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Everything posted by Daiya

  1. I'm not a human, does that make me an exception?
  2. I should probably fill the void in my signature. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/912/633/b42.png I don't really have any specifications.
  3. Banned for not liking fedoras.
  4. Should know that it'd probably be worth it.
  5. I tip the scales every month or so, it brings good income.What game are you looking forward to this year that doesn't start with 'f'?
  6. Banned for not saying irony If there were no restrictions on your career choice, what would it be?
  7. Welcome, and have a nice time
  8. Likely isn't on a ship that'll sink in 9 hours.
  9. Banned for having a Takumi badge.
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