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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. Luminescent Blade, can we share Remus Lupin & Sirius Black from Harry Potter? :3 I'd also like to claim quite a few Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Molly & Arthur Weasley as well as all their kids except Percy. Mad-Eye Moody, Dumbledore, Scrimgeour, the 4 dragons at the Triwizard Tournament, Hagrid, McGonagall, Firenze, Greyback, Bellatrix Lestrange, Snape, Luna Lovegood, Viktor Krum, Harry's parents and kids, Ron & Hermione's kids, Draco & Lucius Malfoy, the Mirror of Erised, all the horcruxes & Deathly Hallows, Griffindor's Sword, Voldemort, Tonks, Ted Lupin, and Nicholas Flamel. :3
  2. Hi guys! I just capped our internet for the month so I'll probably go soon. Last day of the month so I'll be back tomorrow. :3 Mission: accomplished. Yeah, I'm gonna go. See you guys tomorrow~
  3. Thanks Proto~! :3 So why're you taking it then? What's up? XD
  4. Abel 23 Norne 9 Ogma 17 Lena 15 Navarre 23 Merric 21 Minerva 27 Linde 11 Palla 27 Catria 26 Elice 3
  5. Pretty good. :3 Do you read Deltora Quest?

  6. Pretty good. Gonna do some homework now though. :3 Hi Kai, Astra, Pahn and Proto~! What's up guys?
  7. Haha, awesome. XD I'm going to sleep, night Oujay's~
  8. Pretty good. I'll be going to sleep soon though. Yourself?
  9. Abel 20 Norne 14 Ogma 18 Lena 15 Navarre 26 Merric 20 Minerva 24 Linde 13 Palla 27 Catria 25 Elice 15 Nagi 7
  10. Yeah, that's what I figured too. 8D
  11. Pretty good. Just relaxing tonight, I need a night to just chill. Yourself?
  12. What the hell is "Hansonland"?
  13. That's just awesome. And very accurate.
  14. Sure, of course I'll share Lief! 8D

  15. Abel 20 Norne 14 Ogma 17 Barst 2 Lena 15 Navarre 27 Merric 20 Minerva 24 Linde 12 Palla 25 Catria 27 Elice 16 Nagi 11
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