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Everything posted by hhshark10

  1. Sorry for the delay, but I've now finished the demo! Here is the feedback I've been jotting down as I've gone along. This feels like a long post, so I hope you enjoy all of this feedback! Character Thoughts: Gameplay/Chapter Thoughts: Story/Dialogue/World/Music design Thoughts: Overall, I am really impressed by the quality of everything, and I'd be happy to keep playing it more in the future. If there are any lurkers out there who might be a bit cautious playing this due to not being really familiar with the engine (like I was), I'd really recommend giving it a chance, at least for a chapter or two to see if you can get hooked into it.
  2. Wow, I've started playing this, and this is really amazing! Love the music in particular. I'm working on a longer thoughts post that I'll share when I finish the demo (just got to 'luminescence', was this the last available chapter?), hopefully tomorrow if I have time. But I'd be really happy if you continued working on this!
  3. Hey, I'm loving this updates, but I wanted to point out something weird I noticed with Sofia's 'Knight Aspirant' skill, which says it gives 15% avo and +2 damage with 75% health. I thought using her as a dodge tank with this skill would be fun, but I noticed her avoid wasn't too great despite her having a +15% avoid when at high health. I took before and after screenshots of her combat with an enemy to compare and noticed this bug. The first screenshot shows her combat against the knight, the second shows her combat the next turn when she was damaged. She was not healed (did not receive heal boosts), and she should be away from any friendly auras that would mess with numbers. First, I don't think that she's receiving her avoid boost at all, although she is doing +3? damage. I also noticed This knight has 19 ATK (+1 with WTA for total of 20) against her 4 defense, which means she should only take 16 damage, like in the second screenshot, but in the first screenshot she's taking +5 damage from something. I don't know for sure, but I think that her knight skill actually makes her take +5 damage when she's at high health instead of giving her the avo boost. Maybe I'm missing something, but I think something's wrong and I wanted to point this out to see what you think. Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun with the game regardless and I'm glad for all the time you all put into making it, thanks again!
  4. I'm not sure if this was just added in recently or not, but the best change that I see just starting the first chapter is that Bram actually has an iron sword with him now so you dont have to waste his prf weapon! Congrats ghast for working on this for so long.
  5. If this is for 800 subs, we better get the full length hack at 1000. /s Love the jelly crit animation so much, good work on this ghast.
  6. Plot Twist: Dewey and Malcolm both have identical twins Also Thracia Fog? Cool.
  7. Hey Ghast, long time lurker of a lot of rom hacks here, love your work, it's super fun. The chapters are much more improved now, I can tell you put a lot of work into this. I especially like chapter 1-3 now. I just have a question about what to do in 2-1. Thanks.
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