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Status Updates posted by Rsteube

  1. Ulki(or janaff) whichever one I don't remember. had to get his tear off on the stationary units at the top left of the map, generals I think.

  2. Oscar, titania I believe went up the north, and Ike went to the right. Haar was carrying Gatrie and dropped him off at the tree line somewhere. Yes, I forsaw on my one draft speed run where I was slower than I wanted to be by disarming the DB, so this time I made sure they had bronze weapons etc. I doubt I have a save as I didn't keep saves beyond what was held on the wii. I had maybe 3 ...

  3. Oliver. I'll have to get back to you on that. I know I had to replay it quite a bit. I know I basically sent Haar up refreshed with heron and moved again to be on the right of the tree line. Then I had to rescue heron with someone pegasus, then use another person to grab heron and drop him so I can use him next turn. I do remember a CRAP LOAD of Pushing and Smiting happening to set eve...

  4. Oh wow. sorry. I haven't looked anything up lately. I've been putzing around on WoW and Aion. My name is pronounced R Stewbee.

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