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Not Changed by VASM :(

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Posts posted by Not Changed by VASM :(

  1. ....Was I the only one who thought Mist x Boyd was more obvious? XD

    I don't know, but I suspected Mist x Boyd since the prologue of FE9. Rolf always seemed to be the person she was motherly towards, though I did see the potential in a relationship there.

    But still, I saw more Mist x Boyd hints.

    Does that make me weird? XD

    I so agree Mist x Boyd was so obvious!

    (Then again that may be due to the fact I always A supported them together)


  2. Let's get a steampunk Zelda up in this joint.

    Heck Yeah

    Make up your own tmeline... That's what I did..

    What do you think I did.

    I always thought that Link's Awakening happened while Link was asleep for several years at the temple of light in OoT...

    Possible but explain the boat.

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