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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. Wanna talk about Fire Emblem 4 or 5 or another game or real life?
  2. Sure I can set yours next to the closet to Narnia right beside me:lol:. Let me know if that sounds rude.
  3. So has this hack been given up on cause it seems like it's in limbo.
  4. I'm still grinding the Unicorn Horn's & pixie Dust & pouring them into molds now we wait 4 hours for them too cool.
  5. Not in the FE4 Thread, once you have a bad rep, you're done...... Usually. 1 Essay, 2 tests, a presentation, a poster, a headache, a brochure.... To sum it up, I'm not getting any sleep today. Would it help if I told you of someone in a worse position homework wise
  6. Be sure to ask for Oujay's permission to share with him. If he does not allow it (which is unlikely) I can make some more for you yay imaginary internet cake i'll bring the forks & knives made from unicorn horns & pixie dust
  7. we all want cake their just isn't enought too spare:lol:
  8. Thanks for the Spreadsheet it looks great on my PSP.

  9. If it was covered in a red Bowser sauce it would be perfect (just kidding it's awesome)
  10. Sure, keep digging, RFan. I've never even heard of Rune Factory till I joined the FE4 thread is it a bad game or something? It's good, try it. See how it works out. -_-
  11. It's just an amazing game (I personally don't own it but my best friend does & i've played it at her house before trust me if you have a Wiii get it!), You should look it up on Youtube then you'll see what Oujay means.
  12. Sure, keep digging, RFan. I've never even heard of Rune Factory till I joined the FE4 thread is it a bad game or something?
  13. How about in the FE4 thread That's not a half bad Thread how about in one of those hurt & heal topics.
  14. I suggest in an air tight box deep underground so people in the future can dig him up & study his remains FOR SCIENCE!
  15. If it's Chicken POT Pie then no ones gonna remember it:lol:
  16. for specific units Abel as a swordmaster is good (in my opinion) for just growths 40-50% growths are great but probably 30-40% Defense for magic units and 30-40% Resistance for physical units.
  17. for you guys here in canada it's already happened (too bad I want more yorkshire pudding & rice pudding, pretty much the whole meal)
  18. Coconut Cream pie is awesome & Apple Crisp is awesome (not pie but still good)oh and the 3.14159 thing that's good too:unsure:
  19. It was a public school, you just had to compete in a test against thousands of other people and the to 150 get in take the pride that you would get from finishing in a higher place than last place, (try to milk it I once got a fairly high place in one of those out of 12,000 people & trust me you can milk those for so much stuff)(I was 7 though so i still had the he's not a smartass (yet) appeal to my parents.
  20. Your right I went to the only private school in my area for G.7-8 & the only difference was snottier kids & snide condescending teachers.
  21. Then you've never been to Huntsville, Ontario it's filled with drug smoking rude-ass rejects (the high school is at least).
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