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Posts posted by Landmaster

  1. There's only so much that can be done regarding matching the lip flaps while also keeping the line accurate. It's not going to be perfect, but I'm sure it's the best they can get it while keeping the meaning.

    I thought Awakening's was great, though, I admittedly haven't see a lot of the original Japanese voices, in part because I can't take Olivia's some of the females' voices for that long. I doubt Fates' will be bad by any means.

    If I had any fears, it'd be even more minor than those, like:

    Liam O'Brien not being Lazwald.

    Odin not at any point saying: "My tome hand twitches".

  2. Having not played Fates yet, just in terms of design, I think Male Kanna VASTLY surpasses my Awakening son (still love you, boo-boo). He's just so squishy and cute looking and I just almost can't wait just to get him on my squad~ XD I had always felt that Female Morgan looked better than Male Morgan, so I'm glad, this time, I feel like I'm getting the cuter kid~ XD

    That said, I also think Female Morgan looks better than Female Kanna. Not that Female Kanna looks bad by any means, but I've just never been one for the bun hairstyle. It's actually grown on me since I first saw it. Though, to be completely honest, I think both Kannas have a more childlike, cute look to them than the Morgans, as a whole.

  3. I actually much prefer it this way than Chrom and Sumia's limited supports, if only because I like the options. Hair color and classes is, of course part of it, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't, but also because it always upset me after my first blind Awakening playthrough when I not only got Maiden!Lucina, but also missed Cynthia completely simply because they were so limited with supports and the timeliness of it (in Olivia's case).

    So it may not make for the best supports for everyone (I don't expect all these characters to have amazing/unique supports with every character they can support with when there's so many) but it at least gives us more options. Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand the notion that some characters have no reason to support with others. They're all on the same squad and it stands to reason, at least to me, that they could all potentially support each other. I always was confused that Sumia could support with Gaius and Henry, but not some of the original Shepherds. But that's just me~

  4. ...I assume you never promoted Gregor to Hero, then?

    They said they usually kept their color scheme and if they kept it on promotion. There were quite a few that didn't: Gregor, Henry, Tharja (who didn't even have one in her base class) and Cynthia just to name a few I know of.

    From what it seems, at least one promoted class for almost everyone is unique in Fates. Though, if what they said about the Nohrians is correct, it seems odd that Odin keeps his color scheme even in Samurai, but Luna doesn't as a Hero.

  5. Actually, it's the reverse for me. In Awakening, I disliked F!Morgan and doted on M!Morgan, but here I like F!Kanna much better than M!Kanna.

    I agree in that I disliked F!Morgan more than M!Morgan, who I loved, but I though F!Morgan was better designed. Now I think M!Kanna is the better designed of the two, which makes me so excited to get my new squishy son! X3

  6. While I do prefer Elise's design, I do think Sakura's is the best designed of the Hoshidan siblings and I think she's just a little cutie~ I've seen some of her supports and I really like her personality: kinda shy and quiet, but courageous when she has to be~

  7. 1st (Female Robin): Lon'qu because I didn't want to marry Chrom and decided I'd jump on the first sexy guy I saw, which came not to long after in the form of this smexy badass. I also loved their Supports. I liked telling myself that it was my duty as the Tactician to make sure to keep myself paired up with Lon'qu so that he wouldn't have to deal with the other women screwing him over on the battlefield and that I was just being a good leader and not shamelessly trying to get a man. XD

    3rd (Male Robin): Tiki. I wanted a unique Female Morgan and while I love the Taguel and Panne, I love her with Fredrick too much. Now, Nowi's my favorite character, but I didn't want to take away any marriage options from someone else by marrying her, so I decided on Tiki since she can only support with me anyway and I also get a Manakete baby girl. X3

    *Side note: for my 2nd file, I married Lon'qu again, since it was my completionist/main file (I consider the first a test run to get the hang of/learn the game) and I wanted my husbando.

  8. it's not pronounced like that?????????

    I think I always say ki-sah-ra-gee (gee as in "Gee, so much fun!!" it sounds like the letter G, but I'm pretty sure jee sounds like g, too.) Is that really not how it's said?

    This is Panne, Nowi, and Cherche all over again with me. (Pa nay? No wee? Now ee? Church? Cherchie? Pannie? Pan? Chur chey?)

    i dont know my english anymore

    Kisaragi would be said as "Key-sah-RAH-gi" with the "G" as in get, not a "J" sound. All "G"s in Japanese use this sound.

    Nowi says her name in-game. It's "NO-wee". I say "SHER-cheh" for Cherche, but I don't know how it should be correctly.

  9. IDK, Depends? Religious people could be offended.

    I'm religious and I'm not offended whatsoever. Besides, it never stopped them from keeping the undertones in Severa and Kjelle's supports or any of the other select few in Awakening. There's nothing offensive about Foleo that I see them having to change.

  10. This is the strangest thing to me. They're moving mountains to simplify the Hoshidan names, presumably to make them more "pronounceable" but I'm still not sure how to say Kjelle or Tharja. I've heard them said 1000 different ways.

    I believe Kjelle is said as "Chell" or "Djell" (I was stupid enough to say "Kah-Jell" at first). I always thought Tharja was simply "THAR-jah", but now I think it was supposed to be more like her Japanese name and I've been calling her "THAR-yah" as of lately. No idea which is correct and I kinda flip flip between the two.

    My real question is Panne; I say "Payne/Pain" but I have no idea if it's right or nah.

  11. I feel like most of the names of the Nohrians will not be changed since most of them are Western. I suspect the Japanese names will either remain the same, or be shortened forms of their Japanese names. They know Hoshido is based on Japan and it would be silly to me to change their Japanese origins completely, which, so far, none of them have, so it's a good sign~

    The most changes I expect will probably be the kids and have them reference the English names of the Awakening characters in some way if they're one of the ones like Matoi, Gray, Syalla, etc.~

  12. "I know you are my cousin but I think of you as my sister let's bang"

    Uhhhhh I'm gonna chalk this one up to "cultural differences"

    Wait...so you can't bang your cousin, but if you think of them as your sister, that's better?

    Yeah..cultural difference, I'd say~

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