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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. I'm off. G'night Oujay's and good luck Fur.
  2. One of my friends linked me to this site, it has AWESOME Pokemon pics. And all 493, in all forms too. Pidgeot
  3. I've done 1, and even I can see that this guy is an idiot. Yay!
  4. That's fine. I'm doing well, yourself? wut That's pretty bad.
  5. Nah. I didn't have class in the morning 'cause our teacher was away, so I finished a shitload of Maths work.
  6. Anyway, I've gotta dash to TKD now, so see you guys tomorrow. 109,376
  7. I think so. Because once I get it, it sticks. It's just the original bit that gets me. My Maths teacher 2 years ago made that comment too. I am. But this stuff is hard.
  8. Because the stuff we're doing at the moment is beyond me. And I learn better one-on-one. Like, if I ask my teacher to explain something after class, I get it. So, yeah. Hopefully!
  9. Pretty good. Getting a Maths tutor, she's coming tomorrow for half and hour to figure out where I'm at and a day that's good for both of us. Then she'll start coming in weekly to give me a bit of extra help. So, pretty XD
  10. Let me know how it goes if you do it. I don't think I would. XD I hadn't heard the name until I played FE. :/ But you're the light in my heart, so what does that say about you?
  11. Fox is awesome in the original. One of my friends did an experiment; he'd get two level 9 COMs, on 99 lives, to fight it out while he was sleeping, and when he woke up, Fox would ALWAYS win by something like 60/70 lives. Like, wow. And when he did Fox vs. Fox, the winner had 1 or 2 lives left or something. I actually asked a non-gamer friend who hasn't even heard of FE is she thought it was a guy's or a girl's name. She said female.
  12. That it is The thing about Brawl is that you can have tons of fun on your own. I unlocked Captain Falcon last night on the VC after one Classic playthrough. Lol. ... It sounds like a girl's name to me. Wow, this thread is dead...
  13. I'm gonna go... I need to go relax... See ya Oujay's.
  14. Hey, I use that line! Yup yup. I really wanna play it. And Smash. <3 Proto~ Yes, you are. Sorry about the late post, I was called away to eat. :/ I just found someone on Facebook called Micaiah. It's a guy.
  15. I'd have no idea how to use it. x_x This I know. I've paused OoT twice 'cause I don't actually have the game. It fails miserably. Tee hee~ :D Hey, you're just awesome.
  16. I just don't like Mafia I know. But if you keep it paused for too long, when you get back to it, you forget what you were doing. She did a good job. Pretty much everything else in Maths when I need it. *hugs* We're gonna be getting a tutor...
  17. Good Joshaymin. *gives spicy Poffins I have... so many... @_@ I'll never get bored at least. They did. He captures the part really well. And he just LOOKS like Snape. And I have a really awesome teacher to help me with everything else... @_@
  18. Okay. I have a heaps of Maths though as usual and I'm not getting it. What about you?
  19. Same. That's why I always need fresh material~ Or a fresh game. Either way works for me. I saw the movie before I read the book, so yeah. I loved it in number 4 when Harry and Ron were discussing dates to the Ball, and Snape just shoved their faces into the desk... XD XD That song is just awesome. I'm just glad you understood it all.
  20. Oh, your Mum is cool. I don't mind either way. I hate it when a story ends, but at the same time I want to see how it all gets wrapped up... x_x I dunno, Murtagh and Brom looked pretty good to me. And I really like the actor that played Brom. Snape's actor is totally awesome too. I dunno if you'll like them... The lyrics especially for the Skillet one are really good though. Wow, good luck with that!
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