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Everything posted by Smartdumbkid

  1. He is still just as heartlesshttp://www.inquisitr.com/2341204/mike-huckabee-believes-11-year-old-rape-victim-should-have-to-carry-child-to-term/
  2. Oh come on now. How can disbanding unions, one of the few defenses that workers have against corporations, not be considered by you as one of the factors of a wage decrease? Please, for the sake of intellectual honesty, don't play dumb because you don't like the data presented to you. At least provide a source against what I posted.
  3. I'm blaming the dumb in my name partially for this, but if i'm reading this correctly, then you are suggesting that businesses draw from the same pool of money to pay their workers... If that the case, then wat I'm willing to bet a large chunk of it is. Corporations tend to just pocket income as profit, with employees not seeing any of it. It explains for the wealth disparity in this country that grows ever larger. Right to work states, on average, tend to have lower wages. http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324296604578179603136860138 A job with a poor payout is hardly worth bragging out, but you know this already. Keep the quips at a minimum ok?
  4. Right to work laws tend to decrease wages of the states which it is enacted in http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2012/12/10/how-right-to-work-laws-could-reshape-michigans-economy/ I imagine union leaders get afriad, for their workers. I have no doubt that they are corrupt sometimes, but they are necessary.
  5. Goddamn it! Every time I see someone use liberal unironically, they get absolutely fucking destroyed. Just once, I want to meet a conservative that Isn't made to be a complete a joke... On topic, I want to give the GOP a chance, but everywhere I look just reinforces just how stupidly inadequate the candidates are and how the party is on the road to self destruction. They are pitiful at this point. It a shame really, as hiliary isn't that great herself from what I hear.
  6. His "truth" is merely opinion, and poorly supported at that. From I hear of Mr.McCain, he was the son of a wealthy man and got distinguishing remarks based on his father's reputation, but he did endure tortue, and denied early repartriation as he didn't want to leave his men behind. While you can question his ability as a soldier and what actions he carried out, the truth is he suffered terrible life long injuries for an ordeal he choose to prolong for his men. To me, that is heroic, and all that matters, bar nothing horrible popping up.
  7. Prostitution should be legalized because it is profitable and with proper regulation can be completely safety. The other two are whatever as I have no opinion on them.
  8. What? This doesn't make any sense to me. How is a bait and switch which end up controlling someone else body worse than magic powder? Hell, if Henry actually drugged sumia instead of using magic to switch bodies to make her cast magic, then the outrage would be exactly the same. This is a end doesn't justify the means kind of problem.
  9. Cuz muh feels, and drugs In soelil being a trigger that had no warning
  10. This horse suffered a beating to death. I thinking it time to leaving it be. (see: Gregor)
  11. Can't believe I witnessed the birth of this stupidity. The convo wasn't even that bad.
  12. It is going to be, because this flys in japan, not america. It still isn't nearly as bad, because this wasn't meant for western audiences. Oh well, it a moot point, and I do agree with you. Just wish this "outrage" was more thought out and wasn't a knee jerk reaction like it is.
  13. It is all relative really. I think having smex with children is faaaaaar worse, but shippers are ok with it so everybody treat it like W/E. Kamui was simply being an mal socially adjusted idiot that is really naive and ignorant, hoping to do the right things in a suboptimal way. Had there been malicious intent, I would say this outrage is warranted. As of now, I say people are offended by the idea the most, without giving it due consideration *prepares flame shield*.
  14. It does when it not directed to western audiences. What offends us here, they could very well not care about there. The lack of outrage in japan, while westerners are "triggered" is definitely a sign that we are raging over a trivial matter that doesn't pertain to us. The supports are going to be changed for the western audience, and everybody going to be happy.
  15. I think this is the best post in the thread. Quoting the behemoth again so it is less likely to be glossed over. This was never meant for western eyes, and we basically made a mountain out of a mole hill.
  16. Lol indeed, and I believe this thread still have alot of life left in it. It gonna get locked... but it would be an interesting ride until then.
  17. To be fair, japan is apparently a lot less progressive than America. What would enrage tumblr and summon their hell fury here, they don't care about there. Sometimes you have to be open minded and realise that some cultures are quite different, and are impartial to some things that would deeply affect us.
  18. They honestly should've just made her gay. She basically is anyway, but I don't think IS really think fondly of homosexuals, going off of their representation of them.
  19. I honestly doubt it. It just looks straight up bad, perhaps not for the reason most posters here believe.
  20. Trying not to get banned in my first 24 hours XD

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