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Everything posted by Jayvee94

  1. I believe that's one of the Generic Axe Heavy Armor animation for a Combat Art.
  2. Let's just say you're still at the planning stage of doing the paralogue and you're on normal mode.
  3. What do you do when you know you have to deploy an under-trained unit on a paralogue?
  4. I've noticed that some animations are set apart from the others. Here's the list (hidden for length): Please verify and correct me if I'm wrong and if I miss anything
  5. I'm not sure if this is gonna be big enough for it's own thread. What would be each unit's personality type?
  6. The way I see Crusher (Annette's) and Blutgang (Marianne's) (both magic weapons) is that you've probably gonna use them exclusively for their Combat Arts.
  7. Magic users can't use gauntlets, despite being infantry.
  8. Excuse me, what? Can you screen cap? Can anyone confirm?
  9. @Von Ithipathachai has compiled his class recommendations on his thread. It's all in this link.
  10. Cavalier!Lorenz Hermann Gloucester is our best example. However, he could be heavily reliant on Arrow of Indra or a magic based combat art.
  11. About Cyril, according to this link, he joins at chapter 5 with exceptions. So, it may not be too late for him. Also, his canon class is Wyvern Rider. Edit. Wyvern rider is ALSO Petra's canon class.
  12. Looking at the forge paths. Had anyone really tried to upgrade existing weapons instead of buying the same in the armory? IE. Hand Axe to Short Axe Also, has anyone actually needed a longbow? Do we have decent candidates for magic weapons?
  13. What's do special about the weapons of Zoltan compared to your usual weaponry?
  14. Come to think of it, we don't have some serious builds yet because we don't have lunatic yet.
  15. What are the abilities you equipped them with?
  16. Hi, I'm starting this thread for us to discuss the best way to build your Army. (making the hardest possible difficulty easier). Here are the guidelines: Pick a Route to build on Pick up to 15 units (including adjutants) and indicate their class lines. Pick 5 abilities for each units Defend/Justify your build and if your justification involve spoilers please include them in a spoiler tag. A word of warning: "I'm right; you're wrong" arguments will be called out.
  17. I'm planning to make a "best team" thread in the future but I need one info. What is the maximum number of units a map has ever allowed to be deployed (with or without adjutants)?
  18. Do students, recruited in their final month possible, come in an advanced classes? What sets apart the Saint Weapons from Hero's Relics? Can anyone confirm that Maces and Hand Axes share the same victory animation as Swords?
  19. Magic has weight in this game but not as much as weapons.
  20. Among the weapons of Zoltan. Why is the Axe the only one with an effective bonus?
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