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Capt. Drahcir

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Everything posted by Capt. Drahcir

  1. wtf? that makes no sense to me. u dont like lance users because of Ephraim?
  2. tis the cal state halftime show ^^ they do a complication of game music, first is pong (well just a drum noise while people are running back and forward with people as the paddles), then its tetris, then other musiks while doing a really good show... just watch it, the ending is great if u played the original Super Mario for the NES
  3. 0.o how did u get them to do that? did u just use shove? lol. i just guarded teh parts where the beasts could climb up, Tauroneo (i dont think i spelled that right) on the left, Edward, Jill and Sothe on the center lower one, and nolan and Zihark on the right. Micaiah cant leave the line so i just put a psysic and her purge. and if someone decides to do this after reading it, set the NPCs on HALT and put them on roam whenever a hawk is in range of the ballista
  4. i tried fiona on my 2nd playthrough, i saved a lot of BEXP to see what kind of growths she'd get, she was only gaining defense and luck so i reset and tried again, same thing so i reset and benched her... maybe i should try forging a lance like u guys said and actually battle with her =p
  5. i havent really tried to use illyana yet, but Nephenee pwns everything with a silver greatlance and the wishblade =D
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