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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. its not hard its just most of the swords i got from drops didnt even improve a stat i needed
  2. Let's give Rhajat a mom. I'll give her a nice momma. Nyx x Hayato
  3. :c i'm sorry about that, are you okay? when my eyes burn i usually take a warm washrag to try and soothe them
  4. Dragon talent F!Corrin as a Nohr Noble. Rhajat shall be a Malig Knight.
  5. Honestly I can see Roy and Eliwood owning an Eevee and an evolution of it. I can't explain why, it just feels... right. Hector with a Garchomp. I can imagine Mist with a big friendly dog, so she gets an Arcanine. Shigure or Azura with Altaria.
  6. I saw Popplio's and "Popplio, make a contract with me and become a magical monster!"
  7. http://yokaiwatch.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Cat_Yo-kai i thought there were too many saberfaces and pikaclones i was wrong
  8. fuckin my friend is telling me about yokai watch http://yokaiwatch.wikia.com/wiki/Whisper this is a character in it http://yokaiwatch.wikia.com/wiki/Whisbe this is him in the past he served under mitsunari ishida I CANT ARIN I CANTTTTT
  9. i'm ashamed to say i know the lyrics to that song
  10. GOOD SHIT i had never heard this band before but this is really good
  11. i know reol, nqrse, and a bunch of others did a special birthday arrange for him that i actually enjoyed
  12. o-okay... well this is one song i can't stop listening to...
  13. yeah but its not kpop so its not welcome :c i wear pants so i can have werewolf legs and nobody will notice unless they try super hard
  14. i wish i'll just stick to safe stuff like anything by pokota
  15. tfw your headphones are broke and now you just have to guess what songs are good when you download them
  16. Ebony chooses Hoshido. Boon: STR Bane: STR Talent: Knight Hair: Wavy and Forest Green Eyes: Blazing Red Distinguishing Feature: Scar over their eye
  17. I'll accept any sex for my Popplio tbh. If my little boy wants to be pretty, then gosh darnit I'll let him be pretty. plz have a good nature at least
  18. i'll never get anyone good at least i have mitsutada
  19. i was about to laugh then i saw you had jiji so now i'm going to go slash my wrists instead
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