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Everything posted by Moradon

  1. The Kamui-worship makes sense in this game when you consider the traits about the character: - Royalty in both kingdoms - Noticeably different in appearance (pointed ears, white hair, can turn into a dragon) - Possesses legendary sword that literally chose Kamui as its owner - Has a peculiar history that makes him/her stand out from the other siblings (stolen from Hoshido, imprisoned in Nohr), giving both families reason to pay special attention to him/her Those are more than enough to achieve what is basically celebrity status. In addition the story portrays Kamui as someone who is easy to get along with, explaining why the neutral characters are so devoted to him. Obviously this is all meant to serve as wish-fulfillment, but it's wish-fulfillment that works as much as some people might dislike it. I know more than a few people that hated Frederick from Awakening simply because he had the audicity to be cautious of Robin, so it's no surprise to see it carry over to this game. It's also the same reason why we still have waifus/husbandos, marriage, children, and fanservice. It works. I mean, a change of pace by going back to no more self-inserts would be nice, but I can't see IS being too willing to change a forumla which is clearly working out for them.
  2. The pricing is fair from a gameplay perspective, but not from a story perspective. Everything we've seen has shown that Fates has a ton of content, at least 2.5 times more than Awakening. It makes sense to charge more when you're getting that much from it. The issue is simply the fact that the story suffers as a result since the third route is clearly the golden path that ties everything up. And you don't really get a full sense of the characters unless you play all three routes. The story is sacrificed for gameplay, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference.
  3. The support has been disliked by pretty much everyone, even those who don't have a huge stake in the issues regarding homosexuality. It was just poorly written. But in a sense, you do raise a good point in that oftentimes people will be much more pissed if you portray minorities poorly rather than not portraying them at all. IS decided to dip their toes into the pool and got their whole leg bitten off as a result. I do hope that they still move forward into better portrayals of LGBT and don't let this get to them (if they're even aware of the controversy that is). Or at the very least just have whoever is in charge of Lazwald's supports to write everything... And also obligatory "death threats are bad".
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