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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. i'm only feeding my bad habit by looking up shitty fujo pairings i thought i was past this i thought i matured
  2. i'll probably be back to normal in the morning but i doubt a lot of this a lot which is why its hard for me to post in stuff like this because i'm like man i could say anything -posts the priest- "dammit" i feel like it'd be obnoxious i loved mettaton from undertale until my friend did nothing but send me fanart of him i dont wanna be like that
  3. i'm always insecure about that i'm always paranoid everyone'd leave me, it wouldn't be the first time i really should cut down on the fate/zero stuff but tbh i probably won't... don't know why, i'd fangirl to my boyfriend but i'm always paranoid he won't care + its my boyfriend i'm afraid i'd offend him (he's said it's okay before but i doubt it) i know i'm a dork
  4. i can't say i do exactly, i still mostly hold it back from my friends tbh i do it because personal experience makes me cringe when anyone fanboys/fangirls over something for long periods of time
  5. what if i put a loud dubstep into to all of my posts
  6. nah i feel like i annoy people with kotomine posts i'm use to being annoying though, i try and keep anything related to me fangirling out in check oh i try
  7. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ayy Anyway I'll go ahead and give yoooou... Kaden x Oboro
  8. i would say yes because they're cute and i adore them, but it's such hard work to take care of them i'd rather work in a fox sanctuary or something then just keep one as a pet...
  9. no, i signed up for this, i'll go through with it besides its one of the pairings i didn't s rank so i'd rather do it and have the s rank on file then just never do it, no need to worry
  10. sorry, seems you just got ninja'd, i'll let you pick for jakob though still if you want
  11. rip ophelia's stats i guess sigh the one outcome i didn't want very well its you guys picking it anyway, where am i to complain i assume felicia, okay
  12. that's actually a pairing i've been waiting to try for a while, so thanks!
  13. you're murdering me, lass oh well i can at least try some stuff with her for fun...
  14. its okay i was waiting for you to reply hey its a good pairing i aint gonna complain
  15. For when I inevitably go back to Fire Emblem Fates, I'd love to keep this topic for fun. I'm letting you guys pick my pairings. I'll be getting all of the kids, so I don't mind. Try not to neuter the kids too much though, thank you. Revelations route so keep that in mind. Will be using F!Corrin with +Spd -Lck and Outlaw talent, my usual. FCorrin x Xander Azura x Arthur Jakob x Camilla Silas x Kagerou Kaze x Oboro aka oh dear lord Oboro's mom to Nitori Ryoma x Rinkah Takumi x Setsuna Saizo x Hana Azama x Beruka Hinata x Hinoka Tsubaki x Nyx Hayato x Felicia Kaden x Sakura Xander x Corrin Leo x Effie Laslow x Orochi Niles x Elise Odin x Selena Arthur x Azura Benny x Charlotte Keaton x Mozu Have fun, be gentle, no Peri
  16. I did too. I guess I'm not surprised, Serenes strikes me as more... diverse? If this were on Reddit or GameFaqs I'd suspect Lucina would easily win.
  17. the bile fascination and curiosity is growing no i haven't seen those images though
  18. im not innocent i watch adult shows!!!!!! i dont cry in the shower anymore!!!!!!
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