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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. I completely forgot about those guys thanks Blacknight666 I think i'm going to watch the ipodhuman
  2. Because Blasied had problem with girls bullying him, than he brought up the fact that he will show 'em all. This entire subject is awful don't forget suicide would be incredibly painful no matter how you go (even mixtures of pills could be horribly painful) & we would miss you around here, and killing yourself would give everyone who's an ass to the satisfaction of winning (it won't make anyone feel good) but it means they've driven you too far just stand your ground & find something relaxing to do (exercises, yoga, stress balls-they're not sexual etc...) Gun..... Trust me people that commit suicide with guns don't always hit the right part unless you hit the medula (back of your head) there's a high chance you could still be alive. Heart.......Or Brain...... I'm not trying to say your wrong i'm just saying the cons of suicide. Yeah and I'm just saying that there are many different ways to kill oneself with a gun.... can't argue with that one.
  3. What is this topic even supposed to be about (unless it' sjust the whole little buddy thing, then never mind this comment)
  4. Because Blasied had problem with girls bullying him, than he brought up the fact that he will show 'em all. This entire subject is awful don't forget suicide would be incredibly painful no matter how you go (even mixtures of pills could be horribly painful) & we would miss you around here, and killing yourself would give everyone who's an ass to the satisfaction of winning (it won't make anyone feel good) but it means they've driven you too far just stand your ground & find something relaxing to do (exercises, yoga, stress balls-they're not sexual etc...) Gun..... Trust me people that commit suicide with guns don't always hit the right part unless you hit the medula (back of your head) there's a high chance you could still be alive. Heart.......Or Brain...... I'm not trying to say your wrong i'm just saying the cons of suicide.
  5. Because Blasied had problem with girls bullying him, than he brought up the fact that he will show 'em all. This entire subject is awful don't forget suicide would be incredibly painful no matter how you go (even mixtures of pills could be horribly painful) & we would miss you around here, and killing yourself would give everyone who's an ass to the satisfaction of winning (it won't make anyone feel good) but it means they've driven you too far just stand your ground & find something relaxing to do (exercises, yoga, stress balls-they're not sexual etc...) Gun..... Trust me people that commit suicide with guns don't always hit the right part unless you hit the medula (back of your head) there's a high chance you could still be alive.
  6. That's a awful thing to say about anyone talking about suicide.:(
  7. Because Blasied had problem with girls bullying him, than he brought up the fact that he will show 'em all. This entire subject is awful don't forget suicide would be incredibly painful no matter how you go (even mixtures of pills could be horribly painful) & we would miss you around here, and killing yourself would give everyone who's an ass to the satisfaction of winning (it won't make anyone feel good) but it means they've driven you too far just stand your ground & find something relaxing to do (exercises, yoga, stress balls-they're not sexual etc...)
  8. Don't even think about that, it has no pluses except a incredibly sad family & people discussing who to blame for driving you to it. you'd hurt everyone around you & yourself:(
  9. A hug could result in people referring to you as gay (cause there assholes) & if there particulary cruel a kick to the crotch.
  10. Stick to your strengths if you don't have good verbal comebacks a good way around that is if someone says a really big asshole thing to you then just wait a few days until you have the perfect comeback then remind them in a subtle way & when they respond tell them your comeback & then just walk away, you'll be the better person & seem like the smarter one.
  11. Don't take that crap from anyone, unless you've been a major ass too them then they've got no right. I'm not saying you've not done anything to stop them i'm just saying there all probably idiots & assholes
  12. well i don't know what too say so i'm just gonna drop it & say your right.sorry if that sounds arrogant.
  13. A man's downlow buddy if ya know what i mean. I am not buddies with my cock it's just a phrase it's not literal.
  14. I prefer FE girls all the way, I lost all interest to girls when I first saw...Sanaki :wub: Too bad their aren't inter dimensional transporters aren't real or you would be set for life (no offense)
  15. take down the leader the rest will follow (like dominoes:lol:).
  16. Reply to Harudoku's game: I can see how ya wouldn't want the 3D FE5 but the online feature would be awesome. Reply to Oujay's game: I would love to see Roy's & idoun's animation FE10 style.

  17. i'm getting it and a new wii for christmas with it (this one won't get stolen, hopefully) can't wait:lol:
  18. It had to be done... *Slashes Ether into pieces and feeds them to the zombie dogs of REmake* It had to be done... Sounds like you won Vergil:lol: No offense Ether.
  19. That's messed up if that was the case than all the veterans on that forum would be 20 feet away from their computer desks:lol:
  20. I'm not saying this thread's bad I think it's great I was saying that if the thread ever got taken over (from a rebellion or something like that) than we could just move to the other one (depending on who your loyal too, don't want that comment to start a fight though).
  21. yeah got my words mixed up but that was the general idea.
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