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Posts posted by Cyblaster


    It's interesting that Nintendo threw parts of both ending CGs into the trailers. I guess there aren't many other spots in the game where all the siblings stand together like that.

  2. Wait, so some people got the game early (by accident) right?

    If that's the case... doesn't that mean some games are ready for release before their actual release date? Why don't they just pull the release date forward? Is there some sort of code or rule they follow?

    Stores have to get the shipments beforehand so they can prepare the display/promotion. Smaller shops may be able to break street date without much repercussion but larger ones usually can't afford to get blacklisted. Downloads are controlled by the e-shop so this applies to physical copies only.

  3. It looks like there's a Buddy Seal for A+ (A only for Kamui) supports and a Marriage Seal for S supports. These let you reclass to the partner's class. Once you're past the required level, you learn a skill every level up. Parallel Seal gives you a few choices rather than becoming the partner's class.

    edit: The part I couldn't quite understand was the bit about promoted classes can learn unpromoted classes' skills. Do they assume you went through the same promotion path as your partnet and give you those skills too?

  4. Apparently Lilith's ghost or something stays in My Castle and you can still feed it. What.

    It's probably for the spotpass battles since it would be odd for players who progressed further into the story to lose out on Lilith.

  5. Camilla smiling in her critical isn't going to do much for her reputation of possibly being crazy...

    They really trying to buff archers. Hopefully they're in more than a handful of chapters. I wonder if they're the replacement for ballistae, or if both will be in the game?

    I thought that smile was part of the weapon triangle/big damage facial expressions thing.

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