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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. ... That is a long name. Reminds me of Dumbledore. Maths. I almost typed Harry Potter. That music is Pretty good. Getting off the computer at 8:00 to get ready for when Dad picks me up. :D Yourself?
  2. Oooh! Who're you spriting? Homeworking before I go to Dad's for the weekend.
  3. Hey Amelia! What's up? I will, I just wanted to get my two cents in. :)
  4. *like and favourite* Hey guys!
  5. Probably not JB I'm gonna go guys, I'm stuffed. Talk to you tomorrow~
  6. I know the first 4 parts. Baby steps. :) Yeah, in a couple of months. TKD terms run at the same time as school terms to make it easier on everybody.
  7. Hey Amelia! What's up? [spoiler=Not the best quality, but on the small iPod screen it's fine.]
  8. I'm sure I will too. I downloaded a video of the next form I need to learn and I've been practising off that each morning... Hey Fur!
  9. I'll probably only be going on Mondays, yeah. I can't be bothered on Thursdays. XD I don't think I'll be learning at a slower pace... I'll be going for grading at the same time, at any rate.
  10. What about it? 8D Decided I'm not going. I think I just wanna go once a week. I can't be bothered going Thursdays. x.x I've been thinking this for a couple of weeks now.
  11. ... Oh yeah, I keep thinking it's Wednesday.
  12. Fire: Houndoom <----- Starting Arcanine Typhlosion Rapidash Ninetails Charizard <----- Strongest Electric: Pikachu <----- Starting Manectric Raichu Ampharos Electabuzz <----- Strongest Dragon: Kingdra <----- Starting Salamence Garchomp If they made a Dragon Eeveelution, that too Dragonite <----- Strongest And I'd be a Gym Leader!
  13. Abel 17 Frey 11 Cain 14 Draug 19 Norne 10 Caeda 4 Ogma 10 Cord 10 Barst 6 Darros 11 Castor 6 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 18 Merric 21 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 11 Athena 12 Bantu 4 Caesar 4 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 4 Boah 10 Dolph 0 Aaaaaaaand dead! Macellan 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 22 Catria 10 Samson 6 Chainy 10 Etzel 21 Est 7 Tiki 10 Elice 16 Nagi 16 Gotoh 10
  14. Good Iced. Want me to bring Mario Kart Double Dash? My friends are a baaaaad influence. :3 I am amazed at the speed this thread is moving forward.
  15. Every time you hear the word "head", mentally swap it for "bed". I actually love this song Actually, on that note, I'm leaving. Night Oujay's!
  16. I know. I play Brawl with a GC Controller and all my GC games on my Wii. And I have 3 memory cards, so I'm all good. Bring your NGC then. But mine now belongs to a friend. ... Okay.
  17. Shhh. ^_^ ... Or we can play it on Wii? I Eat Tables.
  18. Well screw you. Of course. I don't even know what to say here... XD B) Yes. Then we won't be bored! IET jokes never get old Hey Crash!
  19. Lack of funds, and I can't find them anywhere. Gotta sell this iPod I got from Boot Camp... Okay, I'm going, I'll be back on in maybe an hour and a half when the tutor's gone, although I'm not sure how long he'll be here. See ya Oujay's!
  20. Didn't sound too bad. It was soothing. I want a Tales game dammit And yourself?
  21. ... I leaned on it. It's a fairly weak table. That's two now...
  22. So am I, but I prefer the others as well. I never seemed to have much of a problem with Silver Greatlances though. Or maybe it's just me. Yeah, just... I rarely use them. Hi JB! On an unrelated note, I just broke the table!
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