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Posts posted by Cyblaster

  1. Actually, the main money genre in Japan right now is smartphone games. It's why you see time wasting mechanics creeping into so many recent RPGs like Bravely Default's Norende and the time-gated bonuses in FE12 and Awakening. It's also why you're seeing more pay to skip additions in traditional games since people have gotten impatient and want gratification now. A base building game is a perfect addition to make your game appeal to causal players, especially if it's time gated which it probably will be.

    Unless you can only gain the dragon vein resource over time (which I don't think it is), the game shouldn't be time gated. It's possible that weapon stocks refresh over time but you'll be more limited by gold than stock since everything is so expensive.

  2. Thanks for your hard work!

    It's nice to have all the new info collected in one (or two) posts. I thought I already knew everything from that video, but you proved me wrong

    Couple of small mistakes I noticed:

    Both of these can't be right, can they?

    Also, you mistyped Lapis Lazuli as "Lapuz Lazuli"

    I think that means everyone is supposed to get the Str +1 but the Str/Mag +2 kicks in to compensate for those people who had all stats -1.

  3. Perhaps it has something to do with Kamui losing/gaining the ability to use a dragonstone...

    It can be used for that too but the video showed that they're used for buying/upgrading the shops.

    [spoiler=buying item shop]0rLvH2n.jpg

    I don't know if it's already mentioned but the Nohr version doesn't gain exp during the street/spotpass battles.

    [spoiler=line at the bottom]R9F2eYy.jpg

  4. I think we got quite a bit of info on the weapons.

    - It looks like there's a sword equivalent for javelin/hand axe (1800G) and they can't double or crit while making it easier for you to be doubled. There are also the 2 range only version (4500G) that can crit but give -10 evade.

    - Silver weapons start out in limited supply at the shop but eventually become infinite after upgrading it quite a bit I assume.

    - I think stuff like beastbane or dragon spear work like the reaver system? Good against what's in their name and worse than standard against everything else.

    - Killer Sword (?) does extra big crits at 6 Mt but -10 evade.

    - Magic weapons give -20 evade and can't crit.

    - Warrior katana that doubles your damage when you're attacked but gives -20 evade.

    - A 6 Mt katana with +5 Speed but -1 def/res

    - Holy weapons that gives hp recovery but they decrease def/res. The katana version is -4 while the lance version is -3. These are super effective against monsters.

    - A defensive naginata with 5 Mt and -10 evade but +5 def/res.

    edit: I'm not too familiar with the stat names but evade is for hit chance, so -10 evade would mean 10 units (%?) easier for the enemy to hit you.

  5. Here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=396&v=6oO7b-oWl2g

    Also some pics I snipped -

    Open Map, but not a world map, a la Gaiden: http://imgur.com/GTNdL5Y

    Elise vs Ryouma (Before or after Kamui's big decision?): http://i.imgur.com/dnZ2Ay7.png

    Marth Recruitment: http://i.imgur.com/tuYr78O.png

    EDIT: Ninja'd on the video

    You get to collect ingredients to upgrade(?) other items? Looks like there are aspects of Harvest Moon.

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