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Posts posted by CyborgZeta

  1. I'm really, really hoping it's a democrat win because the idea of a Trump/Pence win honestly scares the hell out of me and I don't want to have to flee the country

    I wish I could flee the country.

    But alas, moving to another country is hard. So I'm stuck here in the US, for better or worse.

  2. Trump is the one who wants to jail political opponents

    Unless the transcript I read was mistaken, I'm pretty sure the response was, "If I was President, you'd be in jail over your emails".

    He didn't say he'd jail her because she's his opponent, but because she committed a federal crime.

  3. At this point, I don't think the Brexit comparison really holds water with Trump anymore.

    Say you will about Nigel Farage, but he and the Leave campaign knew how to make their case to people. Farage has also had tons of crap thrown at him, but handled it much better than Trump.

    The so called populist uprising that is supposedly gripping the West right now...at this point, I'd say it's just a European thing. The different demographic situation in Europe lends itself better to populism. The more diverse population in the US, along with politics being sharply divided among racial lines, makes it harder for an equivalent populist campaign in the US to take power.

    Perhaps the right person could've enabled populism to prevail in the US; but Trump was the wrong person to choose as their messenger. At best, this election might just leave a "wound" on US politics.

  4. I would consider a third-party, if it came down to it. For this election, it's pretty much anybody but Hillary for me.

    Hillary's foreign policy frightens me; especially since I have friends in the military who would be the ones fighting wherever she decides to intervene. The issue with the emails also angers me, since I have experience working for the government, in addition to the rest of my family. Anyone who did what she did would've been severely punished (especially if you're in the military, enjoy being tried under the UCMJ), their security clearance revoked, and would be unlikely to get a government job in the future. To me, that sets a dangerous precedence.

  5. Question: Has Trump in your opinion had any moderators that have not been confrontational towards him?

    As for the ones you suggest... Those all seem rather loaded questions tbh, and mostly rehash topics that have already been discussed or have little to do with policies as far as I am aware? So I am not sure what they would have added to the debate?

    No, and I don't think it excuses it here either.

    Also, considering this election is getting into whether someone has the personal qualities to be President, issues like her emails bring up questions about Hillary. Back in the Commander-in-Chief forum, there was a veteran who pointed out that if someone like him, who had a security clearance, had done what she had done then he would've been prosecuted.

    Polls and surveys also show the email issue is actually important to voters.


    If you think some of the concerns (ignoring Benghazi, in case anyone gets the impression I believe that's an issue) I mentioned are loaded questions or right-wing conspiracies, well that's up to you. If the recent polling is accurate, then they must be pretty strong right-wing conspiracies for Hillary's position in state polls to have dropped as much as they have.

  6. I didn't hear any mention of Benghazi or Libya, myself. When talking about Hillary's foreign policy record, no one brought up her advocacy for the intervention in Libya.

    And by confrontational, I meant that Holt was bringing up past comments and things on Trump but asked nothing of Hillary. Whether it's about the emails, the Clinton Foundation, her pneumonia (specifically, how it plays into her lack of trust among voters), her mentioned advocacy for Libya, or even her basket of deplorables comment.

  7. A lot of rambling and talking points. Basically everything they say at their rallies, but this time to each others faces.

    Both sides' supporters will think their candidate won, and I suspect a lot of undecideds will still be undecided.

    Surprisingly no mention of Benghazi, Libya, or the Trump/Clinton Foundations. Lester Holt was also much more confrontational with Trump than he was with Hillary; Trump might as well have been debating two people.

  8. The Trump campaign has said Ms. Flowers won't be at the debate, so let's see what happens.


    The commission overseeing the debates has said they do not want either side inviting people for the sake of trying to influence the debate in any way. Of course, Hillary's campaign is pretty clearly inviting certain people in an attempt to provoke Trump.

  9. One other thing to keep in mind:

    "Assange: I will not reveal the exact date but I can promise you this, I Will Bring Hillary Down Before The Debate Stage On September 26th."

    Soon we'll see if he can back up his talk.

    I doubt we'll see anything before next Monday, but I suspect we'll definitely see some stuff in October. That's the month where everything gets crazy.

    Whatever he's got, it better be good.

  10. Whether it's true or not isn't the point here, but why is it that being less educated and lacking a degree somehow diminishes one's opinion? I dislike Trump, but that sentiment feels somewhat elitist.

    Classism has always been a thing.

    I've noticed there's been a bit of "age elitism", or something like that, as well among millennials. In the wake of the Brexit vote, I remember seeing a few comments saying, "This goes to show old people shouldn't be allowed to vote".

    It is true that younger people will have to live with the consequences longer than the older generations; but I don't think class or age makes one's insight any less valid.

  11. I can post more when not on mobile, but being nice is only a starting point. In prospective mates, I also want someone who shares interests with me and has a compatible personality.

    I agree with this.

    Being nice by itself is, well, nice; but niceness alone isn't enough to warrant special attention. At least from my perspective.

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