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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 16 minutes ago, Lynsanity said:

    So many big mysteries in this game. Who is the Flame Emperor? Where did Byleth’s crest come from? Why does Catherine’s sprite have that hat?

    Why do some of the E3 King of the beasts chapter videos have Dedue with a shield equipped and others not, when it's been made pretty clear by now it's Nintendo people playing the game and they have no reason to modify the preps?

    Why does Mercedes call Annette "Ann" when "Annie" is the commonly accepted nickname?

    Why does Garrec Mach change forms in every single depiction we've gotten of it? Is it secretly Dracula's castle?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

    Well if not this would be probably first FE without Swordmaster class. Lol. 

    Well no, since her class is called swordmaster after all. The point was that the reason it looked different from what we thought was swordmaster could have been because her class is from the unrevealed fourth tier, while the one we thought was swordmaster was called something else. Also the first FEs didn't have that class and it wasn't in SoV but that's beside the point

    Regardless, I think User_name is right, we're focusing too much on the hat when we shouldn't. And without the hat, it now looks really similar, so yeah.

  3. 7 hours ago, Disclaimer said:

    Yep. Unless that hatless Advanced Class sprite is a precursor to Catherine's Swordmaster class, and hers is a hypothetical Master tier class? That seems unlikely, though. 

    Zero idea why Catherine's Swordmaster sprite would have a hat otherwise, since she hasn't been seen wearing one. 

    To be fair, do we actually know for a fact that the sprite we saw in the advanced tier will be from a class called swordmaster? It's a very natural assumption to make considering the outfit, but now I'm questioning if we didn't assume a bit too fast.

    Edit: ... which is what you were already saying.
    ... Well then I agree! Ha.

  4. 4 minutes ago, RevenantKnight said:

    I completely agree! I think Manuela will probably have the refresher spell too. I just mean that with only a pool of ~15 master classes, having 4 healers is a good sign for the total cast. 

    Depends, since healing has limited uses the reasoning for giving you many healers might not be the same as usual.

    Also 15 master classes? Did I miss something?

  5. 1 minute ago, Disclaimer said:

    Yes, someone on an IGN podcast mentioned they had been told that in a private demo session (presumably by a Nintendo rep). It's possible they were mistaken, or mechanically they take some separate form.

    That said, it makes complete sense to me that there would be separate support sets for pre- and post-skip, considering the wildly different circumstances. Who knows how that would work mechanically, or how it would explain visible S-supports here, but I can't imagine support conversations designed to work contextually as teenage students and as twenty-something soldiers hardened by war. Picking up a support chain midway through 5 years later would be... awkward

    I agree that it would make more sense, although I'm concerned they'd be putting themselves through writing overload even harder than they did for Fates and Awakening.

    If there's only one continuous support, my assumption was that for example, C through B would be pre timeskip, while A and S would be during the war phase. That poses its own slew of problems, though, such as potentially locking you out of building up supports with anyone you haven't reached the right rank with, since school phase supports probably wouldn't make sense post-timeskip, as you said.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Disclaimer said:

    It's completely possible that support list is simply comprised of pre-skip Monastery units with whom the avatar can gain support points — including NPCs — and isn't indicative of the playable cast, especially post-skip, at all. 

    Speaking of which, haven't we heard that there would be two sets of supports, one for each time period? Seeing S-ranks on display here kind of contradicts that idea.

    Edit: Just to precise, this wasn't a part of the leak.

  7. 6 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Probably; but I do hope it doesn't mean that supports are less varied and a lot more generic.

    Actually I feel like I might have misunderstood you. If your point was that at level 4 Byleth has gained some support points with at least a majority of the students and other teachers available, and they're the only one this list is made off, then... eh? It's possible, seems like a lot of people though, even when support points can be gained relatively easily from what we've seen.

    8 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Yeah, plus according to the leaks...

    True, I guess there's that too.

  8. Just now, HappyHawlucha. said:

    It's been shown that you can gain support points that you don't necessarily use yet; so my idea is that that shows all supportable units even if they're not necessarily playable in the map shown.

    That's my conclusion too. The question then being, can Byleth, just like every avatar before him(to my knowledge), support every character in the game?

  9. 6 minutes ago, Owain Dark said:

    I think that picture is from the very beginning, even before Byleth chose his house, so it could be just the 24 students all together in that image

    He has the blue lions alongside him, and this seems to be the Lonato rebellion map, so I kinda doubt it. Plus, it would be weird for Dimitri, not Edelgard to be at the very top if it was just listing the students.

  10. tp9ShF1.jpg

    I think this image we got a while ago is pretty interesting because of the size of the scrolling bar. We can see that this is very early in the game, since Byleth is only Lv4, so it's extremely unlikely this only shows the recruited characters. Instead, chances are just like Awakening and Fates, this is Byleth's full list of supports here.
    Now why this is interesting is because we can measure things. The whole scrolling bar is roughly 140 pixels tall, and the smaller, moving part about 37 pixels.
    140 pixels/37 pixels = ~3.78
    ... or in other words, if the scrolling bar is the size of a page in this list relative to the whole list, there are ~3.78 pages of 8 characters here.

    8 characters per page x 3.78 pages = ~30.24 characters.

    Now this doesn't definitely prove anything for multiple reasons. Just food for thought.

  11. At this point, I do think we're in for bad surprises when it comes to the final roster. Although I don't mind all that much myself, I was completely okay with Echoes' ~16 characters per path.

    Wonder how important characters outside of the House leaders will be to the story, at least that of their own house, because now that we know most of them can be recruited, there's not much of a chance that they'll be chapter bosses or whatnots during the war phase.
    So yeah, I do hope they at least play a substantial role within their canon path. That'd also make the choice more significant than "Let me pick the House leader and then recruit every student I like that I wouldn't get normally". As recruits, they'd only be side characters, you'd need to play their house's path to know their own story.

  12. Okay, so he did say he would release three 5 minutes videos on what he played, and the first one's out.

    To be blunt, he's playing the E3 build, and despite saying that he used the Black Eagles, the gameplay is the same Blue Lions team composition we've seen many times by now. Extremely little new can be extracted from this one, it's more of an introduction for the other two, I guess.

    I believe he said in his stream that he uploads once a day at 7 AM, and sometimes a second time at 12. I assume his second video is going to focus on the academy, while the third one is going to be the Blue Lions map, or vice-versa, but we'll see.

    Edit:... guess I should have put a link. There you go:


  13. 7 hours ago, Armagon said:

    I too am surprised but only because i don't think FE ever reached that size before. To compare it to other games on the Switch, Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are both 13 GB.

    On the other hand FE Warriors was 13.1 GB too, and it's a considerably less expansive game. Considering Koei Tecmo seem to be building most of the assets for Three Houses, and they're apparently not incredibly good at compression(or at least, less good than others), it makes a bit more sense.

    DLC was expected, hopefully they're reasonable this time around... can only play so close to the flame without getting burned, if anything, there's a chance Echoes' sales suffered from both its dlc policies and leftover annoyance at Fates'.

  14. 1 hour ago, Tenzen12 said:

    It make perfect sense in context of video game though. It's realistic in sense of basic role play (not in sense of advanced physics or such), it's same thing like you can actually attack Black Knight in PoR or Fargus in FE7 even though it's impossible beat them  or like in some video games you can give "reject quest" as one of choices just have NPC "convince" you to take it anyway. I Game can let you try, so you can see what happens, it's pretty much opposite of contra-intuitive. 

    Think about it this way, removing this option for characters would have some people ask: "why can't recruit (for example) Hilda, it's weird!", but if it leave that option you can have Hilda give you reason why she wouldn't join your class instead.

    By video game I meant a piece of software where ideally, everything has a place and a purpose. And I said that because, again, the role of an interface is to provide directions rather than world-building. Your examples have considerably more going on than a simple choice(And Fargus is locked at one range, he can very much be defeated in a turn) but I'd say they also don't work because attacking either of those two is fundamentally the same as attacking any other enemy in the game, while in our case it's the same option for a different result.

    Things can be self-explanatory. Nobody but Robin can romance Say'ri but there was no need to give everyone the option so that the player could try and be told that it doesn't work. Sure, some people will ask why, just like some people would be bothered that the option appeared, only for it to lead to nothing.

    Either way, we've both made our case I think, let's just see how it goes.

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