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Dr. Rudy Mjølnir

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Posts posted by Dr. Rudy Mjølnir

  1. I completely understand why some people don't like this or are completely neutral on it.. but as someone who is looking forward to it and thinks the whole skinship thing is pretty funny (I play a lot of otomes, so maybe I'm just desensitized to skinship stuff?) hearing things like "it's just pandering to the weeaboos/otakus/basement dwellers/lonely nerds" and other nasty things is getting really old and kind of disheartening. I just like romance-like stuff in games and I almost feel bad for enjoying that sorta thing when it honestly bothers so many other people :< It's not like I want FE to turn into a dating sim or anything because I enjoy it for the gameplay and characters first and foremost, but optional features (as long as they don't overshadow stuff in the actual game) like this are fun to me. I don't know.. maybe I'm just weird :/

    I agree with you there. It is nice to have other things to do besides the traditional gameplay. I know I will be using these features a lot.

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the digital version is just for the first 6 chapters, then you have to initiate a download for the rest.

    Is the "download of the rest" just an unlock key like we guessed before? o__o

    3 GB is about the size of Awakening, right? I don't think 6 chapters worth of content will use up that much space...

    Nah, Awakening was slightly over a gig.

  3. Well yeah, Awakening made more sense, do you imagine Gaius!Noire having anything other than black or orange hair ? Like purple ?

    Chrom having blue hair, Emm and Lissa have blond hair. We never seen their parents, it would make sense that one of them had blond hair, and the other blue. Or one of the grand-father having X color, even if it is unlikely.

    I'm just saying that pulling the 'Rainbow hair' card just after Awakening, were hair colours was coherent, is strange.

    Is this that incoherent to have the same hair color as your father ?

    You are taking this way too seriously.

  4. Thanks for the correction.

    Now I'm just confused. I can sort of understand face-rubbing as a way to bond with love interests (in a creepy kind of way), but... who face-rubs their friends? And is this sort of bath house-hopping, face-rubbing behavior really an appropriate way to act during war? An appropriate way to act towards your troops?

    The tone of this game is all over the place.

    Well, at least this can offer a little relief to those who want same sex pairings.

  5. Only that the story might be predictable and trite with Garon being the "obviously evil" caligula and Hoshido being a pure and righteous country with no darkness to it. But I have faith in the new writer and faith in the development team to come through with the gameplay and balance.

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