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Everything posted by Rsteube

  1. Ulki(or janaff) whichever one I don't remember. had to get his tear off on the stationary units at the top left of the map, generals I think.

  2. Oscar, titania I believe went up the north, and Ike went to the right. Haar was carrying Gatrie and dropped him off at the tree line somewhere. Yes, I forsaw on my one draft speed run where I was slower than I wanted to be by disarming the DB, so this time I made sure they had bronze weapons etc. I doubt I have a save as I didn't keep saves beyond what was held on the wii. I had maybe 3 ...

  3. Oliver. I'll have to get back to you on that. I know I had to replay it quite a bit. I know I basically sent Haar up refreshed with heron and moved again to be on the right of the tree line. Then I had to rescue heron with someone pegasus, then use another person to grab heron and drop him so I can use him next turn. I do remember a CRAP LOAD of Pushing and Smiting happening to set eve...

  4. Oh wow. sorry. I haven't looked anything up lately. I've been putzing around on WoW and Aion. My name is pronounced R Stewbee.

  5. Ahhh. so this is merely manipulate anything possible, without being one continuous playthrough, to achieve the lowest turn count result per chapter?
  6. Like Um. Im sorry... Im new to these forums and stuff.. ya know? I will try to behave. I promise! /crosses fingers
  7. Vykan is the man. He loves to manipulate and redo a chapter lots of times. Gotta give it up to him. He'll get some good numbers for sure. Are you going to utilize transfer stats? seems like it.
  8. I really like this game. umm. do you like it?
  9. Nasir, Gareth, leanne, reyson, lehran.
  10. Oh noes! marth Koopa has a 154 turn count! /snicker
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