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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. As my chorus teacher said when I outed myself as a Hufflepuff "Everyone looks down on you."
  2. Plus the only reason I'd assume Chrom is pushed hard with any female character is so he can make Lucina, the only required kid. I still paired him up with Olivia though. I wanted Prince Inigo.
  3. Character wise: Leo! I adore this boy. Unit wise: Probably Ryoma tbh.
  4. I didn't because I like my Lance Lords and Takumi had Lances in Kinshi Knight. I thought I'd give him something different.
  5. Possibly. Just a suggestion though. I never relied much on crits and proccing for Caeldori tbh since she was mostly used as support for Shiro. As far as Tomes/Spells go, Horse God is insanely good for magic. Like damn, stat boosts with no drawbacks. It's crazy.
  6. I'd give her a Bolt Naginata. For weapon triangle and it works off of her better magic.
  7. I recommend it. Caeldori is one of the better Great Lord choices.
  8. I am immune to its odd lookingness. And it helps with Dark Flier!Shiro.
  9. Also just saying, if you marry her to Shiro, she makes a good Basara too. Nyx!Caeldori that is. It's what I did.
  10. For a Falcon Knight? I'd say probably... Hinoka or Oboro. I'm leaning Oboro tbh. Rinkah makes her a decent flying tank iirc.
  11. You mean mom, right? Personally I prefer Azura!Nina or Nyx!Nina. I'm leaning Nyx!Nina with the +Mag, -Def Avatar. Lets her be wicked with a Shining Bow or a good Onmyoji. Selena!Caeldori... ehh... maybe Trueblade?
  12. No idea for personal skills but dealing with my FEFanfic, I actually made "Nobles" for Leo, Takumi, and a Valla-ish one for Corrin. Midnight Lord (A) (A) (B) A lord who becomes the embodiment of the sacred darkness. Wields swords, tomes, and axes. Leo's class. Mounted like dark knight. Daybreak Lord (A) (B) (A) A lord who becomes the embodiment of the brightest light. Wields yumi, katanas, and rods. Takumi's class. Non mounted. Grey Noble (A) (B) (A) A paragon who carves a path to their own fates. Wields swords, lances, and dragonstones. Fubuki (my Corrin's) class. Non mounted. I gave Leo axes to represent Garon, Takumi swords and rods to represent Sumeragi and Mikoto, and Fubuki lances to represent Azura.
  13. Yes. More skill and speed for less attack. So its really up to you for this. Setsuna and Charlotte are both good imo.
  14. Created a personal skill for my Corrin since the one they have by default doesn't feel like it fits her. Living Relic: As the only survivor of Arete's bloodline, she keeps Azura's necklace with her. Eliminates debuffs after one turn and heals 15% HP each turn.
  15. Xander x Hinoka - A really good Siegbert. I'd dare say the best. The two of them work pretty well together too. Hinoka gives him a Lance using class, Hinoka gets a class that also uses Lances. I got her Luna. imo probably Seig's best aside from maybe Charlotte x Xander. Saizo x Beruka - Asugi gets proc activates 4 days due to his good skill. It's kind of average though - Saizo gets Malig Knight which I put him in due to his decent magic growths. I don't say I recommend it though because these were also somewhat pairing the spades. Azama x Effie - STRONGEST Mitama. If you don't get Berserker on Azama via friend seal (get it though) it at least gets him Great Knight. Imo they have some good synergy together. Benny x Rinkah - Also a pair the spades but Ignatius cannot be damaged by physical attacks. Ever. Pretty good - though if you want another girl and give Charlotte to someone else (she has really good mods, on Selkie it's a +5 to speed and strength), Setsuna is also a decent choice.
  16. Might as well list the pairings I did in my magnum opus run. Corrin x Laslow Azura x Keaton Jakob x Selena Kaze x Mozu Silas x Hana Ryoma x Elise Takumi x Camilla Xander x Hinoka Leo x Sakura Saizo x Beruka Azama x Effie Hinata x Peri Tsubaki x Nyx Kaden x Charlotte Hayato x Felicia Odin x Orochi Niles x Oboro Arthur x Kagero Benny x Rinkah ... so i can give opinions on these pairings.
  17. I do want to apologize for not really posting anything - I genuinely want to do stuff, it's just depression has been putting me in a mood of some werid... "i want to, but i don't want to do anything" so things'll be slow until I get better I guess? That being said I'm not giving this up and while I haven't written things I've been writing down ideas and sorting such out. So yeah sorry for not really doing anything. My fault.
  18. I would try it but I don't know if I can pry Niles from Oboro. I think I'll be playing around with some couples though - I wanna try Azura!Nina. That being said, despite the good mods, her growths are kind of... wonky.
  19. I'm Fate/Stay Night trash so I had ideas. Nero - Laus Saint Claudius: Grants a buff (+5 all stats/damage/ or -5 damage taken ect ect) to all allies on the field once per battle. Mysterious Heroine X - Himitsucalibur: Grants +15 damage against all Saberfaces sword users. And Lords.
  20. I remember saying something like this would be mine, but I'll go ahead and repost it here since it's good enough to be for anyone imo. Mimicry - When hit by a Rally, echoes the Rally back. So if she is, say, hit by a Laslow FalcoBot using Rally Skill, she'll act like she used the Rally herself.
  21. Laslow is better as a Lodestar.
  22. In Revelations? I don't know. I tihnk the only other time I used it was a bad position during the last boss fight almost resulted in a DOA Takumi so I got him out of there.
  23. Not fast enough. I was lazy and doubted using Rescue the rest of the game so I just used that. Made Shiro a Basara. Swept.
  24. None of the kid paralogues gave me any trouble. I guess the worst one was Shiro's? But I managed to keep him from dying this time.
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