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Eden Agleam

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Posts posted by Eden Agleam

  1. Would it be possible for Neimi to be a nomad (The FE7 class)? And maybe give her a personal bow with the brave effect and 8 might, but -5 speed. 


    Even if you can't do the other things, can you change her bases to
    HP: 18, STR: 7, SKL: 8, SPD: 4, LCK: 10, DEF: 3, RES: 6

    And her growths to

    HP: 65, STR: 45, SKL: 60, SPD: 35, LCK: 100, DEF: 25, RES: 45


  2. I believe that the GBA system is the best both for its simplicity, but also its capability for depth. The problem with the GBA system was that magic wasn't differentiated enough to justify using a variety of mages. Most mages have high resistance, the same ranges, access to staves, and similar stats, so tome differentiation was non-existent. The simplest way to legitimize the magic triangle is to drastically differentiate both mage classes and tomes themselves. Why do all mage classes need high resistance? Not all physical classes have high defense. Furthermore, give each tome style interesting concepts or niches.

    Dark magic could be similar to Gaiden/SOV magic, with a health cost in exchange for a variety of effects. Anima magic could still have the three elemental tome types with different ranges and mights. And I'm not talking a 1-3 might difference. Give the different tome types drastically differing roles. Let fire be melee magic, with close range and normal mights. Give wind 1-3 range, but super low might. Give Thunder a boatload of might, but lock it to 4-range with a steep speed penalty. And finally, let light magic be the normal magic type.

    The magic triangle doesn’t work because mages all have the same ranges with similar stat lines. If they aren’t differentiated totally, then the DS system is superior.

  3. For a golden ending to work in the context of Fates, Revelations must bring with it a legitimate amount of hardship to make the good worth it. Furthermore, the ending can't be so golden that Birthright and Conquest seem like pointless options. Finally, there needs to be some consequence for Corrin; in each route, there is a legitimate consequence for either choice by Corrin, yet there seems to be none in Revelations. Of course, this is reliant on the other routes being revised to be a more solid story as well. 


  4. Do people really hate a particular game in this series so much to spill such vitriol? Even the games I don't like very much I see some merit, and I can't say I genuinely hate any game. But that's just me. 

    On topic, however, I do agree that Genealogy does need some refinement. While the large maps is one problem, I don't believe that their removal is wholly necessary to fix the game's poor pacing. One way to do this is to break the maps up by chapter events, but still on the large maps. For example, the Prologue can be divided into two chapters on the large map that has a break at the first castle. One way to look at it is to see PoR  Chapter 17, Day Breaks, although my proposal would allow all of the castle functions before each chapter, and use of the castles during the encounter. That way, the large maps can be preserved while streamlining the game's content and allowing the game to be played in more manageable chunks. 

    Furthermore, large maps should not have so many empty spaces (content wise). If normal sized Fire Emblem maps get criticized for too little content, Genealogy has it the worst. Fill the map with events, conversations, and interesting encounters. Not everything as to be rush to the villages and maybe grab a castle. The content should be clear enough to get, and hints are always appreciated. 

    Gameplay-wise, I'm less sure about how I'd like to see changes. Pursuit, for example, makes certain units just straight better than others. Yet, I prefer when nits have defined niches that make them worth using despite lacking brute fighting capability. In that way, I would prefer that the weaker Be diversified in the way Thracia is known for. Each character is largely defined by their skills and Prf weapons, making most characters have some viable reason to be used. I also believe that the weapons need to be more fairly balanced, because Every non-sword, non-wind, weapons kind of suck. 

    The Love system also needs to be reworked, but it mostly just needs some transparency and a bit of speed up. Just add another screen to the stat menu, like the holy blood chart. Also, give each romance some story; like, at set romance values (100, 250, etc.) give the pair a conversation. It would add more characterization and give couples depth beyond stats. 

  5. Radiant Dawn has a variety of problems associated with the multiple armies. Certain armies either lack a sufficient enough experience to keep everyone relevant for choosing by the tower, while others literally have too little chapters to be used. Furthermore, there's some solid distances between the game's great characters and the game's awful characters. 

    Part 1:

    The Dawn Brigade in General: Their chapters are lacking in enough experience to give around, which leads to situations where everyone turns out sucking because you tried to use a full team. This could be fixed by bumping the experience totals for Part one and bumping their bases to encourage promoting early. 

    Micaiah: Her stats are super lopsided, but there's nothing wrong with that. What is a problem is that her caps absolutely suck for Tier 2 and Tier 3. If she's supposed to be a nuke, give her the caps to do so. It makes no sense for the slowest mage to have the highest speed cap. She could reasonably have her magic cap bumped to 50 and it wouldn't break the game considering she hits like once.  Also, bump her base speed by 1 and her growth by 10 to lightly assist in the early game. Also, improve Rexaura give her Creiddlydad. 

    Sothe: He could do with a bump in his Tier 2 and 3 Strength caps. 40 speed means nothing when you have a 28 strength cap. Also, if he was to stay forced in the tower, give him a Prf dagger to free up Baselard for those who want to use Heather or Volke. 

    Edward: I don't think he's too bad; he's pretty good when used. Problem is that Zihark and Mia do similar without any extra effort. Maybe make him a bit bulkier to give him a niche from the other Trueblades. 

    Leonardo: This guy lacks both Strength and Speed and is replaced by Skill and Resistance. If he was meant to be a mage killer, give him all the way to do this. His Resistance growth and caps should be better at all tiers; if his strength should stay low, he could have improved speed and specialize in crossbows to deal with squishy mages. It would at least give him something to differentiate him from Rolf and Shinon. 

    Nolan: Actually, he's pretty good. I like that he's a bit more tanky and accurate compared to Boyd. He's solid. 

    Laura: BUFF STAFF EXP. She actually has good growths. Also, maybe bump her Tier 3 Speed cap so she can be the faster counterpart to Rhys. 

    Aran: Um, he's okay? He could maybe have a bit better bases so he is more initially usable. Nephennee has a bit of a lead on him in usability. 

    Ilyana: She has okay bases, but her growths and speed caps suck so hard. Furthermore, Thunder Magic sucks to high heaven. Just improve all Thunder Magic and maybe lower her base level to help her out. And maybe improve one of her primary growths. 

    Meg: Okay, we need to give this girl a total makeover. Firstly, I don't have a problem with her niche: a quicker, more resistant armor knight. My problem is that they didn't even try. Buff her strength and defense growths so they are usable (they don't need to be comparable to the other knight). Next, give her a solid +3 across the board. Bump her Resistance caps to be much higher than they are (maybe switch her defense and resistance). Finally, give her celerity: if she's the fast knight, make her the quick knight too. Also, Bump her weapon rank a bit. 

    Jill, Zihark, and Tauraneo: Honestly, they're great. If anything, the Taur needs a nerf. 

    Tormod and Gang: Availability. This is literally it. If they could be used at all in Part three, they'd be good. 

    Nailah: Already too good. 

    Rafiel: He's fine; low movement in exchange for 4 galdr. maybe a bump to res and speed so he can take a mage hit. 

    And that's Part 1 and I'm tired. 

  6. I guess for me, my favorite lords would be either Micaiah or Chrom.

    Micaiah has the acclaim of being actively flawed, and while many find her unlikable, I happen to love her. Her disdain for Ike, her faith in Daein, and her journey as she becomes Daein's hero, falls from grace, and must fight for her homeland is all really interesting to me. I also really like her design, both as a character and a unit. Red suits her really well, and I love the idea of a mage lord (I don't even mind the slow speed, if her other stats were a bit better). 

    My favor for Chrom is odd, as much of it is due to Warriors. I find his supports, especially his one for Robin humanizing, and I like that he is aware that he is not a great leader. While he is a good warrior and commander, he fails hard at political leadership, a trait (he feels) is better in Emmeryn; thus, he never believed he would have to rule. Also, his relationship with Robin is strong (better for M!Robin than female, but F!Robin has poorer supports overall) and I wish the games played their relationship up more. 

    Special shout out to Ike, who would replace Chrom if Radiant Dawn didn't exist. That game does such a disservice to Ike; I get that his character arc finished with Path of Radiance, but why did they decide the best thing to do was to give him no character? Not only that, he takes part 3, which could have been a really interesting struggle between Micaiah, Sanaki, Elincia, and Skrimir into the Ike Show ft. Ranulf. Also, Part 4 makes him seem like blue Jesus, which is kind of lame; why does he have to kill Ashera (in gameplay, at least)? Just play the cutscene despite whoever gives the killing blow. 

    My least favorite lord is probably Corrin, but it is less to do with what the character is, but what he could have been. They are a bundle of interesting ideas that are not used in the slightest. I mean, just think about it: a young royal, raised in a morally questionable nation believing they are part of that royal family, who is actually the royal of a different country, who is also a descendant of a dragon? They could have been one of the most interesting characters in Fire Emblem if done well, but ultimately became the mess they are known as now. 

  7. Honestly, I'd just buff their movement up to normal infantry pace. Their low movement makes their tanking take far too much time than what they're worth. If they could keep up with the rest of the cast, they would be able to have a decent niche. 

    Also, I believe enemy and unit variety would help quite a bit. An even balance of physical and magical enemies, defense and res tanks for both physical and magical units, and a stronger weapon triangle could assist them in tanking. Also, raise offensive values for both enemy and allies alike and health, so the ability to take a few hits becomes important to function. 

    Just a few ideas though. 

  8. Ever since the announcement of Fates, Takumi was my favorite of the royals despite everything being his fault. As such, he is going to be my first husband, and I want to do my best to be the best power wife. Are their any glaring flaws he has, and how should I go to cover them? Asset/Flaw? Secondary Class? I need to know!

    Also, Kisaragi is, in fact a thing, and I'll be the archest of mothers. What skill should I give him, and which hair color makes him look the least bad?

    Please and thank you.

  9. I only ask this because I've heard some... less than stellar things from Hinata's performance. This worried me, as he is my planned Hoshido husband [because cute face + softcore bara body]. After some careful consideration, I think I have an idea of what I'll do with him, but I'd like some input.

    Firstly, his growth rates: (Sorry about the size...)


    With these growths, he's assured a good strength and defense growth, and meh everything else. This is especially annoying, as his base is a samurai, a speedy class.

    My idea was to pick the knight as my MU secondary class, so I could marry seal it off to Hinata. Then, he could get the General skill Defensive formation, assuring he doesn't have to worry about being doubled. In the end, he'd be a weapon master or a blacksmith, depending on whichever would be better.

    Any suggestions? Also, what asset/flaw should I pick to optimize Hisame and Kanna? [Also, what hair color makes Hisame not look dumb?]

  10. So, I have this problem where I will use any character I like, regardless of how bad they are. It really is unfortunate, but I can't help it. Which made chapter 8 of FE6 quite the experience. What happened, you may ask?

    A travesty.

    So, I decided I wanted to use Wendy. You all know thew one. now Wendy, for lack of beter words, is about as capable as a wet piece of toilet paper upon recruitment. And I'll say, I spent many a retry to keep her alive, I really did. Not to mention general problems [Cath stealing precious weapons].

    Wendy entered the map as a level 1 unit.

    She left a level one unit.

    A general.

    After an hour and a half of grinding, I made her usable. Not good; usable.

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