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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. They are a undesirable class for both a physical & ranged teams unless you have amazing growths which I haven't seen yet
  2. This is an amazing Thread there are really good conversations most of the time. I only joined today & I can tell that.
  3. No prob Lux I am trying to get as many friends on here as possible and you being on the FE4 thread made it practical as well.

  4. I can't believe it's not butter! Same shit, different hats and swords. Yeah but Nomadic Trooper's do have better Animation (in my opinion)
  5. Your right I should've said Nomadic Trooper.
  6. Ranger is awesome in 8 for Neimi. For Gerik it's mostly preference, though. your definitely right there I also think Ranger Niemi is much better than Sniper Niemi (that's just my opinion though)
  7. Y No. He looks exactly like Jackal irl. ... Why wouldn't you reclass them? I just think Ranger is a under appreciated class for 6,7,8 & 11
  8. I'd take Wolf. He's so much prettier than Sedgaro. I personally think Wolf's better than sedgar unless you want to class change Sedgar (that could be better)
  9. It's the impending doom. Sorry I didn't mean to start up a old problem I will try not to do that in the future.
  10. Yeah? Levin x Fury= Good holsety user Levin x Tilt= Early holsety user in the long run LevinxFury is better for the harder enemies like Alvis, Ishtar & Yurius. LevinxTiltyu is still a not bad pairing.
  11. Does the Mistolin have a different ability than Critical in the Binary hack. It has 20 initial crt I think and Hp sapping ability. Wow that Mistolin rocks it's like a super-powered Earth Sword/Killing Edge
  12. Does the Mistolin have a different ability than Critical in the Binary hack.
  13. Restart. Now. Why? If you want a good set of people I have always used AzelxTiltyu SylviaxClaude FuryxLevin that's the best way to get a amazing Sety, a double minor blood Arthur & a Valkyrie using Corple. If you want an amazing Faval pair BridgetxJamka, IraxHolyn is good but useless if you don't use the Balmung (iron lance) glitch so IraxLex is still awesome. I don't care about Sety. @Ninji: I don't need the Hero Sword. I'm planning on giving Lex Holyn's Silver Sword before the end of Ch5 and Lakche gets the Thunder Sword and the Steel Blade, among other things. In that case what you got sounds like a good 2nd gen list of child inheritance.
  14. Not whores: Me Sirius Chainey Shigurun Astra Uhhh... I know I'm forgetting people. Who, though? I'm not a manwhore (my brother is though)
  15. Restart. Now. Why? If you want a good set of people I have always used AzelxTiltyu SylviaxClaude FuryxLevin that's the best way to get a amazing Sety, a double minor blood Arthur & a Valkyrie using Corple. If you want an amazing Faval pair BridgetxJamka, IraxHolyn is good but useless if you don't use the Balmung (iron lance) glitch so IraxLex is still awesome.
  16. Exactly what I'm doing on my first playthough. @_@ Well you've set my mind i'm going to restart from chapter 1 without boss abuse (it's a lot more fun since i'm using my PSP to play) I only have a handful of people that are promoted (like 3) So taking down that Mistoltin!Shgaall...... I just talk to Eltoshan with Lachesis usually but it can be hard with all those Cross Knights. Shagall's easy with a really good Sigurd (the one who needs Shagall's Big Silver sword the most)
  17. Exactly what I'm doing on my first playthough. @_@ Well you've set my mind i'm going to restart from chapter 1 without boss abuse (it's a lot more fun since i'm using my PSP to play)
  18. I am planning to restart without unit abuse anyway I just want to get to celice's first chapter, it's more fun when it's a challenge anyway.
  19. I'm fighting the Crossknights from CH.3 right now in the binary hack & i've got myself into a position where i can warp 2 people to my almost dead Masterknight Lachesis. I am mainly considering my Level 30 Aideen or Ayra & Holyn what should I do, Everyone's alive and promoted. Any help would be appreciated.
  20. Would you say AideenxMidir is better than AideenxDew & BeowulfxLachesis or LexxLachesis.
  21. I just started playing this hack & the version I downloaded has a bug with Briggid using the Swanchika. I'm just wondering if there is a newer patch or a way to get around this glitch. Any help would be appreciated:)
  22. For the glory of Lenster! For the glory of eventually deceasesd nations! As long as Prince Leaf lives, Lenster can still be reborn. Leaf is amazing as a Masterknight if you get him good weapons. Rescue Bolganon Tornado Recover Silver Axe Eat rocks That would be an amazing Weapon list if you have a Skill or Speed Ring (depending on your stats) My Leaf always gets screwed spd wise. -_- I'm a little bit cheap when it comes to level ups. I just savestate & move my units around until I get suitable stat increases.
  23. Thank you very much for your helpful info I am going to spend less time on this now and pursue Hack ideas that have more of a probability of being completed (not trying to sound sarcastic).
  24. For the glory of Lenster! For the glory of eventually deceasesd nations! As long as Prince Leaf lives, Lenster can still be reborn. Leaf is amazing as a Masterknight if you get him good weapons. Rescue Bolganon Tornado Recover Silver Axe Eat rocks That would be an amazing Weapon list if you have a Skill or Speed Ring (depending on your stats)
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