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Everything posted by Prism

  1. No the fanservice doesn't bother me. There is far, far worse in Japanese games and animation. What does bother me is the outright hate, disgust, and immaturity some fans are showing towards the game like this type of thing hasn't happened to franchises before. Look at Harvest Moon. Though the change may not be as "great" as Fire Emblem it still altered and changed quite a few things from the older days. The reason people are throwing fits and such is just because those folks can't accept change. (And this is coming from someone who is the worst at adapting to it). In the end- this is a Japanese game, made by a Japanese company, made for a Japanese audience. All the westerns expecting a company to change for a series that was and is still geared towards Japan, really need to get their priorities straight. I hope I haven't come off as rude but I honestly can't understand why people act like their entitled to things like this. It just baffles and confuses me. I guess- in the end even if we're adults or teenagers- we still are childish at heart ^^; Some just don't want to admit it Also this "weeabo" nonsense is a western made term the last time I checked. But I'm pretty sure their are Japanese who are just obsessed with us westerns as well. In fact there are people all over the world who "weaboos" just for some reason people tend to ignore this fact. :/ Okay, rant done. I'm shutting up now, sorry >.<;; -Prism
  2. I dunno why people are already jumping to the conclusion "Time Travel Children" I honestly think everyone needs to calm and wait for more new. Also, from what I've heard the first FE game to children in it they had a timeskip mechanic? Perhaps that's what is going to happen here? Seriously, all this negativity is depressing! Can we we be a bit more positive and less hateful please? :c
  3. Hello! I'm Prism! I was originally a lurker who was hesitant to join. (Because I was worried about the Elitist Veteran Types - Not saying you guys are!) But after a few months of debating I caved in ^^; Believe it or not Awakening isn't my first FE game! Yes. I am a newbie to the series but that's only because my first FE experience was FE: The Sacred Stones back on the GBA. I was a young teen at the time and had no clue what I was doing. (It was my brother's copy that I st- borrowed from him anyways) I didn't like it very much... Plus I was (and still am) horrible at Strategy games since my "strategy" is "Let's just over power them with sheer might and force of will!" Hell! I can't even strategize in POKEMON! Yet, I wanted to give Awakening a try KNOWING that I was gonna regret it regardless if it had a "Casual Mode" or not. In fact- I STILL have yet out beat it (Mostly out of laziness though lol) So yeah. Sacred Stones was my first taste of FE but Awakening was my first actual entry into the franchise. So basically strategy games are my own brand of poison. They kill me slowly, but are just too damn good to stop playing! Haha... And I have no clue what else to type sorry for my rambling ^^; Just kind of nervous *coughs* I'm SUPER excited for IF! And I even think I won't mind the "Waifu-Amiie" thingie that everyone seems to collectively hate xD I dunno- I'm a dating sim person and have played games like Tokimeki (Where you practically MOLEST your love interest while they walk you home >>;; Waka-Sensei~~~~ <3) So I'm not all that weirded out I just chalk it up as "Wacky Things Japan Does" And leave it that xD Lastly, against my better judgement I've decided to take the Nohr side of things (and no it's not just because I'm black >> <<) Because it honestly seems refreshing and the plot sounds infinitely better than the Hoshida side (Sorry Awesome Asian Birth Family!) Plus I can see the siding with the ones your raised with since- well... I'm adopted irl. ^^; And even tho I know I will struggle with the harder difficulty I'm willing to tough it out for my Nohr family! <3 And holy carp! This... this is a realllly long rant! xD I thank whoever decided to sit down and read my little novel here and hope to get to know you all sometime! :'D ~ Shining On Brightly, Prism
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