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Posts posted by Smartdumbkid

  1. I'm not sure correlation equals causation in this case, or that Right to Work and wages are related in any meaningful way.

    Oh come on now. How can disbanding unions, one of the few defenses that workers have against corporations, not be considered by you as one of the factors of a wage decrease? Please, for the sake of intellectual honesty, don't play dumb because you don't like the data presented to you. At least provide a source against what I posted.

  2. Part of this (obviously not all, but part) is likely that due to the increased number of businesses and therefore workers (also mentioned in that article), there is less total money to go around, since more is going into wages period.

    I'm blaming the dumb in my name partially for this, but if i'm reading this correctly, then you are suggesting that businesses draw from the same pool of money to pay their workers...

    If that the case, then wat

    Some of it is probably also corporate fraud, with business owners keeping more than they should, but I doubt that that is the entire issue.

    I'm willing to bet a large chunk of it is. Corporations tend to just pocket income as profit, with employees not seeing any of it. It explains for the wealth disparity in this country that grows ever larger.

    I also find it somewhat ironic that in this scenario, Republicans are the ones supporting more overall jobs, while the Democrats are supporting more money for those with jobs. Who's the party of the privileged now, eh?

    Right to work states, on average, tend to have lower wages.


    A job with a poor payout is hardly worth bragging out, but you know this already. Keep the quips at a minimum ok?

  3. Who else?

    Unions campaign for their own interests often at the expense of workers, or else they wouldn't have a collective meltdown every time a state legislature tries to institute Right to Work laws. Government unions in particular are known to protect substandard employees. Otherwise their history with organized crime, prominent in but certainly not exclusive to the American Midwest, is legendary.

    Right to work laws tend to decrease wages of the states which it is enacted in


    I imagine union leaders get afriad, for their workers. I have no doubt that they are corrupt sometimes, but they are necessary.

  4. Goddamn it! Every time I see someone use liberal unironically, they get absolutely fucking destroyed. Just once, I want to meet a conservative that Isn't made to be a complete a joke... On topic, I want to give the GOP a chance, but everywhere I look just reinforces just how stupidly inadequate the candidates are and how the party is on the road to self destruction. They are pitiful at this point. It a shame really, as hiliary isn't that great herself from what I hear.

  5. Quoted for truth.

    His "truth" is merely opinion, and poorly supported at that. From I hear of Mr.McCain, he was the son of a wealthy man and got distinguishing remarks based on his father's reputation, but he did endure tortue, and denied early repartriation as he didn't want to leave his men behind. While you can question his ability as a soldier and what actions he carried out, the truth is he suffered terrible life long injuries for an ordeal he choose to prolong for his men. To me, that is heroic, and all that matters, bar nothing horrible popping up.

  6. While Sumia didn't know the exact curse Henry was going to use, she did make a deal with him beforehand to let him ride her pegasus if he got her to cast magic. Plus, since the support starts with Sumia!Henry reacting to the change of body, and Henry!Sumia reacting to that reaction, we can infer that she was a willing and able participant when Henry cast the curse. She wasn't ready for the exact effects of the curse, but all signs point to her consenting to it. ADD: FURTHERMORE, as soon as Sumia demanded to reverse the Hex, Henry showed her how to do so with his body instead of goofing off on her pegasus.

    Contrast putting a foreign substance in someone's body without any of their prior knowledge at all, or any of your knowledge on how it might effect them. Way to false equivalency.

    What? This doesn't make any sense to me. How is a bait and switch which end up controlling someone else body worse than magic powder? Hell, if Henry actually drugged sumia instead of using magic to switch bodies to make her cast magic, then the outrage would be exactly the same. This is a end doesn't justify the means kind of problem.

  7. Say do we also have a 25+ pages of a thread complaining about Henry switching body with Sumia without her consent like we did with Fates? Or we did initially didn't take that support out of context like this one did and not cause a jerknee meltdown over it, as well as fully understanding that it a non-sensical and comical support that not suppose to be taken seriously?

    Henry: H-Henry! Wh-what's happening? What have you done to me?!

    Sumia: Isn't it obvious? You're me, and I'm you! Clever curse, eh?

    Henry: AAAAAARGH!

    Sumia: Whoa! Careful with my vocal chords there! Besides, you're the one who wanted to cast spells, right?

    Henry: This is NOT what I had in mind!

    Sumia: Well, you're about as magic as an old sock, so this was the only way. And while you cast some hexes, I'm going to ride your pegasus all over camp! Woo-hoo! I'm gonna swoop down on people and drop stuff on their heads!

    Henry: B-but, wh-what if you fall off?! You might hurt me!

    Pretty sure Henry didn't have Sumia's consent...

    If Nintendo didn't censored/changed SumiaxHenry, why should they censor/change this one? Can someone explain it to me?

    Cuz muh feels, and drugs In soelil being a trigger that had no warning

  8. Thankyou.

    If the game had treated it like that, having Soleil freak out and Kamui learn a lesson that his behaviour was irresponsible, that wouldn't be nearly as bad.

    From the way it was handled, the lack of consequences and the fact she not only didn't mind, but married him, suggested it was the right thing to do. That's the real problem. Like others, I hope it is changed in the localisation.

    It is going to be, because this flys in japan, not america. It still isn't nearly as bad, because this wasn't meant for western audiences. Oh well, it a moot point, and I do agree with you. Just wish this "outrage" was more thought out and wasn't a knee jerk reaction like it is.

  9. It'd be a good post if the LGBT angle was the biggest problem with the support conversation. In my opinion, the fact that Kamui drugged Soleil without her consent is far more alarming.

    It is all relative really. I think having smex with children is faaaaaar worse, but shippers are ok with it so everybody treat it like W/E. Kamui was simply being an mal socially adjusted idiot that is really naive and ignorant, hoping to do the right things in a suboptimal way. Had there been malicious intent, I would say this outrage is warranted. As of now, I say people are offended by the idea the most, without giving it due consideration *prepares flame shield*.

  10. Lack of awareness of LGBT+ issues in Japan does not excuse insulting portrayals of those issues.

    It does when it not directed to western audiences. What offends us here, they could very well not care about there. The lack of outrage in japan, while westerners are "triggered" is definitely a sign that we are raging over a trivial matter that doesn't pertain to us. The supports are going to be changed for the western audience, and everybody going to be happy.

  11. I feel like this is partially our fault.

    Lemme explain. Did NoJ expect us to datamine the game and have those of us that can read moon runes translate the text into English? Probably not. Should they have? Maybe. But it's not their fault for creating a game that caters to Japan.

    LGBT issues in Japan are glossed over unlike in other Western countries, especially MURICA! as of recently. Fates was made in order to cater to the Japanese audience, not the US/EU audience, so of course they would fetishize these issues. See Japanese popular media for proof.

    It was our own impatience that had us see this support in ALL of it's glory. It was because we were impatient that we are wielding pitchforks for something that may not even exist in the NA/EU versions. The Treehouse team is getting paid to do something, right? It's on them to make a game that was catered to the Japanese demographic marketable to Western shores. What text-heavy games have they localized? Kid Icarus Uprising, Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi RPGs, Animal Crossing, and Path of Radiance. And you know what? They did some damn good jobs with these games

    Bottom line is: People are overreacting on something that is VERY likely going to be changed upon localization. What are they changing? What are they keeping? We, as fans, were scraping the bottom of the barrel, and it is our fault we found out there was some worms at the bottom. Ignorance, sometimes, is bliss.

    I'm gonna say this right now, if NoA/NoE ends up changing some of these supports so that they're culturally acceptable in NA & EU, we are gonna look like idiots for jumping to some of these conclusions that we are seeing. And if these aren't changed, I'm gonna look the biggest god damn idiot that believed in the localization teams. Cause apparently, these guys do not give a damn at all.

    Anyways, sleepy rant over. Feel free to dissect this all you want, I still believe we are partially at fault and that we are jumping to conclusions.

    I think this is the best post in the thread. Quoting the behemoth again so it is less likely to be glossed over. This was never meant for western eyes, and we basically made a mountain out of a mole hill.

  12. I know I'm going to catch flak from the weebs who think GLORIOUS NIPPON can do no wrong, but saying that it's just a cultural thing isn't an excuse. If it's part of your culture to dismiss lesbians as just faking it until the right guy comes along, your culture sucks. Plain and simple.

    Edit: I feel like I should clarify that, yes, I know there's a lot of shit wrong with American culture, too. It's just that saying "it's just their culture" isn't an excuse for shit like this.

    To be fair, japan is apparently a lot less progressive than America. What would enrage tumblr and summon their hell fury here, they don't care about there. Sometimes you have to be open minded and realise that some cultures are quite different, and are impartial to some things that would deeply affect us.

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