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Posts posted by mimasho

  1. Whoo loving Setsuna and Belka's voices...

    Also really like Tsukuyomi's as well ~

    was pretty surprised to hear how childish Oboro's seemed,

    but since we've already been shown snippets of her "battle cries" from the videos, I kind of prepared myself ; u ;

    I will still love her regardless, haha ~

  2. Welcome to Airport 1001! *casts Arrivederci on a Plated Boar trying to charge in*

    Also, beware the Death Rogumer - it's been spotted flying about near the borders.

    T-thank you ...? ヽ(;▽;)ノ

    Greetings, your art is very nicely done.

    Now draw Kagerou, because no one has

    Hope you enjoy your stay.

    Thanks so much ! ; U ;

    haha I was planning on drawing her, but then realized I gave Hoshido characters too much love ; u ;

    working on the blue haired maid atm, but will definitely draw her next ! She is pretty cool, isn't she ~ though not as cool as oboro haaha lsfjs kapleaseignoreme

    Hello, enjoy your stay in SF (and be mindful of things blowing up).

    Also, this is how you spoiler things:

    [ spoiler]text

    Minus the space in the first spoiler tag, of course.

    haha thank you ! and I've noticed lol, it's quite interesting to watch ~ ; U ;

    and noted, thanks ! * U *

  3. Welcome to the forest! Love the picture! And I don't know how to do Spoiler either, so...

    Have fun and enjoy your stay!

    Aaah thank you so much ! * U * lol yeah, I did the usual "hover over everything until you see something familiar" but that didn't work out too well xD

    that sketch is really cute, i look forward to your art thread if you plan on making one

    spoiler is [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] removing the spaces in the brackets

    welcome to the forest

    Thanks so much ! and I just might, haha ~ * U *

    also thank you lol, I will remember that for future references !!

    Welcome to SF!

    And wow, impressive that you know 3 different East Asian languages in addition to English!

    Thank you ! * U * and yep, was born to a rather scattered Asian family lol

    I have cousins all over Asia ; u ; but it helps when I want to buy things not available in the US !

  4. I think many people are more disappointed than angry that the characters are so similar; I personally loved Awakening's characters and didn't mind the "look alikes" at first, but I'll admit that I'm a bit surprised...? They've come out with so many unique characters and classes already, so I'm just curious why they would "borrow" designs from Awakening -I reason that there's something specific the devs have planned, but it might just be because...the FEA children were really popular lol ; u ;

    I just like to give them the benefit of the doubt and think that they did it for a reason other than marketing purposes !

  5. Hoshido



    Reset, if needed

    A bit of grinding

    I plan on playing it multiple times on each path (because yusss summer has started) so my first playthrough is just going to be scouting out mechanisms and whatnot, so very very casual * U * I'll play hard mode on Hoshido after I finish Nohr ~

  6. Hello everyone ! ; U ; I've been a long-time FE fan and didn't make an account here until just now -I figured since I'm getting the new game, it'd be fun to share stuff and whatnot !

    I'm a female, you may refer to me as mima/sho or anything is fine, haha ~

    I love art and games -some of my favorites include Pokemon, Bravely Default, FE, Tales, and Chain Chronicle.

    I also play just about every game on DMM, Kancolle being my favorite !

    I'm currently living in the US, but that's not stopping me from getting FE:if, I plan to buy each copy for the jp release and us release -

    I unfortunately missed out on the preorders for special edition, so I'm waiting for the game to come out before buying it ; u ;

    I love to chat about all things, English/한국어/中文/日本語 is all fine.

    Here's a quick sketch of Elise, though I'm totally joining Hoshido for Oboro first ; u ;


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