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Posts posted by Homosexualbeard

  1. 19 minutes ago, smfthegeek said:

    Is Owain worth using, I haven't used Ryoma so I don't know :/

    Ryoma has a good moveset and one of the best skills in the game. Owain is a decent option because he can be set up to hit into resistance, because his magic and strength are the same.

  2. 9 hours ago, Doof said:

    Im glad that even though Owain is a clone, he has a lot of different animations.

    His Awakening finisher is so badass too! Definitely using him over Ryoma

    I feel like his awakening finisher has a really long animation. I can see that being a bit of an issue with the one type of timed mission, since the animation had to actually finish in time for the kills to count. (I could swear it would count the kills in the release version though) 

  3. 1 minute ago, IEatLasers said:

    Well it ain’t just that 


    they also are like 3 hours past the time every other dlc release and as I seen many other places, the warriors map in fire Emblem Heroes is comin next week and the other two were the same week. 

    Who knows? Could be anything. I just don't think the magazine scans being leaked has anything to do with it. I hope it is this week, though.

  4. I guess it would depend on whether they do other games, or stick to the current ones. If they stick to the current ones, I would probably want:


    Charlotte (new moveset, because I find Lissa's moveset really unsatisfying with the use of magic and such)

    Keaton/Velouria (need more stone users and I like the wolves better than the foxes)

    Some sort of mounted archer (Reina, or maybe somebody in the Mechanist/Bow Knight class?)

    That said, I doubt they would put out a Fates pack that wasn't "1 character from each side and 1 neutral character".

    Shadow Dragon/New Mystery

    Camus (lance, mounted. SIrius costume. A lance user on a horse would be nice and there aren't any male lance users at the moment which is kind of annoying for levels that require male units)

    Draug (or maybe Dolph with a Macellan costume)

    Merric would be nice but I'm not keen on putting clones in this wishlist and I can't come up with a unique moveset for him.



    Virion (bow knight)


    I can't see them pulling from older games for DLC in this one, but it would be nice if they did. Something like this would be nice:


    Hector/Wallace/Rath (new movesets)


    Ike/Elincia/Ashnard (new movesets. Maybe get Ranulf or Tibarn in there instead of one of them)


    Ephraim/Lyon (moveset based around summoning monsters for heavy attacks and such)/Eirika (probably a clone)



  5. 4 minutes ago, r_n said:

    I am honestly a little surprised we didn't get Nowi as a clone. She would have mapped pretty well to Tiki's set and just done minor touch ups to the dragon form's model to make it more sea dragon like, like what heroes did

    That would have been interesting too. It bugs me more than it should, only having Tiki use stones.

  6. I want an easier way to save between missions. Maybe a faster event feed thing in battles. Mine is consistently do far behind that it's worthless. Would also be nice if you could dodge out of more moves to cancel them. Hyrule Warriors seems to have a lot more dodge cancellable moves than FE:W does. 

  7. 49 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    Dammit, I was ready to hit post, before I saw you @Jedi!

    But anywho, unless translate is lying to me, in this support, there's supposedly a mention of Maria in it

    Idk if I should spoiler this or nah, considering how old news this is, but just in case you actually arent aware:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Sirius literally is Camus in disguise. Plot twist, he survived the War of Shadows. I kid you not


    Don't be silly, they can't be the same person. Sirius wears a mask.

  8. I hope the next game has Sirius in it. I don't really see why everybody wants Camus. He died in the only game he was even in. I want more of Sirius. Who is he? Why is he so strong? How does he know Nyna? They could even give him Gradivus and maybe a costume of Camus since they look kind of alike.

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