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Everything posted by Dim

  1. I want a Christmas hat on my doggy, and I posted in that thread where Euklyd was going to put a hat on my doggy but I never got one! :C I need assistance from someone please. ;u;
  2. I got made fun of for being bad at spotting PMs. :C
  3. Aw...I want some PMs! I guess I'll just have to message Dai-chan that I'm not annoyed at him!
  4. I've read this before! It kinda looks disgusting but...I kinda wonder if it tastes good. :O It doesn't look appetizing but...still...
  5. I HOPE IT WAS VERY SUSPENSEFUL!! Because it was worth it. òwóI found a good picture on google! OMG what were you in court for?!
  6. I love chocolate cookies and ice cream with those cookies. Does anyone want to see this super awesome cookie brand? :D
  7. I totally want to be something super awesome cool so do it!!
  8. Dai-chan is now my favorite fairy! Soledai has such a cutesy name now~
  9. But they're all just spamming copy pastas!U-Unless I can't tell D:
  10. Kitty doesn't need a nickname~ Your sig is adorable by the way!
  11. Can I be totally original with this totally not made up before nickname and call you Dai-chan? owo
  12. Omg! There's this tea I drunk once and I totally can't remember the name! It was so good. ;u; Hi Kitty and... Soledai.. I need a nickname for you!
  13. I love tea!! I get like, a bunch of tea whenever I go to the store! What kind of tea are you drinking Tristian? owo
  14. OwOPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. A-Are you going to call the police on me for w-wave cheating..?
  15. That made me laugh more than I should have. :o
  16. Good job on avoiding those curse words, Trisitei! What anime is this freaking anime? :o
  17. I want to participate! My criteria.. It's got to be not weird. By my standards. And my standards are normal standards.
  18. I love blueberries though!! I had a milkshake of them once... It had a bunch of seeds or something, so it wasn't that good. ;A;
  19. Hi! I don't want to sleep but I'm actually very sleepy! .u.
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