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  1. Okay, so... seriously. I just want to buy this: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=GOODS-00219159 But for the life of me I can't find it anywhere. I've had that page open since the day it went up and I check it every day but I have never seen it go live for orders. It seems weird to me that this would be so limited and/or desirable that the pre-orders would run out before I saw them go up. AND, by the look of it, it had a second run that I also never saw. I checked eBay and I can't find a single listing there either... Am I crazy? Does this exist? Does anyone have one? ...will you sell it to me? ;_;
  2. That's it. I think you've got it, Rezzy. After all his feet are royal too!
  3. Interesting. Yeah, I've heard of greaves but I can't say those little things ever made me think of them. I thought that was a term solely for armor that covers the shins. If it is indeed a buckle... Then I'm going to assume it is purely decorative, especially since it has no visible clasp. I find it hard to believe that someone like Marth would have boots that need so many straps and big buckle just to keep them adjusted to his leg. Wouldn't he have boots tailored to him? Mostly I just have a hard time imagining him dealing with such a contraption before a battle, but I guess he has people for that. XD Actually, now that I'm looking at some other pictures, that metal piece isn't always depicted attached to the straps. So it might be permanently attached to the vamp, and purely decorative. (and somewhat silly...) One last thought... Some of his newer designs have a sort of double spike shape on the top. (you can kinda see it in this picture) Could it be used offensively rather than defensively? I dunno... for kicking people... which seems like a very un-Marth thing to do. I'm probably wrong. ha ha ha
  4. Hello! I've been looking at Marth's outfit and for the life of me I don't know what to call the little things he wears on his boots. (see picture if you don't know what I'm talking about) They seem to be made of metal, and therefore some kind of armor, but I can't seem to find any real-world references to such a thing. My best assumption is that they are meant to protect one's feet in a fight. Y'know... like if someone tried to stomp on your foot or something. But I'm not actually sure if that makes sense? Anyone have a guess? Also, are all those straps on his boots just for holding those little metal things on? They seem to get strappier with every redesign, and I have no idea why. Are the straps useful? For this, or for something else? Just decorative? (so many questions raised by only his choice in footwear...) Thanks!
  5. Hi, umm... I have no idea if this is the right place to ask for this (sorry?), but I was wondering if anyone here would be able to help me get ahold of some sound files from Codename Steam. I've tried looking but I can only find music files. I'm also not terribly tech savvy, so I have no clue how to get them myself. Specifically, I need all the voice clips for Marth (in both English and Japanese). If someone can give me just those files that'd be great, but I also don't mind searching through a general sound dump if need be. (If you're curious... I may or may not be planning to make a Marth doll with a voicebox for a friend of mine. Shh...)
  6. Bad Dad dishonorable mention to King Cornelius for being outright abusive in the anime.
  7. I have OCD, and I get frustrated by this kind of thing all the time. For the most part people don't understand, and aren't really trying to... I think people would be less likely to say that they are "so OCD right now" if they understood it's not about being a neat freak and more about laying awake at night feeling afraid terrible things are going to happen to everything and everyone you care about, and your only recourse is to do something, ANYTHING, to try not to think about it. I don't have ADD, but I know it gets a similar bad rap from people not understanding what it actually is.
  8. Yay! I've been hoping you'd come back. You've done such a good job so far and I can't wait to try this out. :)
  9. Thanks for the prompt answers guys! @The Geek: Thanks. That's about what I imagined. Super Saiyan is right... I can't say I care for that crazy hair, not very 'Marth'. @Ritisa: Oh, it's real. And it's here to stay. (I have no idea when this happened actually...) Also, thanks? ha ha @autismoe: Interesting. I'm thinking this interpretation could make the game more appealing to me. @nocturnal YL: Congrats! Also, thanks, very helpful. I didn't read your second spoiler though (just in case). I think I know what I need now.
  10. Okay, so... I've been following this game since the first Nintendo Direct teaser. I'm pretty interested in getting it if/when it hits overseas. BUT the simple fact is that I've never played a SMT game and I'm actually not much of a Fire Emblem fan. (like... super casually a fan, I guess) To be blunt, I'm a big Marth fan, and him being in a game can be a selling point for me. (Codename STEAM, for example) I need to know if he's in this game, in any way shape or form... but I also don't want plot spoilers... I understand that my request is probably in direct contradiction with itself but, if I may, I want to pose a few questions. I ask that anyone with enough knowledge of the game answer them for me in as few (but factual) words as possible. If it's not related to Marth then don't spoil it for me please! (Thanks to anyone that takes the time... I feel like a massive dork right now...) First: Is Marth in this game? AT ALL, even a little. Yes or No. Second: If 'yes', then is it a large role or a phoning-it-in cameo appearance? Somewhere in-between? Third: If he's more than a cameo, is he good or evil? (I know this game has made some of the good guys into enemies) And is he playable or not playable? (like a Mirage? not that I have my hopes up...) Fourth: ...Is Itsuki actually Marth? Be honest with me. I can't help but wonder if this the trick up their sleeve. Is it ever implied? or straight up stated as a fact? (literally a reincarnation, or other plot magic) Finally: I've seen a picture of some kind of Marth outfit for Itsuki, but I don't know any details. Is it actually supposed to be Marth? And is it plot important or just a visual change? (I'll admit this is my basis for the previous question...) Give it to me straight. I'd rather you break my heart now than wait till I've spent sixty dollars on a game he's not in.
  11. +1 to Sokloeum for being very prompt and helpful. :D
  12. I was hoping someone might be willing to sell or trade me one of the Promo Marth cards. (P01-003PR, I think?) The only cards I have to offer are: B01-024HN (Nabarl) and S01-004ST (Ogma) I also have an Elice card, but I'm a little more reluctant to give it up...
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