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Celestial Cookie

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Everything posted by Celestial Cookie

  1. I only suggested it because when someone said "make everyone bi" earlier, a bunch of people got offended and there was general disapproval of the idea. While yes it is the same in execution, apparently it's the labels that matter. Making everyone bi would be the most effective solution, but that upset quite a few people when it was suggested a while ago. I'm too lazy to find the exact quotes, but the whole "making everyone bi" thing was shot down almost immediately. (EDIT: Misread the post, changed my reply accordingly. Sorry about that.)
  2. I'm just going to secretly hope that it is a dragon of destruction because let's face it the Hoshido are pretty bland
  3. Ask him. You can write him a letter, email, or other message, or you can just ask him outright, whatever you're comfortable with. If you do, then I'd just tell him, "Hey, you're one of my best friends, and I feel like something's up between us lately. I miss hanging out with you. What's going on?" or something like that. Make sure you clarify that you don't want to get between him and Bob, and maybe offer to do some things with the three of you. Just make sure you confront him about it, seriously. You'll regret it if you don't.
  4. You know that statue in the background of Hoshido when Mikoto is first shown? It looked familiar to me, but I couldn't say why. That is, until I remembered something odd. There was an iOS game I liked to play quite a few years ago, called DragonVale. And for some reason, I kept thinking about it when I saw that dragon. So, on a hunch, I opened up the app and after like 10 minutes of loading, I am not disappointed: That statue there? It's an exclusive from 2012. It was supposed to be making fun of the "apocalypse". Seriously, WHAT?! What is this doing is Hoshido, of all places? Does this mean Hoshido worships a destructive dragon? Do Hoshidans worship Grima, or some such equivalent?! welp definitely choosing Nohr (Cross-posted to tumblr because I need answers)
  5. Unrealistic Solution That Will Never Happen But Could Please Everyone is here! [spoiler=Aforementioned solution]Give characters S supports for both genders, as if everyone is bi, BUT... And this is the important part...Give each character a switch in the options menu. Like, choose between Straight, Gay, and Bi (I'd say add Ace too but unfortunately we're not there yet). And if you choose Bi, for example, they can now S-support with anyone in their S-support pool who has a compatible sexuality. So, for example, we have Character A, who is male.. He has possible S supports with Characters B (a female), and C (another male). Now we set Character A to "bi". If Character B, being female, is set to "straight" or "bi", characters A and B have a possible S-support. If C is set to "gay" or "bi", A and C can S-support. That way, if you're against it, you can just keep everyone as "straight". If you're for it, you can choose to have some gay/bi characters in there. And if you're LGB, you can choose which character you want to marry and not be limited to a few options! Again, it's completely unrealistic, but it's the only solution I can think of that 1) makes sure the LGB characters won't be gimmicky, 2) makes everyone happy, 3) represents LGB characters in realistic proportions (possibly), and 4) doesn't limit possible S supports in any way. As for the whole incest thing... While I doubt it'll go there because that's so touchy (they'd have to address the taboo), I can see it working with this game because of the relationship you have with all of the siblings. Half of them are like siblings but aren't biologically related to you, and the other half you haven't seen in years. Trans characters... I don't want them included. While I'm more than up for trans representation, I just know that'll be their character gimmick and be turned into a joke, in which case I'm better off without them. And for the homophobe debate, and I will only say this once (this is my opinion, and you're not going to change it): [spoiler=This is kinda long sorry]As far as personal beliefs go, well, I can't tell you to stop being religious. I can tell you about how the Bible endorses slavery or countless other examples of why it's not exactly a final say on life, but that won't change your mind unless you defy the principles of cognitive bias. No, what I'm going to tell you are a few simple things that you probably won't listen to. I'm going to put you in my shoes and hopefully make you think a little bit. Here we go. I live by a pretty simple philosophy: there's no point in causing drama, and there's no point in hurting others. Life is too short for suffering, be it mine or anyone else's. While I can't change what others do, I can try to fill the world and the people I meet with happiness, because god knows there's not enough of that around. I just feel like I need to spread this around, because no one seems to get it. Why cause pain? What does that accomplish? Someone mentioned that gay couples can't be a "spiritual family unit" a while back, did they not? (This is when that philosophy comes into hand. Without it, I'd fly off the handle. I'll try to be as calm as I can, but I'm sorry if I get a bit emotional.) There's nothing wrong with kids raised by gay parents, just as there's nothing wrong with kids raised by a single parent who also lack the "spiritual family unit". May I ask, who are you to tell two people that they can't properly raise a child? Who are you to stomp on someone's happiness in the name of your invisible deity? And at that point, is there really any difference between God and Satan? They're both causing pain; one just covers it up behind a disguise of righteousness while the other is honest about it. Is the pain I feel from that comment- the pain that isn't even my own- is that what your God wants? Are the tears streaming down my face, the tears for a friend who thought they were garbage because their parents weren't "normal", are those the rivers in your God's heaven? Did my friend's blood deserve to be shed because it was "tainted"? Are they, one of the most intelligent and driven people I know, "broken"? Incapable of being whole or meaningful? I'd assume their family, with two loving mothers who care about them and drive them to do well, is somehow lesser than that of two heterosexual parents who abuse their children? Because that's what you just told me. And don't you dare tell me you didn't mean to offend. You meant what you said, didn't you? And this is it. You don't have the right to deny someone's happiness. If it being in a game bothers you, then just stop letting it. After all, we've had to stop letting you bother us. Don't get all self-entitled with me about putting up with something in a video game when you've never experienced having to lie to yourself. Imagine if, in Awakening, Robin could only S-rank with those of the same gender. Take a minute to process those emotions. The annoyance, the outrage, the frustration as not being able to be yourself. Add in a resigned sigh and a lack of surprise, and congratulations; you've just experienced what the LGBT community feels like all the time. Doesn't it suck? And don't dehumanize us, either. Every time you type something about how you don't want something like this implemented, consider the fact that you are supporting the forcing of that feeling on plenty of good, honest people who, like you, just want to be happy. Before you think about "well I want to be happy too, why should I sacrifice", I'll answer that question for you. The extent of discomfort you receive from interactions LGBT individuals can be described as "bothered by". The extent of LGBT individuals' discomfort from homophobes can be described as anywhere from "depression" to "suicide". I'll just get it out of the way before I wrap it up: Why? What will you gain from making others suffer? Is it really worth the consequences? You don't have to be pro-LGBT, and I'm not asking you to be. I'm asking you to be considerate, and to reciprocate what the LGBT community has been doing for you for years- deal with it. I'm asking you not to be all for it, but to be truly neutral- to not mind if it's put in, because even though you don't support it, you're not against making others feel accepted. I am asking you to put aside what you want, because others out there deserve a break at least once. I am asking you to maybe, just maybe, reconsider what you're doing before you go hurting someone else for your own satisfaction. And as a final note: Please consider what I've said. Really consider it, not just read it thinking I'm just bashing your beliefs. If I've done any Bible-bashing, it's to make you think about the point, and I'd appreciate if you'd do so rather than typing up a lengthy defense of how you are right and I am wrong (by the way, I've read the Bible). I don't intend on replying to any such defenses, as this was not meant to start a debate but rather have you consider a different point of view. I've said what I needed to, I feel a bit better for getting it all out, and I'll leave it at that.
  6. Apparently it's got something to do with anime and Tharja and Lucina and "polluting the fanbase"? I think it's about how, post-Awakening, there's a lot of new fans who are obsessed with supports and their waifus. Lucina is particularly hated among these people. really how silly everyone knows that Chrom is the best waifuJust change him to the bride class with hacks and you're all set
  7. Wait, what? Tomes don't do x2? I thought that was just Hand Axes and Javelins. And yeah, I bet they will give Kamui that permanent Dragon weakness. They've nerfed everything else, after all And do you guys mean to tell me no one appreciates the time to Dual Guard pun?
  8. Oh thank goodness I have been chased out of places for being a "casual" or being into "waifu culture" (I'm... Not..? Don't know why they though I was)
  9. It's time to Dual Guard sorry not sorryOn topic though, think about it- all ranged weapons except for Dragonstones got added to the triangle; maybe this is how they're planning to nerf that advantage.
  10. throws Arcfire tome out the window Not like I was planning to set the site on fire or anything ahahaha where would you get that idea
  11. Hi! I'm Maddi, and I've been lurking for a little over a year because I'm a little scared of the FE community eheheheh Ok I should probably get this out of the way; I'm sorry in advance if I offend anyone, and if I do, please tell me what I did wrong! I'm not very socially adept so please tell me if I'm being rude because chances are I don't mean to be. Other things, other things... Uhh, I'm a pretty new FE fan, having started with Awakening (please don't kill me). I overuse commas and semicolons if you couldn't already tell... What else... Oh yeah, and I don't have the faintest clue what to put as my profile photo because all of my interests are embarrassing EDIT: oh yeah I forgot to say that I'm actually pretty intelligent I'm just a complete failure really awful at literally everything that isn't advanced mathematics, Fire Emblem included. EDIT 2: ok now I have an avatar that will probably change about 15 times before I decide on something I like ye ye
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