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James Bond

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Status Replies posted by James Bond

  1. I got a name change. I'm still me though.

  2. I got a name change. I'm still me though.

  3. is home alone for a month!!!

  4. I Am The Last Thracian!! Fear Me!!

  5. is home alone for a month!!!

  6. I Am The Last Thracian!! Fear Me!!

  7. I Am The Last Thracian!! Fear Me!!

  8. is a good boi

  9. is a good boi

  10. is a good boi

  11. FFX LuluXAuron Y/N?

  12. can't understand why everything goes wrong:(

  13. can't understand why everything goes wrong:(

  14. can't understand why everything goes wrong:(

  15. will melt you all. Fear the power of Nuclear Fusion!

  16. is disappointed...

  17. is disappointed...

  18. is home alone!

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