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Posts posted by Sunsurge

  1. I love the art style, and sooo excited for a new digimon game. Currently playing CyberSleuth. My only hope is we don't HAVE to keep Agumon as our partner, just because I'd loveee to have Patamon as mine. Excited to learn more about the game!

  2. 24 minutes ago, Astellius said:

    Ah, Lucina! She's one of my favorite characters from the franchise, so I'm happy to see her again. Sadly, pulling for Tana has left my orb supplies in a sorry state, and I really wish I had stopped pulling after my 8th pity-breaker (yes, I had 8 pity-breakers, and now hold much resentment for that banner now, especially since I never did pull Tana). But I'll probably throw what little orbs I do have at it, since both Lucina and Ishtar would be happy pulls for me.

    Omggg, that's how I feel about Flier!Olivia. I've gotten 5 pity breakers so far on her and now Lucina has to show up and dash all my hopes and dreams because every single orb I get now is going to Lucina.

  3. She's beautiful, omg. My love for her was re-ignited (not that I ever DIDN'T love her, but I've been replacing the poor girl with other characters), so I'm super excited. This actually helps my color balancing issues (if I get her), on my main team, maybe.

    But she's beautiful and I love her. And this is why I never complain about Alts, because if it's my favorite character I literally don't care how many alts they throw at me, so give Camilla/Lyn/Hector all the alts you want if it means I get more Lucina/Robin. ;P Also she's a WIND hero and all my favorite characters are wind, so I'm REALLY excited for this life!

    But I've spent all my orbs on freaking Olivia (who refuses to come to me), so I'm just gonna have to be careful. I just wasn't expecting to care about the Legendary Banner because I haven't in a while. 

  4. *raises hand*

    I want him! I was surprised he was actually designed well (the sisters are all really not my style, Gunnthra open your EYES, omg). I've foddered off all my Fjorm's and my one Gunnthra because I really dislike them.

    But Hrid looks awesome. I want him to either be an Armor with Armor March (to complete Armor Emblem for me, I just need a red), or a flyer (because I love wyverns). I really hope he's not red sword infantry because I have so many of them, and I only use like 3 of them at this point.

  5. I use blessings based on what aesthetically matches the character's colors (I really shouldn't let my job dictate all aspects of my life) and sometimes just based on my support system. For instance Soren WOULD be wind, but I paired him with L!Ike who is Earth, so Soren ended up being Earth as well.

    Also, I never switch blessings, so I only have so many units to choose from when doing the gardens or other things which is always a fun little challenge and forces me to use some of my other characters. I forget to use anyone beside M!Robin sometimes.

    Right now I have:

    Wind Blessing: 11

    Water Blessing: 10

    Earth Blessing: 11

    Fire Blessing: 11

    Which coincidently is the number of 5* characters I have actually built up. Even though you can't tell my Wind/Fire blessing are staked with my favorites, so they're disproportionately powerful compared to Earth (and especially Water). 

  6. M!Robin (B+, T6), is probably my lowest rated one that I consistently use. I've also merged him as many times as I've gotten him. And fed him ALL the skill fodder. Clearly I use him too much, but he basically never lets me down. He's still my best colorless killer even though I got rid of Blarraven and stuck Blarserpent (+Def) on him instead. The built in Distant Defense and being +DEF and merged, just means he takes like 0 damage from most Colorless either way.

    And Quick Riposte is his saving grace for his -SPD nature, while Res Smoke helps his lackluster attack. Just make him attack some red unit and then everyone's resistance is lowered and then they crash against him and DIE. Only green mage units kill him, but otherwiseee he's taken out a few green axe units pretty well (or enough for Lucina to swing in and kill them). I could talk about him forever, I love him. Haha, in his early days he was Blarraven with Triangle Adept and Threaten Res and Distant Def 3 seal. 



  7. This one was supppper easy, I’m surprised. Just used L!Ephraim. Erikia, LA!Eliwood and LA!Hector. 

    And I didn’t even use this team on purpose, I was just doing the fire blessing thing and just went straight over and was surprised I got Infernal on 2 tries.

    Just made Eliwood go up top to kill Leo/Blue lancer, and everyone else Hector pretty much mopped up.

  8. Wow. I got Sumia as my free pull (this is the 3rd consecutive banner I've pulled a 5* on my free pull), but I hate Sumia so much, so she'll be GREAT fodder. Free Death Blow lance?! Def/Res Assist!? Close Def?! I want her for so much different fodder I don't even know where to start with her.

    And then of COURSE Olivia is red!! So I used ALL my beautiful 103 orbs and guess what I got? Nothing. I mean, I got Gray because Red is HELL to pull from, I don't care what anyone says it's my least favorite color I ALWAYS get pity broken by off-focus reds. I do love Gray, so I merged him into my Gray and now he's pretty light blue and +1, so yay? I also pulled 5 NORMAL Olivia. I kid you not. FIVE.

    What are the chances?

  9. Oooh, Hrid looks good! I'm shocked because aside from the older sister on the enemy side I haven't been a fan of any of these new designs for these characters, so Hrid is a BREATH of fresh air. I do wish he wasn't a sword unit (I think a dagger would have been SO cool for a Prince), but I'm okay with it. I want himmmmm. He'll probably be August or whatever Legendary Hero sadly, because my orbs cannot survive Olivia. XD 

    And some Askr refines for my bby Alphonse is great. I do wish it wasn't Triangle Adept because I really, really hate when a weak color can *GLANCE* at my unit and they die. But it's fine, I'll take it, cause bby needed it.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Lau said:

    Ooh, a parallel to EK!Chrom would be great. I enjoy pairing Chrom and Olivia together too, mostly for that sweet, sweet blue haired Inigo, though I do prefer Robin (either gender) with Chrom.

    We could also get lance flier Olivia, as a reference to the Falcon Knight class. She could bring in a new lance, though I'm not sure which one.


    Honestly, I don't mind Olivia getting another alt, she's one of my favourites from Awakening - if not my favourite Awakening female.

    Blue-haired Inigo is my love. <33 And I mean yeah. Chrom x M!Robin is my favorite but the game won't let me have that life, so ChromxOlivia is my second favorite. So I'll take her being a horse (or horse dancer).

    OH yeah! I forgot about the Falcon Knight class. I actually wouldn't mind her wielding an axe or something totally unique and different just to throw us off. I like surprises and when they give characters alts that aren't necessarily "in-universe". Yeah, Olivia would be top 3 for me in favorite Awakening females. She was also one of the first ones I summoned in this game, so she's special to me. Lol.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Lau said:

    What would an Olivia alt be? Maybe a flying tome user a la Dark Flier?

    I don't know why you bother with her, she's useless.

    But hmmm, I wonder if an Olivia alt would still be a dancer somehow. I sorta hope they'd do something like a flying tome user like Dark Flier (aka: Morgan). Maybe she'll get the redserpent version of that tome, which would be a nice surprise. She could also be a calvary I suppose, if they really wanted to go left field (and I'd enjoy the parallel to Horse!Chrom because I love those two together).

    But excited for the idea of a very viable Olivia without the BST cut because of being a refresh unit.

  12. I don't know why you guys even bother responding to her in the first place, it's always the exact same complaints about something and not being willing to listen to ways to beat things. Maybe if we just ignored Anacyble she'd go away instead of clogging up the thread with her unnecessary venom.

    I haven't gone through all the Tactic maps yet, I got frustrated with one trying to figure it out (hah!) so I'll have to go back with some youtube help on it. But they're fun because they really force me to think in ways I haven't, which I enjoy.

  13. I definitely want a new OC. Hopefully the brother, but I also fear he's going to be drawn poorly (like the sisters), so idk at this point. Legendary Heroes are so hit or miss, imo. I've only liked Ike and Ephraim, the rest being fodder because usually they already have 4 other alts *coughcoughLynandHectorcough*.

    Either way, I still get marginally excited to see the other 5* they have! A new colored bow would be nice though.

  14. 7 hours ago, silverserpent said:

    Tethys as a red tome also fits due to her connection with Ewan. I think it'd be sweet if there was a moment (if she and Ewan are released together) where it's Ewan showing her some of the finer points of magic.

    Edit: for some reason, my phone is lagging badly and putting up incomplete posts >_<

    I would love Ewan in this game. He's one of the last units I really, really want. Along with Nils (and Cormag (though S!Innes with a cool wyvern allowed me to wait)). Then finally Grandmaster Robin, but drawn well because Grima!M!Robin is ugly.

  15. 29 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Let's be reasonable, now. A Chrom's wives banner would just be male Robin, female Robin, and glowy-eyed Robin standing over Chrom with a lightning bolt in his chest.


    I'm down for Grandmaster Robin alts, especially if we can get Grandmaster female Grima. You can never have too much Sawashiro Miyuki. Legendary Camilla when?

    Hahaha, yes. I realllllyyyy want a Grandmaster Robin alt with Levin Sword. Need. Or Glowy-eyed M!Robin whose entire level ups revolve around his undying love for Chrom. XD

  16. I spent $50 on orbs once. But in my defense it was an iTunes gift card that someone got me as a gift! XD And I got 2 F!Morgan from it (plus like 3 other blue 5* and Horse!Chrom). But would I actually spend MY money on it? No.

    It was funny though because the moment I bought orbs I suddenly got ALL these 5* like never before. It was as if the game knew I had spent money for orbs for the first time and tried to entice me to buy more. And ALSO, because I bought orbs on F!Morgan's intro banner, I've spent about 200+ orbs since on her subsequent banners and NEVER gotten her. And I've never NOT gotten a focus unit that I want, so I swear the game knows somehow.

    But yeah, if the game was gonna be there forever and ever, I might consider buying it, but I know like all mobile games it will eventually fall away (Tales of Rays anyone?). So I don't spend my  own money, but won't hesitate to use gifts on it. But I hope people keep buying orbs, because that's what keeps the game going and making them money to keep it up and running, so while I may be F2P, I hope other people continue to whale. XD I just ask I get F!Morgan again...

  17. 34 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Now go play Zestiria, to truly understand just how much impact Velvet's party had.  The story isn't going to be as amazing, but I think you'll like the setting changes between the two.

      Hide contents

    Zestiria makes Laphicet look even better.  Somehow.  You'll also run into many familiar faces/names. . .

    Long RPGs are what I grew up on.  Berseria's length was nothing to me~!  Anyway, congrats on finishing, and welcome to the fan club~!

    Agreed, agreed, agreed!! Zestiria is a million times better BECAUSE of Berseria. I wish I had played them in the opposite order, because Berseria was so engaging and powerful and replaying Zestiria now gives it so much more depth and meaning than it had before. But ... it's still among my least favorites. I'd hit other ones (Abyss/Xillia) first. 

    4 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Im gonna need a small break from Tales games because Berseria was exhausting lol. I have Symphonia and Xillia on my backlog and soon Vesperia for PS4.

    Also, Symphonia is really good (not even speaking of nostalgia), and I really personally enjoyed Xillia even though I know others weren't a huge fan. But yeah Berseria was by far the most exhausting of the Tales games (but in my opinion in the best way), because it was so heavy emotionally. I had to fully pause after the 


    whole scene about 3/4 of the way through when Velvet sees her friends and hometown and brother again and is happy for a singular moment and then has it all torn away from her again. It murdered me.

    But yes, go forth and explore the Tales world (please don't play Graces). I also grew up on long RPGs (Symphonia is going to be hella long for you), and it definitely took me 65 hours to do Berseria (with side quests and all the skits), but I found Berseria to be one of the longest ones since Symphonia imo. But also I didn't learn ALL the weapon skills or ship stuff (because I found the whole weapon system to be so annoying). And definitely skip fights around the mid point when I get tired of constant fighting and leveling. That's my recommendation. Just skip fights around the middle when the story starts dragging and it will pick right back up and then you can go back to fighting and stuff!! 

  18. 11 hours ago, Korath88 said:

    Well, when most of your favourites are 5* exclusive, you don't really have much of an option. Though unless they have very valuable SI (RIP my spare Hectors), I will merge spare copies if I randomly get them, but I won't spend my saved up orbs rolling specifically for more copies to merge.

    Not to mention that 5* exclusives tend to have niches that make them more fun to use than potential promotion merge projects.

    Yeah I won't ever use my orbs to roll for more copies to merge (unless it's F!Morgan because I love her). Just not my style. And haha, lucky all the BEST skill fodder (Hector & Takumi) are characters I dislike, so they're instantly foddered away to never be seen again.

    And yeah they do, but sometimes those 3-4* characters can get a specific niche after being merged so many times which is nice. Like M!Robin, who is my actual tank to anything that's not a speedy green mage after being merged +7. Haven't found another Blue Mage unit like him that gets me the same result for my play style.

  19. My first 5* promotion was Robin (duh). And then Alfonse because I really liked him. Even though he's been replaced by B!Ike and Joshua since, he was part of my main team originally. Robin, Lucina, Alfonse and PA!Azura. His high attack and vantage got me through a lot. If he had merges, he'd probably be up there on my unit list, but alas. 

  20. 10 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    Some 5* characters, like BLyn , better be off as  fodders for  skills locked to 5*, which unless you LOVE them, merging is a waste. 

    But I fodder off tons of 5* characters. Nobody said you had to merge all of them.  I got 2 5* L’Archael who are both foddered off to better characters. 

    My extra 5* Klein went for Quick Riposte even though I do like him, I’m not gonna merge him.

    But for your favorites, I don’t see why you wouldn’t merge them. So like...my point still stands.

  21. On 7/10/2018 at 11:15 AM, shadowofchaos said:

    As one of the weirdos whose playstyle is to never merge since I think all content should be beatable with base 5 stars...

    What is the appeal?


    My essential take on it is... Since Tier 20 does not give you any benefit other than extra feathers... Why would I spend feathers for a net loss on feathers?

    I understand that merges can help in Arena Assault for more refine stones and sacred coins...

    But disregarding multiplayer... All you really have is unit bias projects.

    So what is the appeal for you guys? Help me understand your perspective more.

    I don't understand why you wouldn't WANT to merge. Like what's not the appeal of having stronger characters? Who cares if content is beatable or not, how about just having favorites? And moreso, what fun is it, if content is only beatable with CERTAIN base 5 star characters? That's not fun if I have to run a stupid loli team to beat something, when I want to use Robin, Lucina and a rotating base of two others.

    I'm 100% a casual f2p player, but my Robin is still +7. And Soren is +6 and my Boey & Lucina are +4. It just makes me able to use my favorite characters more, what's the issue with that? I don't even care about Arena Assault or whatever. What's wrong with loving a unit and merging for that. My Robin is -Spd and is now 30Spd so he's no longer CONSTANTLY doubled by everything that breathes in his general direction.

    I spend the feathers because who else am I going to put to 5*?? Random characters I have no attachement too? I'd rather upgrade a 4* to 5* and merge for a couple extra stat points. They've made all the difference.


  22. Holy CRAP, I've decided the game is rigged. I got 5* S!Linde as my free pull (yay fodder!!!). And then blew ONLY 40 orbs (I only had 46) and got TAKUMI (+Atk/-Spd)! So quick.

    So I'm super happy. Buttttt, I've literally blown through over 200 orbs on F!Morgan banners and haven't gotten her again. Soooo....idk that desire sensor must actually exist. But back to saving and super glad I have a bonus unit for TT so soon!!

  23. 16 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    I don't know why, but for some reason I really want Takumi even more than I want Dragon Valor Tiki...

    Maybe it has to do with how he is basically Bridelia but flying? Probably not, I had this feeling well before the datamine. It probably has more to do with how much more cheerful he looks and feels compared to his base and fallen forms...

    I agree. It's how happy he looks!! He's always so dower and blah, but something about how he just smiles makes me wantttt him!

  24. I don't even really like Takumi, but I LOVE him when TOBI draws him, he looks SO cute here. So I can't help myself, I know what I'm going to go for.

    I also think Camilla looks absolutely lovely (even though I really dislike her personality in Fates to the point I can't justify spending orbs on her), so I'm happy she looks so pretty. And it's been a while since she's had an alt, so it doesn't even bother me. Tiki also looks cute!

    But man, why does Linde have to share a stupid color. I hate when that happens. My poor nonexistent orbs. Lol.

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