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Redthir Jerdisheim

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  1. The point you raise is very true. I was factoring it more on maturity levels, and Rebecca is undoubtedly the more mature of them. J types appear more mature than P types - Rebecca I would guess to be ESTJ, as shown above. Nino I reckon is probably a P of some sort - INFPs are the idealists; seems like a very likely choice. Also, I'm inclined to believe now that Guy is more ISTP than INTP.
  2. Typing some of the Black Fang: Limstella - ISTJ Lloyd - INFJ Linus - ESFJ Brendan - Don't remember him well enough - I'll need to play it again. Ursula - INTJ (Very strong Judging preference) Sonia - ENFP Jerme - ESTP Pascal - ESFP Kenneth - Never got his map. Uhai - INFx Nergal - INFJ Not sure about Darin - I'll think about this and something may come to mind.
  3. Seems to me that socionics ESTp is rather different from Myers Briggs ESTP. Pretty much the textbook MB ESTP would be Sonic the Hedgehog, or Rainbow Dash (Friendship is Magic), whom although flawed, definitely aren't villainous.
  4. Lyndis: Somewhat difficult to type; despite receiving more character development than 90% of the cast, no traits very cleanly jump out at us. She has a well-put-together tribal aesthetic, but one of the issues with typecasting in Fire Emblem is that unless the character is meant to portray a stereotypical example of someone (i.e. the archetypal absentminded professor type who wears really ridiculous clothes and doesn't realize it's an issue), all of the characters appear to have a strong sense of aesthetics, owing to the fact that they were all designed by people who have a strong sense of aesthetics themselves. She's a very straightforward individual who explicitly dislikes the mystique and mystery meant to surround a noblewoman in Elibe, so I don't think she's an ISFp -- their trademark behavior is to try to make themselves seem mysterious to other individuals. I think she is an ESTj. (MBTI: ESTJ) Firstly, you mention the whole idea of the absent-minded professor. Just thought I'd comment that they're nearly always INTPs. Back on topic, going to Lyn, she seems to me like an F; she can be seriously irrational at times, which is not something I'd associate with ESTJs. As for I/E, it's difficult to tell - she seems introverted, but she's quite extroverted as far as introverts go (vice-versa if you see her as an extrovert.) As for P, I thought this because she seems rather prone to changing her mind (Nils and Ninian), and seems to be on an evergoing journey to find herself. There is a point however, in that she honors tradition, which implies J. I guess a real question here would be: where did she get her moral code from? Is it hers (P), or is it from her tribe (J)? Bartre: Bartre is also easy to type, owing to being arguably the most blatant stereotypical RPG character in the game. He's the token stupid fighter who cares about his friends and is willing to fight to protect them. He's best identified as an ISFj, though the ESFp is also a potentially valid type; his weakness in logic makes the ESFp a more viable pick, but the ESFp tends to have leadership aspirations, where the ISFj is typically satisfied protecting and helping friends and family in a less grandiose setting; Bartre fits the latter description to a T. (MBTI: ISFP / ESFP) I really don't see Bartre as any sort of I. Dorcas even lampshades the fact that he speaks too much, which seems very E to me. T/F, however, does raise a question. ESFP isn't something I'd rule out, although ESTP still seems plausible to me. Hector: Hector gets enough development to make typing not a big issue. He's actually very similar to Raven; at several points he exhibits an irrational mistrust of individuals (notably ex-Black Fang members) not shared by the other Lords and main characters, and he is also a very powerful personality capable of intimidating people into giving him what he wants. The key difference is that he avoids using that power when he doesn't absolutely need to use it. Hector could also be an ISFj or ESFp -- it's hard to decide precisely which, but he is certainly one of those two. I personally think ISFj, given his interactions with the other Lords, but either one could be argued reasonably well. (MBTI: ISFP / ESFP) Much like Lyn, I/E is tricky here. I'd say that Eliwood is the only definite introvert among the lords. Hector is brash and can be aggressive. He's often unintentionally insensitive, and can be a little cold. That doesn't seem like an ESFP characteristic, who is very open and playful. I don't think he's an F, I'd still say he's ESTP. Farina: I'm completely convinced she's an ESFj. The ESFj typically has a strong aesthetic sense and very much desires an environment of relative luxury and comfort; though they're not as blatantly money-obsessed as Farina is, the fundamental drive is still there. The ESFj is also prone to bouts of melodrama that are very obviously not in line with reality (see Farina x Hector B support), and have a tendency to address people somewhat rudely in a playful manner without regard for social convention (see her hiring conversation with Hector, where she nonchalantly calls the Marquess-in-waiting of Ostia, a Lord with a powerful army and her soon-to-be employer "you, with the grim face" as her introduction). (MBTI: ESFJ) Are you sure? Perhaps I'm very much mistaken, but the disregarding of social convention seems very P to me. Possibly she's not ENTP - I'll trust you on this one. Dart: Hard to type, he frankly doesn't have much of a personality to work with. A shame, because he's one of my favorite characters, and has a lot of potential development. I'm going to take a stab at it and say ESFp. Can't really give a solid justification as to why. (MBTI: ESFP) Dart's very lively, much like all ExxP types. He definitely doesn't seem like an N, so ESFP seems plausible - moreso than my suggestion of ISTP. Karel: Like Dart, we're not given much. Okay, so he's a psychopath, great story devs, doesn't help us. I'm going with ESTp here, because he obsesses over power and being able to dominate others, and has absolutely no concern for how others feel about it -- the textbook strength and textbook weakness of the ESTp personality. (MBTI: ESTP) I don't think he's ESTP. ESTPs do like power, but they're usually very lively and fun despite this. Interesting how you suggest the theoretically most different type to what I suggested (INFJ.) Karel seems to me like someone with an above and slightly spiritual presence (a common trait in xNFJs). He's too reserved to be an E, in my opinion. S/N, I was grasping at straws a little here, but S types are usually far more down to earth. T/F, he really doesn't seem like INTJ or INTP, so that makes him F by default. J/P, again, his reserved presence seems far more J than P (I always think of Ps as being more forward, even if they're very introverted.)
  5. ISTP does sound plausible actually. I think I'll agree with you. In fact, he seems much more ISTP than Dart, although I wouldn't rule out Dart being ISTP. Also, just looking at Farina's conversations: she seems very ENTP (maybe ESTP, but I don't think so.) Karel seems like an INFJ.
  6. I had Hector listed as ESxP, but that x indicates it's in the middle. Truth be told, now that I think about it more, I see much more ESTP than ESFP in him. Let's see, what would Raven be? Definitely some sort of introvert. Sensing or intuition, difficult to tell - I'll say he's in the middle. I would guess Feeling rather than Thinking, but then he holds the feelings of others in serious disregard. Judging vs Perceiving, on one hand he seems a bit meandery, on the other he seems absolutely certain on what he wants to do. I haven't a clue what Raven is.
  7. I'd like to thank you, actually. Everything you've said points to me being reasonably accurate, which is really overjoying.
  8. It's a typology system that divides everyone into 16 types. These types are determined through a series of preferences: Extroversion (E)/Introversion (I) Sensing (S)/iNtuition (N) Thinking (T)/Feeling (F) Judging (J)/Perceiving (P) So an ESTJ would be Extroversion Sensing Thinking Judging. Extroversion vs Introversion is generally how one recharges their energy: Introverts recharge by being alone, and are generally much quieter than extroverts. Extroverts are usually much more people oriented. Sensing vs Intuition is how one takes in information: Those with a Sensing preference will look at the concrete information, using their five senses. Intuitives in contrast take in information through a sixth sense, and prefer the abstract. They're very theoretical. Thinking vs Feeling is the decision making process: Thinking is rational, practical and cold, whilst Feeling is oriented around your emotions and other people. Pretty much nobody uses only one or the other, but everyone will use one more than the other. Judging vs Perceiving is all about lifestyle. Judging types prefer a stable and structured lifestyle, whilst Perceiving types prefer an open and flexible lifestyle. Generally, Judging types are more orderly. There are tests to find out which type you are; I won't post any of them here, but they can be found. Also, there's general traits for people of each type: ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller (very practical and orderly, very rarely not lawful.) ISFJ - The Nurturer (values peace and harmony, generally very soft.) INFJ - The Mentor (often spiritual, generally have a somewhat god-like presence, though there are exceptions) INTJ - The Scientist (practical and efficient, extremely organised.) ISTP - The Mechanic (physically oriented, practical and adrenaline-loving. Dislike rules.) ISFP - The Artist (very in-tune with nature, usually soft, though edgier than ISFJs.) INFP - The Idealist (usually seeks constant self-improvement and are determined to bring their ideal vision upon the world.) INTP - The Thinker ("absent minded professor," constant theorists who constantly seek knowledge.) ESTP - The Doer (action-oriented, straight shooting and generally rather wild.) ESFP - The Performer (people-oriented, the life of a party and easygoing.) ENFP - The Inspirer (very in-tune with people, more than the other types, but often a little out of touch with reality.) ENTP - The Visionary (quick-witted, generally very good comedians but also firm advocates of reason.) ESTJ - The Guardian (conservative, duty oriented, but with a good sense of fun underneath.) ESFJ - The Caregiver (stable, people-oriented, seeks affection but returns just as much.) ENFJ - The Giver (generous, warm and determined to bring out the best in others.) ENTJ - The Executive (charismatic, efficient, strong, and does what needs to be done.) These are rough overviews, and some of what I've said may be inaccurate.
  9. I realize I forgot a few units: Fiora - ENTJ? Farina - Can't remember Karla - Can't remember
  10. This is what I think: Lyn - ISFP Sain - ESFP Kent - IxTJ Florina - ISFJ Wil - ESFJ Dorcas - ISTx (leaning towards J but not sure) Serra - ENFP Erk - INTP Rath - INFJ Matthew - ENTP Nils - (Being that he's a child, I don't think typing him is fair.) Lucius - INFP Wallace - ESTJ Eliwood - INFP Marcus - INTJ Lowen - ESFJ Rebecca - ESTJ Bartre - ESTP Hector - ESxP Oswin - ISTJ Guy - INTP Priscilla - INFP Canas - INTP Dart - ISTP Legault - ENFJ? (Really not sure on this one) Ninian - INFJ Isadora - ISFJ Heath - INFP Hawkeye - INTJ Geitz - ?S?P Pent - INTJ Louise - ENFJ Harken - ISTP Karel - Never recruited him. Nino - Too young to type. Jaffar - INTJ Vaida - ESTJ Renault - INFx Those of you who're familiar with Myers Briggs, please feel free to disagree with me. I don't believe that this game has any recruitable ENTJs; perhaps someone can prove me wrong.
  11. A pony run? Awww yeah! Well, I really want to hear more, ummm, if that's okay with you.
  12. I remember bringing Ilyana to the endgame and I was really surprised by how good she turned out.
  13. I have done Arena abuse. I've basically cheated. Being that I'm on Chapter 20 right now abusing the arena, I should probably quickly end the chapter. Even if I got a very strange team: Rebecca and Wil both want the Orion's Bolt Bartre and Guy both want the Hero Crest (I don't have a thief with me to steal Oleg's) Erk wants the Guiding Ring but he's only level 9 Ninian cannot promote The Random name generator gave me both Hector and Lyn. The remaining 2 slots were unused.
  14. Chapter 16x - For this chapter I chose completely random units - Eliwood Oswin Raven Guy Lucius Erk Kent Lowen Matthew No healers! Chapter 17 (this one made me laugh) - Eliwood Sain Matthew (Had him every chapter now) Florina Lowen Marcus Lucius Kent (All my cavalry!) Canas No healers for the second time in a row. Chapter 18 - Eliwood Sain Hector Priscilla Wil Kent Lowen Bartre (finally a Fighter) Marcus (All my cavalry again!) Matthew Chapter 18x - Eliwood Canas Lowen Oswin Lucius Wil Hector Erk Priscilla Guy Chapter 19 - All 3 Lords Lowen Rebecca Florina Erk Marcus Serra Priscilla Dart Sain Raven About to start chapter 19, this team looks like a fun team!
  15. If it becomes too easy then I will get rid some of 1 or 2 slots and not use them. I didn't use 2 units on each of those chapters because the maxed out unit slot forces you to ditch 2 units. I'm now on Chapter 15 which is the first chapter that you have to ditch some units. I'll ditch 4 instead of 2, especially since I get reinforcements (Lyn's party). Alright: Eliwood Hector Serra Oswin Guy Erk Rebecca Marcus Matthew Didn't get either of my fighters. No Lowen and no Priscilla. I probably won't use Marcus much either. Begin! My units seem to be absolutely insane in general on this playthrough. Lyn (Level 12) - HP - 29 (She did get an angelic robe) Strength - 11 Skill - 16 Speed - 17 Defence - 5 Res - 3 Pretty sure that's way above average for her. Oswin (Level 13) - HP - 32 Strength - 17 Skill - 11 Speed - 8 Luck - 5 Defence - 16 Resistance - 4 Guy (Level 8) - HP - 26 Strength - 9 Skill - 12 Speed - 13 Luck - 8 Defence - 5 Resistance - 1 Rebecca (Level 5) - Strength - 8 Skill - 8 Speed - 9 Luck - 6 Defence - 3 Resistance - 2 My Sain is between levels 8 and 10. He has 10 Defence, which is very high for him. Everyone else is average. After Erk got killed, his stats were reset to his Level 1 stats. I was rather happy about this, since his stats aren't changed by much. My Chapter 16 team is nearly the same as chapter 15 - All 3 Lords Oswin Rebecca Wil Marcus Guy Serra Priscilla Matthew I didn't get any cavalry besides Marcus?????
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