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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. I'll make the sheet. -_- Masamune weapon of choice? Mug? If Custom sprites are allowed I could supply the link to the FE4 Advance Alvis sprite (unless that`s not allowed), otherwise i`m fine with the Pent mug. My weapon of choice would preferably be Holesty but if your only using GBA weapons Excalibur. They probably wouln't let us have that. I can insert the FE4 mug of Alvis though. Holsety is taken.-_- Okay I assume Falaflame & Tordohammer (my other favourites are taken too), so i`ll use excalibur (if that`s taken) Forblaze. Taken, taken, Excalibur and Forblaze aren't though! Excalibur is perfect then. On a latter note if it ever comes up my favourite sword is Tyrfing. Tyrfing taken. -_- Yeah no prob i`m just going to stick to GBA weapons from here on out. You can forge Forblaze and Excalibur together..... Forbler & Excaliblaze
  2. I'll make the sheet. -_- Masamune weapon of choice? Mug? If Custom sprites are allowed I could supply the link to the FE4 Advance Alvis sprite (unless that`s not allowed), otherwise i`m fine with the Pent mug. My weapon of choice would preferably be Holesty but if your only using GBA weapons Excalibur. They probably wouln't let us have that. I can insert the FE4 mug of Alvis though. Holsety is taken.-_- Okay I assume Falaflame & Tordohammer (my other favourites are taken too), so i`ll use excalibur (if that`s taken) Forblaze. Taken, taken, Excalibur and Forblaze aren't though! Excalibur is perfect then. On a latter note if it ever comes up my favourite sword is Tyrfing. Tyrfing taken. -_- Yeah no prob i`m just going to stick to GBA weapons from here on out.
  3. yeah no prob I wasn`t getting my hopes high anyway seeing as how there are quite a few people here (those weapons were probably snatched up quickly anyway)
  4. I'll make the sheet. -_- Masamune weapon of choice? Mug? If Custom sprites are allowed I could supply the link to the FE4 Advance Alvis sprite (unless that`s not allowed), otherwise i`m fine with the Pent mug. My weapon of choice would preferably be Holesty but if your only using GBA weapons Excalibur. They probably wouln't let us have that. I can insert the FE4 mug of Alvis though. Holsety is taken.-_- Okay I assume Falaflame & Tordohammer (my other favourites are taken too), so i`ll use excalibur (if that`s taken) Forblaze. Taken, taken, Excalibur and Forblaze aren't though! Excalibur is perfect then. On a latter note if it ever comes up my favourite sword is Tyrfing.
  5. I'll make the sheet. -_- Masamune weapon of choice? Mug? If Custom sprites are allowed I could supply the link to the FE4 Advance Alvis sprite (unless that`s not allowed), otherwise i`m fine with the Pent mug. My weapon of choice would preferably be Holesty but if your only using GBA weapons Excalibur. They probably wouln't let us have that. I can insert the FE4 mug of Alvis though. Holsety is taken.-_- Okay I assume Falaflame & Tordohammer (my other favourites are taken too), so i`ll use excalibur (if that`s taken) Forblaze.
  6. I'll make the sheet. -_- Masamune weapon of choice? Mug? If Custom sprites are allowed I could supply the link to the FE4 Advance Alvis sprite (unless that`s not allowed), otherwise i`m fine with the Pent mug. My weapon of choice would preferably be Holesty but if your only using GBA weapons Excalibur.
  7. I jsut realized, we didn't have a mage knight, pre-masamune. Mageknight sounds perfect too me
  8. I like swords mostly & Anima magic, I think i`ll take Swordmaster or Hero whichever is more practical.
  9. I`m not picky if you find a class opening i`ll take it (whatever you think would suit me, cause i`m new here)
  10. You should play one of the Fire Emblem 4 Genealogy of hacks those can fill lots of time & they are really fun (especially Neir Genealogy) I've played them all. Oh, okay then. Never mind
  11. You should play one of the Fire Emblem 4 Genealogy of hacks those can fill lots of time & they are really fun (especially Neir Genealogy)
  12. Hi Astra Hows Binary? Got to Ch.4~ I`m on Chapter 7 now but I had to go back & redo Chapter 6 & 7 cause of glitch with celice.
  13. Well now, of course I won't say anything bad about you, you're different, as expected at least. Well thank you for that comment (no sarcasm intended)
  14. It`s no problem I know i`m new here you can say anything you want to me I won`t get angry.
  15. Basically, Dew's strength growth got nerfed from 40 to 20%. This should also show in his children, who are going to have less strength than they used to. An average level 30 Lester usually caps his strength, but now with a growth of only 30% as opposed to 50%, 20 strength is the expected average. On my next playthrough i'm going to watch out for growths so I can breed the perfect 2nd Gen. With some of my other pairs (not listed) I think i'm about halfway there.
  16. Really, Lester's strength growth in only 30%. Expect maybe a 20 at best unless you abuse. Alvis is sexy. This girl knows what she's talking about. Totally not biaised for being a young Alvis lookalike. I honestly don't get it but my characters always even out their stats just where I want them too (as close as they can without hacking)
  17. I also love Oifaye. I can see that Mustaches are awesome.
  18. Alvis is sexy. I expect that reaction for Julius, but Alvis? REALLY? He's not a psycho, the lopt god just promised the best sex ever through incest. Alvis is like Adam, and Lopt is the devil. Sort of. Never thought of it like that, that's a really good analogy.
  19. Alvis is sexy. I can see how maybe some people can see that for the younger one (i'm not one of them) but the older one's just creepy
  20. Dew's strength growth got nerfed, so Lester might have problems doing good damage later on since I think his growth is around 30%. Still, Rana loves Bargain. The glitch is no more, since you can sell legendary weapons too now. Really, all you have now is a better Balmunk user in Lackhe, while Skasha is more than fine with axes. Good pairing there. Make Delmud a Forrest Knight for mounted A axes. I'm not a major Bridget x Faval fan, but I guess that pairing's ok. Both kids will be able to use Falaflame and Thorhammer, and expect serious damage from Wrath!long range tomes. Classic. It's still fine. I usually end up with Lester & Lana having a minimum of 21 - 23 Strength/Magic, Lana usually gets close to capping here Skill, Speed & Magic though (around 25-28)
  21. Dew's strength growth got nerfed, so Lester might have problems doing good damage later on since I think his growth is around 30%. Still, Rana loves Bargain. The glitch is no more, since you can sell legendary weapons too now. Really, all you have now is a better Balmunk user in Lackhe, while Skasha is more than fine with axes. Good pairing there. Make Delmud a Forrest Knight for mounted A axes. I'm not a major Bridget x Faval fan, but I guess that pairing's ok. Both kids will be able to use Falaflame and Thorhammer, and expect serious damage from Wrath!long range tomes. Classic. It's still fine. I'm guessing Levin x Fury as well? You forgot to list that. Yeah sorry forgot them but I am a big Sety fan.
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