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Posts posted by Ranulfo

  1. After ~150 orbs I got two Celicas, an Ayra, one Deirdre, one Hector and two Bride Caedas even though I was avoiding blue unless there were only blue and colorless stones. My top priorities were Camilla, Ayra and Deirdre so I got two out of three of my most desired units. Distant Defense and Distant Counter fodder, too, and a Waifu Bouquet for when Ilyana gets released. I really can't complain in my opinion, even If I didn't get the unit I needed the most to finish my second flier emblem team. I might build a Michalis instead. That Hauteclere buff is nice.


    But I will still complain because my boyfriend downloaded the game on my suggestion because of this specific banner and he got 10 five stars so far in more or less the same amount of orbs as me. Two Celicas, two Deirdres, two Hectors, THREE Bride Cordelias and the one that hurts the most: Bunny Camilla ;_;

  2. I actually dreamt about a live stream revealing Ranulf before this was announced. Last time I dreamt about new units it was Ilyana and the first Path of Radiance banner dropped right after, so I doubt it will actually be Ranulf himself, but maybe we could see one or two beast units being introduced? Micaiah, Sothe and Volug could be a reasonable banner. They could also do some Alm's Army/Celica's Army shenaningans with Radiant Dawn's part three teams. Ike's army could have Tibarn and Skrimir and Micaiah's would feature Nailah and Rafiel, for example. I might be expecting too much but I like to trust my dreams lmao.

    My deepest secret is that I'm hoping it's just some Christmas mumbo jumbo or FE5 stuff (haven't played it yet) so I can pass on whatever new content there is and save my orbs to maybe someday get the elusive cryptid that is Amelia.

  3. I was dreading this banner when it was announced but I let my boyfriend pull this afternoon and when he went "this stone has Sakura" she was fucking there. Like, how. She's +HP -Atk but I don't mind, I got the only unit I wanted. Now I'll save until the mid month banner (unless I get really drunk or something and I end up trying for Nowi)

  4. I hate three out of four of these characters. The one I actually like is the most boring one since she's not a ranged armor or a flying mage with hone fliers, and she shares a colour with someone else. I knew I didn't want a halloween banner... And yet my collector nature urges me to pull until I get at least one of them.

    I guess I'll go red and colorless, cry when I get a Jakob or an off-banner Chrom and then cry more when the mid month banner features some of my favorite characters in the series.

  5. I initially was very proud of my  FTP-ness but then I realized I've been playing this game nonstop basically every day since launch. That's more than half a year of Heroes being my main source of entertainment, so I went fuck it, might as well put some money into this if I'm not doing it for anything else. I've since spent 60€ of my own and 60€ from gifts, so I guess I'm a clownfish. Wouldn't really say it was worth it, but I don't regret it either. I did get S!Corrin and Elincia out of it.

  6. I actually managed to (most likely) secure my way back to tier 20 with a score of 4842. I just had to upgrade the Distance Defense seal to level 3 and give it to Cecilia. Props to CYL Ike for providing the BST Cecilia doesn't have, especially because I've yet to change her base A and B skill.

    Everything would be easier with a Genealogy bonus unit but ANOTHER Ninian had to break my pity percent

  7. Here's my clear. This was my second attempt, and I even gave Sophia Draw Back because I found myself in a situation where I needed it in the first one. I guess my positioning changed or something and it wasn't even necessary. Sorry about the massive slowdown at the beginning. It gets much better towards the middle point of the video.

    Someday I'll finish my Rebecca and I'll be able to retire darling Cordelia. Until then, she will remain as quadqueen.

  8. 1 hour ago, Crushie said:

    200 orbs later and I still haven't gotten one of the characters god damnit. 

    My pity rate was once broken by a 5* Tharja otherwise I haven't gotten anything. That's the third time in a row where I have a pity rate of over 5% and still don't get a 5* (what's wrong with my luck...).

    Well it's still the first day and there are still plenty to come (the chances of getting  both Sigurd and Deirdre are getting lower and lower though).

    You have some serious willpower. 200 orbs three times in a row with no results? That's only happened to me in the Elincia banner and I was raging mad.  I also just spent 90 orbs in the new banner with nothing to show for it and I'm already depressed af.

    teach me your meditation routine

  9. 2 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    Yes, the season that first included Brave Ike and Lyn showed a rather noticeable jump in threshold requirement for anything related to Tier 20. Since Sacred Seals also influence scoring, the introduction of the Forge has caused yet another threshold bump.

    Welp I'm screwed then. I guess I'll have to upgrade the seals with the highest score associated to them next season if I wanna have any chance of going back to tier 20, specially if my only bonus unit turns out to be Cecilia.

    1 hour ago, Hilda said:

    Upgraded Sacred Seals give more point, also PA!Azura as a Dancer that has a Legendary Weapon and higher BST then ranged Dancers. In general dont use anything else then Infantery/Armor units or your points will blow unless heavily merged or has a Legendary weapon. i scored 5120ish or so. And in this new wonderland i do encounter occasionally Horse units, but i never encountered a full Horse Emblem Team ever again so far. There is 1 Reinhardt or 1 BLyn in the Team, +10 fully merged, but they both run Legendary weapons and are usually accompanied by other infantery/armored units.

    The Teams i encounter consist mostly of +10 merged:

    Hector/Effy/Amelia/B!Ike/Ike/occasionally Ryoma/Blyn/Reinhardt/Lukas/"some fucking Dragonstone chicken that fucks up my run"/Nino/Eirika/PA!Azura/occ. Celica

    Usually everyone is running Distant Counter + Aether or Galeforce or some other crap (yes even the Dancers). I heard even higher up its all Super Sheena and Gwendolyn sisters land!

    I do know a bit about high merge arena thanks to a whale friend I have (the distant counter everything just for score amuses me) but wow am I far from the point you're at. Someday I'll +10 my darling Rebecca. Someday.

     I also assumed not EVERYONE would manage to get the new Azura, and those using the lower bst dancers would cause the cutoff to be lower...

    At the very least I'm glad to hear Fae and Gwendolyn are flourishing up there. Keep going strong gurls

  10. *makes ritualistic runes in the shape of Tutorial!Anna's face* May everyone be blessed by multiple Tailtiu, Deirdre and Sigurd and avoid getting spooked by bad IV off-banner five stars.


    please rng give me a break after not giving me any green dancers and the disaster that was the Elincia Hunt i just want the two precious violet haired mages

  11. 17 minutes ago, Taim Meich said:

    Ah, dang. I don't know if I'll bother changing my team, then. Alphonse instead of Inigo and Bike with Aether and BB will probably be enough point-wise, but then Rein and/or BLyn with a Reposition partner make things very complicated. Being able to counter kill them is crucial.

    Curiosamente, yo soy de Granada...

    Papá, nadie en internet está intentando robarme el número de la tarjeta de crédito, fuera de mi foro de Fire Emblem.

    I wonder what caused this change in the point cutoff? Could it really be the free CYL unit everyone got? Going from a 4790s cutoff to 4830s is pretty steep, and I also thought the bonus units' poor bst would make it even lower if anything. I hope it doesn't get worse or I will go back to the tier 18-19 rotation... Which ain't too bad, still a good amount of orbs and feathers, but it will hurt my pride if all my friends manage to keep rotating between 19 and 20.

    Sorry if this has been answered/discussed already, I have not really looked at this thread before.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Taim Meich said:

    Was it like this last week? I was in tier 20 on my usual way down to 19, so I don't know if that started then or not.

    It was, and I was also surprised by it. I had to change my team around to go from 4820s to 4830s.


    also yay another spanish person. Mi padre nació en Granada.

  13. When next arena rewards drop I'm going to upgrade a good Chrom to merge with the bad IV 5* Chrom I randomly pulled back in the New Mystery Banner. After that I gotta give Shigure a better weapon. I also want to give my -spd Mathilda the Chrom treatment. Then there's Eirika, who needs to become a 5*, and Titania, who needs the upgrade AND a new weapon. Then there's all the units I've left in the backburner, like Wo Dao Lon'qu, Slayer Bow Setsuna, Blarowl Odin or Firesweep Shanna. Members of my secondary horse team, secondary flier team, Adult Tiki, Gwendolyn and also Ayra and Arvis soon...

    Gosh I have way too many projects...

  14. I went with Ethlin because I love her and I think IS should start trying to save healers with all these new fancy skills they're dropping on us. With that said, I'd also personally love Brigid with her Yewfelle or Azelle as our second red mage cavalier. Lex would be nice to expand our green cavalier roster, although I doubt he'd be the powerful and speedy axe horsie people want. Lewyn as a non-limited green mage dancer/bard would make my day. Finally, Dew would make a dear friend very happy so I'm obligated to mention him (and daggers need to start being buffed too)

  15. I kinda talked myself into wanting Deirdre so I feel like I might pull blues and greens and maybe get a Tailtiu if Deirdre doesn't come. Still not interested in Sigurd, except for the niche of being able to say that I have pulled my entire Top 5 Fire Emblem Lords. But, then again... I still don't have any of the green Performing Art Units... Ugh if only I was rich

  16. 21 hours ago, Zinnia said:

    @Ranulfo Love your Sophia soo much! I remember she was my first mage and kept her as a main for a long time until I got Lilina. Now seeing yours, I wanna train mine again! Amazing attack, and seems really bulky and reliable! And wow, being able to survive a Moonbow Rein, I don't know a lot of Red mages (or a lot of units tbh) able to do that!

    Thank you! She really is amazing, I recommend going back to her if you don't have any other projects and trying a fun build :D So powerful yet bulky. I was actually going to do the same thing, but I never pulled Lilina, so I kept working on Sophia. In fact, Sanaki came home before Lilina. Her and Roy have yet to appear on any of my summoning sessions. What have I done to offend you, Binding Blade? By the way, yours looks AMAZING. That attack stat makes me shiver. Hone Spd and Drive Spd and she must manhandle every enemy in her path. Scary!


    And just to keep the post on topic, here's some more of my garbage lol I loved Florina back in FE7 so I vowed to make her work in Heroes without spending any Hectors. She does work with the help of a few Goad Fliers, and a Fortify Fliers allows her to soak a lot of magical damage, even certain Reinhardts! I also have a Klein to give her Death Blow, but... I'm waiting a while to see if someone needs it more. And then there's everyone's favorite pity breaker when they're going for green. I love Merric, actually. I was aiming for him for a while. I love his balanced stats, they work perfectly with the owl tomes. His build isn't finished because I don't know what he needs in his B. A Breaker? Vantage? Renewal? QR? I need to use him more to see what he really needs there.



  17. Gosh, I'm conflicted. I want Tailtiu the most but she's the one that's most likely to drop to four stars. Sigurd is my fifth favorite lord but I really don't need another horse sword. I love Genealogy so it feels very weird to say this, but maybe this will be the first time I skip a banner since Celica's debut...

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