bomb is a little different. And none of this changes the fact that it's time consuming and has a much higher risk of failure, even if you're an expert.

    And I'm not sure how an overhaul of mental health in America (which probably needs some serious improvements) relates to deterring or reducing mass shootings.

  11. We already have a lot our plates here, so I hope I'm not adding too much by suggesting we raise Heath and Fiora to above Hawkeye and Geitz. Early promotions open up huge opportunities for both of them, and while Fiora serves as a Florina-lite (aka really really good), Heath secures an important niche as your sole offensive/tanky transporter until Vaida.

  12. It's up to the each state individually to regulate guns. California has much more regulations compared to somewhere like Texas. However, heavy gun control on a federal is, more likely than not, out of the question due to the Second Amendment.

    Don't blame it on the weapons used, either. Just because a gun is available doesn't mean it's the deciding factor of whether someone will live or die. It's there for protection. This guy would have bought some type of weapon in order to kill. Maybe he would not have killed as much people, but it's highly probable that he would have still had an intent on murder, even if getting a gun is impossible. It's not the gun's fault he killed, it's his.

    No question that this guy was crazy enough to kill, and crazier still to go to great lengths to do so. I don't want to discount the fact that many murders are crimes of passion, where strict gun laws can serve as an effective disincentive to murder (cool-down laws and the like)... but this is not one of those situations. Still, that he was able to use a gun in his psychopathic fantasy ended up killing and injuring more people than if he used a knife or house bomb, and honestly, it's not too much to ask that our gun laws prevent obvious mad men from securing weaponry.

    As far as the Second Amendment goes, the right to bear arms doesn't translate into "the right to walk into your local Wal-Mart and purchase a fully-loaded handgun without so much as a cursory background check." I'd probably support a more state-focused offense against guns, however; leave the federal government out of things if at all possible.

  13. If we get a large enough sample, I'd love to compile SF users' types and see how they compare to the general population. I'd put good money on us having some of the more unique (and introverted) types compared to average.

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