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Everything posted by TheLeviathan

  1. Harold x Pieri is probably my least favorite support in the game, at least relative to what I was expecting. I thought it would be one of their best support convos, I pictured it being like Harold trying to get Pieri to stop being bloodthirsty or whatever, give a speech kinda like in his Belka support, and then Pieri explaining why she acts how she does, give her backstory, like in her Lazwald support. What it really is a filler-ass-filler support with Pieri's clothes being too small and having Harold fetch new ones. On the other hand, I thought Odin x Pieri was pretty good. I didn't really know what to expect from Aqua x Elise, but it was great.
  2. If they can even support, I think Midoriko and Lutz's would be nice. Both have very few supports translated and they have the whole Luck thing going on.
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