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Everything posted by Blasied

  1. It's not that easy to break the genetic trait because my problem is that my brain can't create enough of the chemical required to make you happy. On the trustworthiness note, you haven't tried to piss on my mental state yet and the fact that I can't see you helps because that lessens the reality that I'm actually talking to a person.
  2. Yeah, I am kinda scared of people that I don't already know are trustworthy. I do try to get some lance training in every day, but that's hard considering the summer heat I'm putting up with right now. And I have learned to take criticism... but I take it far too seriously. The problem with my mental state is that you can say millions of good things about me, but if you say something bad about me I will instantly forget about the good things and only be able to think about the bad. It's also really hard to actually change my way of thinking because my miserable attitude is genetically wired into my brain. It kinda sucks when your entire family is relying on anti-depressants to keep themselves from not killing themselves.
  3. I used to be in a band. And do Taekwondo, and do archery... but then high school started...
  4. Alive and well. Blaised has attempted Euthanasia but Jade's stats failed and he lived cuz he didn't have fail stats. YOU IDIOT! YOU RUINED MY PLAN! err... (continues being "dead")
  5. Ugh. Sport. I hate sports. Anyway I do have friends with similar interests... but I changed schools recently so communication with them isn't easy anymore.
  6. That's my problem. Since I'm obsessed with FE, it's the only thing I want to talk about. but absolutely no-one in my school has played it, they all get bored and walk away. And yes I am a manic depressive
  7. (Is here, but is found to be not guilty of treason due to typo in the court's official record) Also, if you want to punish me force me to live. I came into this empire battle with the intention of getting myself killed. You're just granting my wish
  8. It doesn't just happen at some point of me LIFE though, it happens on a weekly if not almost-daily basis. And it usually boils down to me failing to communicate. And then all the blame is on me so I get even more miserable. My parents always tell me to just learn to communicate but I never can because I'm scared of other peoples reactions to questions. Especially if they think the answer is obvious.
  9. That's exactly what happens all the time to me. I get told something, interpret it negatively, fail to ask for clarification and then I overreact if another negatively interpreted comment about me is made
  10. Check pages 8-9 of ILMCI's empire. It may not be that severe, but I overreact to negativity especially if it is sent towards me
  11. (wanders around empty castle) Not much activity here
  12. Exactly, Soul used to deliberately be mean to me. And I don't lose grudges quickly
  13. I'll take my anger out on whoever pisses me off. I don't like getting other people involved into my anger situations
  14. Fuck you, as long as Lord Oujay likes the cake it doesn't matter what you think
  15. Yes, I am sentinel class, buffed a bit though I can use Lance, sword and bow. I don't know exactly what's available though (if wishblade is I will take it due to a horrible luck stat) Don't have supports yet. Thunder affinity No, just...no. But I can IRL, so why not on forums?
  16. Yes, I am sentinel class, buffed a bit though I can use Lance, sword and bow. I don't know exactly what's available though (if wishblade is I will take it due to a horrible luck stat) Don't have supports yet. Thunder affinity
  17. Hmm... I will need to choose weapons and stats
  18. Grief counseling? (YAY for Portal)
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