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Posts posted by Shadowess

  1. Most of the Hoshido side characters are likable or at least non-offensive but there are a few that annoy me. Joker for being an insufferable asshole and Tsukuyomi for being a self-absorbed brat. People can be abrasive but likable if written well but some of these characters just miss the mark and make me dislike them. Tsundere is another archetype I don't care for.

    Everyone assumed she'd be a Cordelia because it's mentioned in her bio that she has a minor crush on Takumi but it really is that. Minor. There are no canon pairings, least of all for side characters so you can accept whatever pairings (or lack there of) you like. What people like about Oboro as a person is that she has a character beyond her unrelated love interest.

    But it's okay to hate her voice.

    (I don't mean to come off as offensive if I do, I don't want to start a heated debate)

    I know Oboro has a personality (thank gods), and her crush on Takumi is executed greatly (as far as I've read, it's only mentioned in Hinata's support and the writers handled it very well). But I have this really bad habit in which once I decide I like/dislike something, then I'm automatically mind locked on it. Oboro's character is handled pretty good (because she actually has one), but I still don't like her because of my mindlocked attitude of her. Plus, I feel like if I say shit against her, everyone's going to claw my eyes out (I'm not referring to you, I've seen a few other incidents wafting around.) That doesn't really improve my opinion on Oboro.

    If you like her, that's great. I can understand why. But she doesn't really click with me.

  2. [spoiler=Oboro Hate]There is one simple reason I cannot find Oboro attractive:

    Her unnatural, drooped eyes.

    She has bedroom eyes :p. Not taken in that way, of course. I guess her appearance is alright, but when I first saw her I was tilting my head trying to mesh her personality and appearance together. At the time, I didn't know she actually did have a personality (at least, some personality) so I just assumed her whole personality was going to be like Cordelia's: completely and utterly obsessed with Chrom Takumi. I don't know if I'm right or not, given I don't have the game, but if I am wrong then my hatred will lessen by a fraction or two.

  3. I'll add more stuff later, I'm on mobile.

    Unit name: Leila

    Class: Myrmidon

    Reclassing: Archer or Dark Mage

    Supports: Tharja, Sumia, Vaike, and Henry, all A supports.

    Bio: an extremely temperamental yet sensitive girl who is prone to hitting people when she's angry, but laughs while she's doing it. Often has her head in a book, but makes dark comments while reading. She always has sarcastic responses ready on the tip of her tongue. The one who slaps people the most.



    "I'm not joking about death this time: you are dead."

    "Ooh, you've tested my temper!"

    "Want to see me angry?"

    Retreatment/Death quotes:

    Classic: "Looks like...I'm the one who's dead...this time..."

    Casual: "Looks like I got hit pretty hard...I better get this checked out!"

    (In conclusion I am a pretty temperamental person but once you get to know me I'm nice. I swear.)

  4. I'm gonna throw in my two cents because this looks interesting.

    Oboro is probably my least favorite character so far. Her personality never appealed to me, same with her design. I figured she was another Cordelia, so I got turned off immediately. Fast-forward, everyone's praising her and it turns out she CAN support with Takumi, and I just get this feeling that she IS going to be Cordelia, how everyone loves her and all of that. Plus, I bet Takumi/Oboro is going to be shoved down my throat, given she's "canon" and I'll get really sick of it.

    I could go on, but I'll refrain. Feels good to let it all out, lol.

  5. Oh hell, I love Takumi. This is going to sound somewhat heartless, but I don't feel like I could ever betray him, and that's part of the reason why I'm going Hoshido.

    But yeah I really like him, I guess I'm miffy on the whole 'I-don't-trust-you" thing but I can't really blame him, and I just also feel really bad for him, really sympathetic. He has bad dreams, violent mood swings, mentally weak. Like I have a soft spot for that?? Plus, he's great with children. That's awesome.

    Although I know I'm going to get severely annoyed with Takumi/Oboro (sorry shippers) and it might shake that high opinion of Takumi. It happened with Lon'qu, I hope it doesn't happen to Takumi. But yeah to conclude I think he's amazing (for right now).

  6. For some reason, I can see this topic ending badly, but I'm just a paranoid person so don't worry about it so much.

    The only pairings that I can find to be "canon" or whatnot are Virion/Panne and Frederick/Sumia, even if I don't like the latter very much.

    With Virion/Panne, Yarne's all concerned about his father cheating on his mother and threatening his existence (least C-B), and with a guy like Virion, who flirts with practically everyone, it's not hard to see why. (Suppose you could count Virion/Olivia too, for Inigo's flirting skills, but idk.)

    Cynthia's all about having her father be a hero and hanging out with him, despite her father's initial objections. Frederick is initially a powerhouse in the beginning of the game, and I don't think I'm doing a good job explaining but it just seems fitting right there. Plus, when Cynthia is going on and on about his heroic entrances or hanging out in town, her father is noticably flustered and uncomfortable. Fits in Frederick's personality.

    Those are the only examples I can think of rn and boy do they suck I'm sorry

  7. Question. Has anyone found Kagerou-Saizou supports? I've not had much luck myself.

    I haven't found it yet either, but I think I saw some tumblr blog say they're going to translate it. I can't remember what blog it is, though. I remember reading somewhere that it's a little hard to translate their supports, too...

  8. Um... has anyone seen the Saizou/Sakura supports floating around somewhere? I don't even know if they've been translated or not, but for some reason I really want to see their interactions.

    Also, did anyone else notice this about the Kisaragi/FeMui S-rank support?

    Kisaragi, that is your aunt! I know you're not related by blood, but who on Earth told you that?! The only reason we know you're not related is because Mikoto left letters for the Hoshidan siblings, which is only revealed in their S-rank supports, right? Or was it revealed in the main story? I've been trying to avoid as many story spoilers as I can, so it's entirely possible I missed something.

    Ooh boy...the explanation kind of results in spoilers, but I put the explanation down incase.

    long story short, Takumi is not your blood-related brother, which therefore means Kisaragi is not your blood-related nephew. It's revealed in the third path or something, I think.

  9. asdfjlkj also really torn on who to marry Hinata to -just realized I liked him my second playthrough ; m ;

    I want to marry him to Hinoka, but I think red haired Hisame would be weirddd lol

    Anyone have suggestions ? ; u ;

    (if this looks weird I'm on mobile so yeah)

    But anyways, I know this was a bit back but I'm just saying that I'm marrying Hinata with the full intention of giving Hisame dark pink hair and he is going to like it.

    Anyways, on-topic...just out of pure curiosity, on the third route can children from Nohr and Hoshido have supports and get married? I think I saw a Foleo and Kisaragi support but I'm not completely sure. (I bet I sound stupid for asking oh)

  10. I only plan on getting Hoshido, so here are my pairings (I haven't read a lot of supports yet, so they may change):


    ...I think that's all.

  11. Great, now I'm extremely worried and I will look at tons of walkthroughs to ensure that certain characters won't die.

    regarding Kaze's death, I think if you defeat the boss within seven turns or less, he'll live. I'm not completely sure, though.

    Does anyone know if Elise's death can be prevented in Hoshido if you kill Garon in Chapter 12?

    I think her death occurs regardless of what you do. She might pull an Emmeryn though, so who knows.

  12. Thought I'd throw my two cents in because why not. May subject to change in gameplay depending on who can support though.

    Hinoka/Subaki - pegasus knights, it'd be really cute

    Takumi/Orochi - I don't have a legit reason for this one. I really hope they can support, though.

    Sakura/Tsukuyomi - youngsterssssss

    I don't know for Ryoma. Maybe Rinkah or Felicia…? Or Setsuna.

    …I don't plan on getting Nohr, but I think Leo/Nyx is really cute. Camilla/Belka

  13. Dataminers have turned up that Aqua seems to have a Kid. so you could get two that way. though she may be your only option.

    If this is true, does that mean Aqua is kind of like the "Chrom" in the game? Where all the girls in Awakening had children if they married and Chrom was the only guy who had a child, reversed in Fates? That might not make such sense sorry

  14. I checked my email and I had 44 notifications from this topic

    If you are not related to your Hoshidan siblings, then it kind of makes the whole "bloodline" or "loyalty" thing seem a little…fake? Well, fake isn't the right word. I don't know. I'm not mad about it, but it seems a little fishy.

    But at least everyone can marry Ryoma or Leo now, so there's that.

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