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Status Updates posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. Sorry I have been inactive but I am awaiting surgery at Sick kids this Tuesday so i hope that I get better and can use my computer again (without being sick).

  2. I have lost over 60 pounds since I have been sick but I promise as soon as I am better i will be active again :)

    1. ikelover


      And that's a bad thing? When your better, it's gonna be a great thing-you can eat, eat, eat, all day! ^-^

  3. I'm sorry but I have been a lot more sick and just cant do these forums anymore :(

  4. Thanks Black Knight :) Happy New Years to you as well

  5. Merry Christmas GA (Great Auk) :)

  6. Meryy Christmas Lightbrand

  7. Merry Christmas Boner

  8. Merry Christmas Lord Oujay :)

  9. Merry Christams to you too Alice :)

  10. Maybe it was the whole Kimimaro using Bone weapons thing if not that then it's definitely messed up (no offense).

  11. Thanks ALS good to be back.

  12. It's okay when i was re-installing I came across a free Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade so now my computers awesome & I saved $300, yay

  13. Usually people just call me Gids or Gid. But I guess the most used one is Gideon Upton.

  14. No problem the more friends the merrier.

  15. Actually I've only had teachers that have a good sense of humor, it was just fun for them.

  16. The only time it ever made my life hard was Kindergarten (spelling your own name) XD

  17. Yeah my mom went a little too far when she gave me both my grandparents last names xD

  18. no problem hope you have a good birthday.

  19. If anyone views my profile I would like it if you could answer this question, if you could have any Fire Emblem game remade, what game & for what system. You don't have to answer it's just a question.

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