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Posts posted by Ranulfo

  1. 5 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    Yes!!! Thank you so so much!!! How many votes would you say you gave her as a result so far? Please don't stop voting for her!!

    I would say about ten lol Thank you for cheering for her so enthusiastically or maybe I would've chosen to pour it all on Lysithea instead to keep her second place. It really helps boost morale when you see a lot of support for the character you want to win. Let's see where she places in the end!

  2. Last day! The anticipation is going to kill me. If baby Bernadetta really wins i'm gonna have to hang my head in shame every time i see my friend for like a month lol. At least make it the war version! All in all I ended up voting once for Ilyana, Astrid, Rebecca, Lute, Linhardt, Dorothea and Tomas, around three or four times for Lysithea and everthing else dumped on my girl Eirika between my computer, my partner's computer and my phone. Honestly the most fun outcome for me would be a full on upset where none of the first and second places keep their positions. I just love unpredictability.


    1 hour ago, Glaceon Mage said:
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    Most important character in the franchise who deserves all the love.

    Truly a cultured individual.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Midnox said:

    Now that I think about it, we are running out of lords who have been consistently supported. Maybe next year we might be seeing Brave Heroes of characters less relevant to the story

    Unless Eirika and Marth manage the upset they might be first next year, and there's also Chrom, Seliph, Sigurd and most avatars going strong, especially the female ones. Some people consider Azura, Lilina and Elincia to be close to lords or at least deuteragonists too. Of course if the Three Houses hype is still strong we could see stuff like Dorothea or Felix winning which would be funny

  4. 2 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Voted for Tomas/Sedgar as obscure picks, and Marth because I think he deserves a CYL win (though I'm not going to complain if the two 3H guys get theirs, even if I don't like Dimitri), will most likely vote for Stefan/Midir/Frost (by request).  I, uh, have a thing for green-haired anime guys, and I can't figure out why!

    Much as I want Eirika to win, I feel like throwing all my votes that way will betray the core of why I vote in CYL - to see some of my favorites in the game~!

    Oh Tomas is definitely a very interesting pick, I'd love to see how they depict him. And I definitely thought about the wolf guard too! Yeah you should definitely vote for your favorites until they make it in. 2019 has definitely shown IS cares a lot about these rankings when it comes to adding characters so it just makes sense your faves first and the ones getting special costumes second. And I can relate to having a thing for green haired boys (and girls), but thankfully most of my green guys and gals have been added, even if some just as alts... I'll throw a vote for Tomas from my partner's computer~

  5. 5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Hello there, me!  Well, we vote different genders, but still!  I vote so that my favorites get in, one day.

    Assuming you weren't going to rally Eirika, who would you vote for?

    Hi! Thankfully a lot of my favorites managed to get in this year, but among the ones I'd still like to see are Ryan, Cecil, Yuliya and Yubello, Dew, Lana, Coirpre, Lowen, Farina, Zihark, Astrid, Laura, Elena, Amy, Miriel, Emmeryn, Orochi and Sophie. I know I couldn't have voted for everyone but those were my "still not in the game" choices not counting three houses😛. In the end I only managed to throw a vote towards Astrid, Rebecca (to maybe get an alt) and Ilyana (to maybe get a non-alt) before I saw the midterms and started looking around to see if Eirika had a chance or I had to throw my votes at Lysithea. What were your options? 

  6. I'm not sure if she can actually make a comeback with all the current three houses waifu hype, but I'm gonna be voting for Eirika. I would normally just keep voting my obscure choices but I've seen so much rallying for her i just gotta help out a bit. It's the vocal minority, but it's something. I actually wouldn't mind all that much if Lysithea was one of the two female winners, but I really would rather pre-character development Bernadetta not get a brave alt. I don't vibe with the uwu must protec messy hair constant screaming version of her.

    A friend of mine actually criticized me for focusing my votes on the females (she wans Bernie to win lol and even though I told her I'm chill with war arc Bern she's giving me the silent treatment now) when I like Claude and he could lose, but... if Marth upsets him I'd be just fine. If Claude doesn't get second this year he might get first the next and get a nice prf skill!

  7. We might still be able to "lock" characters into one romance by using those arrow things that apparently signify there's more content for certain support ranks. Other than that I like the return to form of the A ranks, though I'll miss paired endings in the epilogue very much if all these do end up being platonic... And some characters being locked to B rank is weird to me, but once again the arrows mechanic will probably make up for that missing A rank convo.

  8. 2 minutes ago, BastienSoul said:

    A comment from a reviewer in this video implies that Shamir and Petra can have a support. I assume that others can too. Search "Petra" if you want to find it (it's a reply), but the comment is also kind of spoilery, so be warned.

    Thank you so much! Very interesting. This reviewer has certainly been dropping a lot of good info. I'm glad to know that the faculty will have a chance to be developed further than just their relationship with Byleth.

  9. 4 hours ago, throwaway said:

    New Eurogamer Spain video here with some new recruitment demands:

    @ 3:34 - Marianne: Magic and Riding

    @ 3:56 - Dorothea: Charisma and Authority

    There's also a little snippet of the Recruiting explanation at 3:22

    4/5: "You can have students from other houses join your class if you complete certain requirements. Each student has their priorities, usually in distinct attributes (stats?) and skills."

    5/5: "It will be much easier to convince a student to join your house if you have an affinity with them, so raise your support levels with those you're interested in recruiting. As you progress through the story, you may recruit certain people who aren't students."

    not a native speaker so feel free to correct

    yes thank you so much for this!!! those are exactly the two i wanted haha Marianne is pretty much what i expected but Dorothea seems a bit hard... I hope charisma and authority aren't as hard to focus on as i'm thinking they might be

  10. I'm the type of person that would plan my Genealogy, Awakening and Fates pairings for multiple playthroughs, but i think for 3Houses I'm just gonna let whatever happens happen like I did for the GBA and Gamecube/Wii era. There's no eugenics in this one after all, so no need to overthink it. It just makes sense that the people that work the best together end up forming a stronger relationship, be it friendship or romantic!
    I would be lying if I said I didn't think a little bit about and I have some preferences, but at least for the first playthrough I want it to be completely organic. I'll do pairs that pique my interest in subsequent playthroughs.

  11. 2 hours ago, Kiran_ said:

    I just ... this post had me actually laugh out loud! Bolded for things I LOVED and agreed with. Haha. My number would be slightly different but LOL. So good.

    Haha wow thank you! I'm glad I could make someone laugh 😛 The numbers are definitely changing as we actively get new information but that's just what happens when we make pre-launch lists. Can't wait until the game releases!

  12. 11 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

    tbf, we don't really know what the casting of this game is like (I don't think we do, anyway).  For all we know, she may actually be voiced by a foreign-born actress who, as I said before, could easily be mistaken for an American voice.


    Anyway, didn't actually say anything about the video itself.

    For one thing, I like its style.  It plays much like an advertisement for the Black Eagles.

    For another, I definitely relate to Hubert's likes.  Coffee and irony are indeed things I like.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store later on, even if it's just repeating information we already know for the most part.  If only because I'll get to hear whether or not the characters have quality voices or voices like you'd hear in the original Resident Evil.  Stop it...  Don't OPEN that DOOR!

      Reveal hidden contents

    Shoutouts to whoever gets that.


    True, we don't, Here's hoping we don't get another Gregor or Athena!

    Hopefully we'll get more cards with likes and dislikes from the other members of the Black Eagles before we go straight to the Blue Lions. I wonder if we'll learn about Bernadetta's hobbies, or if Ferdinands dislikes are "Empire" and "Edelgard" lmao

  13. 5 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

    People have mistaken Swedish voices for American accents.

    I'm just saying, it's possible for non-American English speakers to sound completely indistinguishable from Americans.  I'm actually kind of glad they aren't going for an overt stereotypical-sounding accent or speech pattern, that gets grating at times.

    True, I'm also happy they're not going for an obvious stereotype. As a foreigner myself I just wish they would hire an actual foreign voice actor for these type of characters that have the fact they're still learning the language be such a huge part of who they are, instead of telling a natural English speaker to make a silly accent or not trying at all. But it's just a minor nitpick. This is a fictional country she's from so for all I know it could be an equivalent to Sweden in terms of language, even if her physical appearance doesn't suggest they were going for that.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Disclaimer said:

    I’ve known people learning English who speak almost exactly like that, so it seems fair to me.

    Fair enough. To me she just sounds like a perfect American adding plurals where they shouldn't be, but hopefully that just means she's advanced enough in her learning that she'll speak almost perfect Fodlaner(?) after the timeskip. I'm sure that'd make her happy!

  15. Can't wait for Edelgard to summon three dragons and ride them across the entire continent setting everything on fire because you didn't choose to help her study to become a brigand. Linhardt looks cute in that cutscene, and I actually like Hubert better now that I know he's probably gonna be a tired sarcastic asshole who likes coffee lmao

    Petra though... Not loving her speech patterns. That's not really how someone that's learning English speaks, though I guess it depends on what her mother tongue is.

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