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  1. Lol @ when in doubt, do more than one banner. XD Truer and wiser words couldn't have been spoken! Haha. (: If I had the discipline, I would just draw all the nohrian characters! Bwahahaha! :P (obvious which side I am biased to!) Thank you for the advice you guys. ^^ I will definitely see what I can do! >D Azura, despite being one of least favourite characters is actually really fun to draw. (: Her personality may not win me over, but her pretty outfit and that adorable veil totally does! I need to fix zero's face a bit, he doesn't look nearly manly enough, I find men pretty hard to draw haha. Also Leo's hair, needs some touch up. It reminds me of the Pokemon gym leader in its current state for some reason, haha. XD
  2. Thank you! (: I haven't posted anything in awhile. With the game closing in, I decided to draw some Fates characters to hold my excitment. xD I'm trying to create a banner with some characters for fun. (: I haven't decided who I wanted in it yet, but so far I've got WIP Corrin Dragon, Azura, Xander and Elise! Any recommendations? Thinking of keeping it Conquest exclusive characters haha! Edit: Decided to add Leo and Niles. xD I think I will do a couple more characters before I colour and properly line it. DECISIONS....HMMMMMM...who to choose...
  3. Thanks for the encouraging words! (: Sorry I don't come online often on my work days haha. I definitely want to try drawing some laguz and manakete characters. ^3^ I will also have to try sketching Oboro out! XD Hopefully I can do her justice. I love her design. I did do a elise sketch doodle since I couldn't sleep. She's such a cutie! I just wanna spin her around and take her shopping. Such a cute little sister! :3 Not stretched Link version - > https://farm1.staticflickr.com/355/19710253025_d82692bdfb_b.jpg
  4. Oh man I can't figure how to post pictures on the topic without it looking all stretched, so I'm just gunna post links, ick sorry! xD I don't draw many humans or anime-ish style. I mostly draw animals haha. >____<;; So here we go! Firstly a messy darn fan character based off of golden kite warriors Since they are so pretty and I love birbs! :3 I need to try something different for the outfit though, not quite happy with it. I have a tumblr too but it's pretty sad since I don't post a lot of art on it haha. XD Will probs draw some more fire emblem fan art that I will post. <: Unsure what characters I should do haha.
  5. I would be really surprised if they scrap skin shipping or the bath house considering a hefty amount of development time and money probably went into those. I personally don't think those things are really the issue, if we were to consider there is any issue all. It's pretty subjective I think. I personally think the main thing that is making them seem so "bad" is not the concept or actually gameplay aspects of the system. It's the dialogue attached, lol. I honestly would not mind at all if the localization took some creative liberty to change the dialogue on a lot of the skin shipping and some "c-s" supports characters. It would probably appeal to a broader audience and end of the day. Nintendo and the developers are a company and a business. It's likely their aim to appeal to as many buyers as possible. That isn't to say there aren't any good supports..... There are a great supports, but also some really really questionable ones. Some even plain cringe worthy, although that may just be personal opinion haha. Many characters are also one note and have little development which is unfortunate. I'm sure that the characters who do have great supports will make up for the few shallow folk though.
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